tyrant flycatchers (
Tyrannidae) occur throughout North and South America. They are now considered the largest family of birds on Earth, with around 400 species. As could be expected from
a family this large, the members vary greatly in habitat, shape, patterns and colors. Some Tyrant flycatchers superficially resemble the
Old World flycatchers. Most, but not all, are rather plain, and
many have erectile crests. Most are insectivorous, but some will eat fruit or small vertebrates.
Tyrannidae family is presented in these web pages:
Tyrants, Black-Tyrants, Tit-Tyrants 2)
Pygmy Tyrants, Tody-Flycatchers, Tody-Tyrants
Tyrants, Bush-Tyrants, Chat-Tyrants, Ground-Tyrants, Shrike Tyrants; Monjitas
Tyrannulets 5)
Doradito, Elaenia, Tachuri
Flycatchers, Spadebills, Twistwings 7)
Flycatchers, Pewees, Phoebes
Flycatchers, Attilas, Flatbills, Sirystes 9)
Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Kiskadees
Flycatchers, Attilas, Flatbills, Mourners, Sirystes
Genus Attila
The Attila are tropical birds with large heads and hooked bills. Their aggressive nature leads to their Attila (the Hun) name.
Attila,_Bright-rumped Attila spadiceus Found: Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil
Image by: 1)
Andres_Cuervo 2)
Nick Athanas - Costa Rica 3)
Dominic_Sherony - Belize 4)
Jorge_Montejo - Mexico
1) Bright-rumped Attila has two morphs.

Attila,_Cinnamon Attila cinnamomeus Found: Bolivia, Brazil and South American countries to the north
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Venezuela 2)
Vince Smith - Ecuador 3)

Attila,_Citron-bellied Attila citriniventris Found: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Eduardo_Carrion_Letort in Ecuador

Attila,_Dull-capped Attila bolivianus Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 2)

Attila, Gray-hooded Attila rufus Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Brazil
2, 3) Dario Sanches

Attila,_Ochraceous Attila torridus Found: mainly Ecuador; also Columbia, Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador
Genus Casiornis
Casiornis,_Ash-throated Casiornis fuscus Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Blake_Matheson 2)

Casiornis,_Rufous Casiornis rufus Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil Paraguay; vagrant to Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Brazil 2)
Bernard_Dupont 3)
Dario_Sanches - Brazil

Genus Deltarhynchus - 1 species
Flycatcher,_Flammulated Deltarhynchus flammulatus Found: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Stephen_Davies
2) Jerry_Oldenettel 3)

Genus Myiarchus
The Myiarchus flycatcers have brown / olive upperparts; gray and yellow underparts. Often the best way to identify
Myiarchus birds is by call. See
Sibley for calls of North American birds.
Flycatcher,_Apical Myiarchus apicalis Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas 2)
Ron_Knight 3)

Flycatcher,_Ash-throated Myiarchus cinerascens Found: arid west USA south to Costa Rica
Image by: 1)
Maggie Smith - California 2)
Docentjoyce 3)
Teddy Llovet - California 4)
TJ from AZ 5)
Brian Wridgway 6)
Becky_Matsubara - CA

Flycatcher,_Brown-crested Myiarchus tyrannulus Found: south Texas to South America
Image by:
1, 5) Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
VsmithUK - Mexico 6)
Claudio Timm - Argentina 3)
dfaulder - Belize
4, 7) Dick Daniels - Arizona

Flycatcher,_Dusky-capped Myiarchus tuberculifer Found: southwest USA to South America
Image by: 1)
Mdf 2)
Dick Daniels - Royal Palm Reserve, Negril, Jamaica
Jerry Oldenettel - Belize 4)
Len Blumin - Californina 5)
Barloventomagico - Venezuela 6)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Flycatcher,_Galapagos Myiarchus magnirostris Found: Galapagos
Image by:
1, 2) Sergey_Pisarevskiy 3)

Flycatcher,_Great Crested Myiarchus crinitus Found: southeast Canada to northwest South America.
Image by:
1, 4, 5, 7) Dick Daniels - North Carolina 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexico 3)
Amy Evenstad - Florida 6)
Dick - near Penonome, Panama

Flycatcher,_Grenada Myiarchus nugator Found: Granada and St. Vincent
Image by: 1)
dFaulder - Grenada 2)
Mark_Stevens - Grenada

Flycatcher,_La Sagra's Myiarchus sagrae Found: North America (Alabama, Florida: rare), Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Amy McAndrews - Cuba 2)
Blake Maybank - Cuba 3)
Carol Foil - Cuba

Flycatcher,_Lesser_Antillean Myiarchus oberi Found: West Indies
Image by: 1)
Charles_J_Sharp 2)
Don_Faulkner - West Indies

Flycatcher,_Nutting's Myiarchus nuttingi Found: Mexico to Costa Rica
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Mexico 2)
Amy_McAndrews - Mexico

Flycatcher,_Pale-edged Myiarchus cephalotes Found: Venezuela to Bolivia
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)
Alejandro_Tamayo 3)
David_Cook - Ecuador

Flycatcher,_Panama Myiarchus panamensis Found: Central and
South America
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Panama 2)
Franceso Veronesi - Panama 3)
Nick Athanas - Panama

Flycatcher,_Puerto_Rican Myiarchus antillarum Endemic to Puerto
Image by: 1)
New Jersy Birds 2)
Tim 3)

Flycatcher,_Rufous-tailed Myiarchus validus Found: Cayman Islands, Jamaica
Image by: 1)
Charles_J_Sharp - Jamaica 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Howard_and_Janet_Smith

Flycatcher,_Sad Myiarchus barbirostris Found: Jamaica
Image in Jamaica by:
1, 2, 4) Dick Daniels 3)
Dominic Sherony 5)
Ron Knight

Flycatcher,_Short-crested Myiarchus ferox Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cristiano Crolle - Esteros del Iberà, Argentina 2)
Hector Bottai 3)
Dario Sanches 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Flycatcher,_Sooty-crowned Myiarchus phaeocephalus Found: Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)
Lip_Kee - Ecuador

Flycatcher,_Stolid Myiarchus stolidus Found: Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Ron Knight

Flycatcher,_Swainson's Myiarchus swainsoni Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Claudi Timm - Brazil 2)
Aaron Maizlish - Brazil
3, 4) Barloventomagico - Venezuela

Flycatcher,_Venezuelan Myiarchus venezuelensis Found: Columbia, Tobago, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Venezuela 2)

Genus Ramphotrigon
Flatbill,_Dusky-tailed Ramphotrigon fuscicauda Found: mainly Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru; also Columbia
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Tor_Luiz_Matos in Brazil 2)

Flatbill,_Large-headed Ramphotrigon megacephalum Found: mainly Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia; also Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Sergio_Gregorio - Brazil 1)
_Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Sergio_Gregorio in Brazil 2)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil

Flatbill,_Rufous-tailed Ramphotrigon ruficauda Found: Brazil, Bolivia and all South American countries to the north
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Oscar_Johnson in Peru 2) Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Rhynchocyclus
Flatbill,_Eye-ringed Rhynchocyclus brevirostris Found: mainly Mexico, Central America; also Columbia
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Mexico 2)
Roberto González

Flatbill,_Fulvous-breasted Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus Found: Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia
Image by: 1)
ProAves Colombia 2)
Nick Athanas

Flatbill,_Olivaceous Rhynchocyclus olivaceus Found: South America
Image by: 1) José Loiza 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Panama

Flatbill,_Pacific Rhynchocyclus pacificus Found: Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Columbia
Genus Rhytipterna
Mourner,_Grayish Rhytipterna simplex Found: Bolivia, Brazil, and all South American countries to the north
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil

Mourner,_Pale-bellied Rhytipterna immunda Found: mainly Brazil, Venezuela; also Bolivia, Columbia, the Guianas
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Alexander_Lees in Brazil 2)
Nick_Athanas - Suriname

Mourner,_Rufous Rhytipterna holerythra Found: Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Panama 2, 3)
Nick Athanas -Ecuador

Genus Sirystes
The genus Sirystes used to contain just one species, but has been split into four species. They closely resemble each other and are seperated by vocalizations.
Sirystes,_Choco also Western Sirystes Sirystes albogriseus Found: Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Columbia
Sirystes,_Sibllant Sirystes sibilator Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 2)

Sirystes,_White-rumped Sirystes albocinereus Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Fernando_Angulo Jerry_Oldenettel