tyrant flycatchers (
Tyrannidae) occur throughout North and South America. They are now considered the largest family of birds on Earth, with around 400 species. As could be expected from
a family this large, the members vary greatly in habitat, shape, patterns and colors. Some Tyrant flycatchers superficially resemble the
Old World flycatchers. Most, but not all, are rather plain, and
many have erectile crests. Most are insectivorous, but some will eat fruit or small vertebrates.
Tyrannidae family is presented in these web pages:
Tyrants, Black-Tyrants, Tit-Tyrants 2)
Pygmy Tyrants, Tody-Flycatchers, Tody-Tyrants
Tyrants, Bush-Tyrants, Chat-Tyrants, Ground-Tyrants, Shrike Tyrants; Monjitas
Tyrannulets 5)
Doradito, Elaenia, Tachuri
Flycatchers, Spadebills, Twistwings 7)
Flycatchers, Pewees, Phoebes
Flycatchers, Attilas, Flatbills, Sirystes 9)
Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Kiskadees
Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Kiskadees
Genus Conopias
Flycatcher,_Lemon-browed Conopias cinchoneti Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi 2)

Flycatcher,_Three-striped Conopias trivirgatus Found:
South America
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Columbia 2)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil

Flycatcher,_White-ringed Conopias albovittatus Found: Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Columbia 2)
Caro Gmz - Costa Rica

Flycatcher,_Yellow-throated Conopias parvus Found: Bolivia, Brazil, and South American countries to the north
Image by: 1)
Genus Empidonomus
Empidonomus are medium sized tyrant flycatchers with relatively long, slender bodies, a long tail
Flycatcher,_Crowned_Slaty Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Argentina
3) Hector Bottai - Brazil

Flycatcher,_Variegated Empidonomus varius Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
Claudi Timm 3)
Barloventomagico - Venezuela 4)
Nick_Athanas - Brazil

Genus Legatus - 1 species
Flycatcher,_Piratic Legatus leucophaius Found: Mexico, Central America, South America
Image by: 1)
Carlos_Henrique 2)
Claudio_Timm 3)
Tony_Morris - Venezuela

Genus Megarhynchus - 1 species
Flycatcher,_Boat-billed Megarhynchus pitangua Found:
Central and South America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
Becky_Matsubara - Coasta Rica

Genus Myiodynastes
Flycatcher,_Baird's Myiodynastes bairdii Found: Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Peru 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Roger_Ahlman

Flycatcher,_Golden-bellied Myiodynastes hemichrysus Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Costa Rica 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Bruce_Stevens

Flycatcher,_Golden-crowned Myiodynastes chrysocephalus Found: mainly Venezuela to Bolivia; also Argentina
Image by: 1)
Lilac_Breasted_Roller - Ecuador 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador, Columbia 4)

Flycatcher,_Streaked Myiodynastes maculatus Found: Central America
and South America
Image by: 1)
dFaulder - Argentina
2, 3) Dario Sanches - Brazil 4) Patty McGann - Panama

Flycatcher,_Sulphur-bellied Myiodynastes luteiventris Found:
North America (Arizona, New Mexico), South America
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Amy McAndrews - Mexico 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexico 4)
Bird Brian 5)

Genus Myiozetetes
Flycatcher,_Dusky-chested Myiozetetes luteiventris Found: Bolivia, Brazil and South American countries to the north.
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Bruno_Renno
Flycatcher,_Gray-capped Myiozetetes granadensis Found: Central
and South America
Image by:
1, 2) Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica

Flycatcher,_Rusty-margined Myiozetetes cayanensis Found: Panama south to Bolivia and Brazil
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Panama 2)
Alejandro_Tamayo - Columbia 3)
Barloventomagico 4)
Felix_Uribe - Columbia

Flycatcher,_Social Myiozetetes similis Found: Central and South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dario Sanches in
Brazil 3)
Dick Daniels - Panama City, Panama 4) Dick -
Soberania National Park, Panama 5)
Becky_Matsubara - Costa Rica

Genus Onychorhynchus
Royal Flycatcher have a striking, colourful crest which is seen after mating, while preening, in courtship as well as being handled. Depending on the authority, the is one species in the genus with four subpecies or 4 species.
Flycatcher,_Northern Royal Onychorhynchus (coronatus) mexicanus Found: Central
America and northern South America
Image by: 1)
US Geological Survery 2)
Steve Garvie -
Santa Rosa NP, Guanacaste, Costa Rica 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - Belize

Genus Phelpsia - 1 species
Flycatcher,_White-bearded Phelpsia inornata Found: mainly Venezuela; also ColumbiaI
Image by:
1, 2) Barloventomagico - Venezuela

Genus Pitangus
Kiskadee, Great Pitangus sulphuratus Found: south central USA to South America
Image by:
1, 2) dFaulder - Buenos Aires, Argentina 3)
Dick Daniels - Boquette, Panama 4)
Elaine R Wilson - Martin Homestead
Refuge, Edinburg, Texas 5)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 6)
Cristiano Crolle - Esteros del Iberà, Argentina 7)
Pablo Leautaud - Mexico

Kiskadee, Lesser Pitangus lictor Found: Panama to South America
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Tambako - Brazil 3)
Danile Colombo - Brazil 4)
Dick Daniels -
Soberania National Park, Panama

Genus Tyrannus
Members of Tyrannus prefer semi-open or open areas. These birds wait on an exposed perch and then catch insects in flight. They have long pointed wings and large broad bills. These birds tend to defend their breeding territories aggressively, often chasing away much larger birds.
Flycatcher,_Fork-tailed Tyrannus savana Found:
North America (rare), South America
Image by:
1, 4) Dario Sanches -
Brazil 2) Claudio Timm - Brazil 3)
dFaulder - Ceibas area, Entre Rios, Argentina

Flycatcher,_Scissor-tailed Tyrannus forficatus Found: south central USA to South America
Image by:
6) Ken Slade - Texas
3) Dick Daniels -
National Aviary 4)
Gary Kramer of the USFWS
5) Sandy Cole National Aviay

Kingbird, Cassin's Tyrannus vociferans Found: west USA to Honduras
Image by: 1)
Davefoc - California 2)
Linda Tanner 3)
Jamie Chavez - California 4)
Pablo Leautard - Mexico 5)
Mike Baird - CA

Kingbird, Couch's Tyrannus couchii Found: south Texas to Guatemala and Belize
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Texas
2, 3, 4) Carol Foil - Belize
4) Note the seldom seen red crest

Kingbird, Eastern Tyrannus tyrannus Found: North America, South America
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - North Carolina 4)
Dawn Huczek

Kingbird, Giant Tyrannus cubensis Found: Cuba
Image by: 1)
Allan_Hopkins 2)
Dominic Sherony 3)
Laura Gooch - Cuba

Kingbird, Gray Tyrannus dominicensis Found: coastal southeast USA to Columbia and Venezuela, Caribbean
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Puerto Rico 4)
Dick - St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

Kingbird, Loggerhead Tyrannus caudifasciatus Found: Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Laura Gooch - Cuba
2, 3, 4)
Dick Daniels - Jamaica

Kingbird, Snowy-throated Tyrannus niveigularis Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Roger_Ahlman 2)
Richard Gibbons - Peru

Kingbird, Thick-billed Tyrannus crassirostris Found: sowthwest USA to Guatemala
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Arizona 2)
William_Levine 3, 4) Marcel Holyoak - Arizona and Mexico

Kingbird, Tropical Tyrannus melancholicus Found: The Americas
Image by: 1)
Bill Bouton - California 2)
Sanches - Brazil
dFaulder - Argentina
4, 6) Dick Daniels - Machu Piccu, Peru 5)
Wagner Lemes 7)
Dick - Panama City, Panama
6) Adult and juvenile

Kingbird, Western Tyrannus verticalis Found: North America
Image by: 1)
John and_Karen Hollingsworth of the US_Fish and Wildlife Service 2)
Tanner 3)
Jamie Chavez - California 4)
Ken Slade - Texas

Kingbird,_White-throated Tyrannus albogularis Found: South America - the Amazon Basin
Image by:
1, 2) Dario Sanches - Brazil 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Tyrannopsis - 1 species
Flycatcher,_Sulphury Tyrannopsis sulphurea Found: Bolivia, Brazil and South American countries to the north
Image by: 1)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil