BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Passerellidae family includes New World
New World sparrows, and
towhees. These species were formerly included in the Emberizidae faimiy which now only contains the Old World
buntings, They are small seed-eaters with a finch-like bill. In addition to seeds they also eat insects, especially when feeding their young. They build cup-shaped nests.
New World Brush-Finch
Order Passeriformes Family Passerellidae
Genus Atlapetes
Brush-finches (Atlapetes) are medium sized, long tailed sparrows; the plumage of most species is predominately gray or olive, and many species of brush-finch also have a contrasting color on the crown. Many have white malar stripes and dark throat stripes.
Finch, Apurimac Brush- Atlapetes forbesi Found: Peru
Image by:
1, 2) Fabrice Schmitt

Finch, Bay-crowned Brush- Atlapetes seebohmi Found: Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Roger Ahlman - Ecuador
Finch, Black-faced Brush- also
Gray-eared Brush-Finch Atlapetes melanolaemus Found: Bolivia, Peru
Image by: 1)
Carol Foil 2)
Francesco Veronesi

Finch, Black-spectacled Brush- Atlapetes melanopsis Found: Peru
Image by: 1)
Carlos Calle
Finch, Bolivian Brush- also
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch Atlapetes rufinucha Found: Bolivia, Peru
Image by: 1)
Orbigny 2, 3) Carol Foil

Finch,_Cuzco_Brush- Atlapetes canigenis Found: southeastern Peru
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Nick Athanas

Finch, Dusky-headed Brush- Atlapetes fuscoolivaceus Found: Columbia
Image by:
Ron Knight 2)

Finch,_Fulvous-headed_Brush- Atlapetes fulviceps Found: Argentina, Bolivia
Image by: 1)
Orbigny 2)
Freddy Burgos - Argentina 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Finch,_Moustached_Brush- Atlapetes albofrenatus Found: northern Columbia, southern Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Finch,_Ochre-breasted_Brush- Atlapetes semirufus Found: Columbia, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Fernando_Flores - Venezuela 2)
Tony_Morris - Venezuela

Finch, Pale-headed Brush- Atlapetes pallidiceps Found: Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Pia Oberg 2, 3) Aves_y_Conservacion

Finch, Pale-naped Brush- Atlapetes pallidinucha Found: Columiba, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Guango Lodge, Ecuador - Guango Lodge 4)
Nick Athanas - Columbia

Finch, Rufous-capped Brush- Atlapetes pileatus Found: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel 2)
Amy McAndrews 3)

Finch, Rufous-eared Brush- Atlapetes rufigenis Found: Andes of west-central Peru
Image by: 1)
Sevillano_Steven 2)
John Gerrard Keulemans 3)
Peter Boesman

Finch,_Rusty-bellied_Brush- Atlapetes nationi Found: Peru
Image by: 1)
Carlos Calle 2)
Nick Athanas

Finch, Santa Marta Brush- Atlapetes melanocephalus Found: Santa Marta mountains of Columbia
Image by: 1)
Alejandro Tamayo 2)
Dave Curtis 3)
Nick Athanas

Finch,_Slaty_Brush- Atlapetes schistaceus
Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Ken-ichi Ueda - Columbia 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Columbia, Peru

Finch,_Tepiu_Brush- Atlapetes personatus Found: mainly Venezuela; also Brazil, Guyana,
Image by: 1)
Brendan_Ryan - Venezuela 2)

Finch,_Tricolored_Brush- Atlapetes tricolor Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Columbiai 2)
Alejandro Tamayo 3, 4)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador, Peru

Finch, White-headed Brush- Atlapetes albiceps Found: southern Ecuador, northern Peru
Image by: 1)
David Cook - Peru 2)
Altabpe00 - Peru
Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador

Finch,_White-naped_Brush- Atlapetes albinucha Found: Central America, Columbia
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - Boquette, Panama 2)
Amy McAndrews - Mexico
3, 4) Francesco_Veronesi

Finch,_White-rimmed_Brush- Atlapetes leucopis Found; Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Brayan_Coral_Jaramillo - Columbia 2)
Daniel_Orozco - Columbia

Finch,_White-winged_Brush- Atlapetes leucopterus Found: Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Nigel Voaden - Ecuador 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Peru, Ecuador

Finch,_Yellow-breasted_Brush- Atlapetes latinuchus Found: mainly Columbia, Ecuador, Peru; also far western Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador 2, 3, 4) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Finch,_Yellow-headed_Brush- Atlapetes flaviceps Found: Columbia
Image by:
Alejandro Tamayo 2)
Ron Knight 3)
Nick Athanas 4)

Finch,_Yellow-striped_Brush- Atlapetes citrinellus Found: Argentina, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Allan Drewitt 2)
Nick Athanas - Argentina
Ron Knight

Genus Pezopetes - 1 species
Finch, Large-footed Pezopetes capitalis Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1)
Barbara_Dye - Costa Rica 2)
Mike Baird - Costa Rica 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica 4)
Nick Athanas - Costa Rica

Genus Pselliophorus
These birds are not really finches, despite their name. They are instead members of the Passerellidae family. Both species have yellow thighs.
Finch, Yellow-green Pselliophorus luteoviridis Found: Panama
Image by:
Daniel Hinckley - Panama
Finch,_Yellow-thighed Pselliophorus tibialis Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1) Charlie Westerinen - near Poas Volcanon, Costa Rica 2)
Tim - Costa Rica 3)
Nick Athanas - Costa Rica 4)