BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Emberizidae family contains the Old World buntings
. They are small seed-eaters with a finch-like bill. In addition to seeds they also eat insects, especially when feeding their young. The family also used to include New World
New World sparrows and
towhees which have been placed in Passerellidae.
Old World Buntings
Order Passeriformes Family Emberizidae
buntings on this page belong to the Emberizidae family. These buntings are predominantly found in the
Old World and most belong to genus
Emberiza. There are also birds called buntings in the
Cardinalidae family.
Genus Calamospiza - 1 species
Bunting,_Lark Calamospiza melanocorys Found: west North America
Image by: 1)
Scot Brim 2, 4, 7) Jerry Oldenettel -
New Mexico and Colorado 3)
Jason Forbes - Colorado 5)
J N Stuart - New Mexico 6)
Tom_Benson - Colorado
1, 2, 3, 4) Female 5) nonbreeding male 6, 7) Breeding male

Genus Emberiza
Bunting,_Black-faced Emberiza spodocephala Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi 2)
Toshihiro_Gamo 3, 4) Hiyashi Halso 5)
Kee Yap - Kyoto, Japan 6)
1, 2) Female 4 - 6) Male

Bunting,_Black-headed Emberiza melanocephala Found:
Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
Andy Li 2)
57Andrews - China 3)
Mark Jobling - Greece
4, 5) Jan_Svetlik

Bunting,_Brown-rumped Emberiza affinis Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight - Cameroon 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Gambia 3)
Nik_Borrow - Ghana

Bunting,_Cape Emberiza capensis Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Jim Scarff - South Africa 2)
Boland - South Africa 3)
Cristiano Crolle - Vingerklip, Namibia

Bunting,_Cabanis's Emberiza cabanisi Found: Africa
Image by: 1
) Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 2)
Maans_Booysen - Angola

Bunting,_Chestnut Emberiza rutila Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Hiyashi Halso
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Bunting,_Chestnut-breasted also
White-capped Bunting Emberiza stewarti Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 4) Imran_Shah - Pakistan 2)
Dibyendu 3)
1) Nonbreeding 2) Breeding

Bunting,_Chestnut-eared Emberiza fucata Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Charles Lam - Hong Kong 2)
Patko Erika 3)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Bunting_Cinereous Emberiza cineracea Found: northeast Africa, southwest Asia
Image by: 1)
Mark Jobling - Greece 2)
Michael Sveikutis - Turkey 3)
Frank_Vassen - Greece

Bunting,_Cinnamon-breasted Emberiza tahapisi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Namibia 2)
Johann du Preez - South Africa 3)
Jack_246 4)

Bunting,_Cirl Emberiza cirlus Found: southern Europe, northern Africa
Image by:
1, 3`) Paco Gomez - Spain
2, 4) Fra298
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Bunting,_Corn Emberiza calandra Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
Andrej_Chudy - Hungary
Matthieu Gauvain 2)
Mick Sway 3)
JV Verde - Portugal 4)
Blake Matheson - Iberia 5)
Cristiano Crolle - Monfrague, Spain

Bunting,_Cretzschmar's Emberiza caesia Found: Greece, eastern edge Mediteeranean
Image by: 1)
Michael Sveikutis 2)
Werner Witte - Turkey
3, 4) Jan_Svetlik

Bunting,_Godlewski Emberiza godlewskii Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Jargal Lamjav 2)
Alastair Rae 3)
Sergey Yeliseev 4)
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Bunting,_Golden-breasted Emberiza flaviventris Found:
Image by: 1)
Pius Mahimbi - Namibia 2)
Sergey Yeliseev 3, 4) Derek Keats - South Africa 5)
Joseph Mochoge - Gilgil, Kenya
1) Juvenile
2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Bunting,_Gosling's Emberiza goslingi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Nigel Voaden - Cameroon 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Gambia

Bunting,_Gray Emberiza variabilis Found: Asia
Imge by:
1, 3) Hiyashi Halso 2)
Watch_bird 4)
Nishimura - Korea 5)

Bunting,_Gray-hooded also
Gray-necked Bunting Emberiza buchanani Found: Asia
Image by:
Imran_Shah - Pakistan 2)
Francesco_Veronesi 3)
Prasad Basavaraj

Bunting,_House Emberiza sahari Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
D Gordon Robertson 2)
Orientalizing - Morocco 3)
MPF - Mprpccp 4)
Christiaan_Kooyman 5)
1) Juvenile

Bunting,_Japanese Reed- also
Ochre-rumped Bunting Emberiza yessoensis Found: Asia
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Ken 3)

Bunting,_Lark-like Emberiza impetuani Found: Africa
Image by:
Alan Manson - South Africa 2)
Charles Sharp - South Africa 3)
Jerry_Oldenettel - Namibia
Charles_J_Sharp - Namibia
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Bunting,_Little Emberiza pusilla Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 3) Hiyashi Halso 2)
Lam 4)
Dibyendu_Ash - India 5)
MPF 6. 7) Lin_Sun_Fong

Bunting,_Meadow Emberiza cioides Found: eastern Asia
Image by:
1, 3
) Alpsdake Kuro 4)
Ron Knight - China 5)
Harum Koh
1) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Bunting,_Ortolan Emberiza hortulana Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by:
1, 3, 5) JV Verde - Portugal 2)
Andrej Chudy 4)
Sergey Pisarevskiy - Russia 6)

Bunting,_Pallas's Emberiza pallasi Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Remi Bigonneau - South Korea 2) Hiyashi_Haka 3)
Sergy Yeliseev - Russia
1) Female 2) Male, nonbreeding 3) Male, breeding

Bunting,_Pine Emberiza leucocephalos Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Manoj_Sharma 2)
Seergey Yelsieev 3)
Jargal Lamjav

Bunting,_Red-headed Emberiza bruniceps Found: western Europe, Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Jan Svetlik - Kazakhstan 3)
Ken and Nyetta - Kazakhstan 4)
Alastair Rae
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Bunting,_Reed Emberiza schoeniclus Found: Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
Ian-S 2, 4) Andreas Trepte 3)
Andreas_Trepte 5)
OldBilluk 6)
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Bunting,_Rock Emberiza cia Found: Africa, Asia, Europe
Image by: 1)
Andrej_Chudy - Spain 2)
Ximo_Galarza 3)
Agustín_Povedano 4)
Q Ilex 5)
Martien Brand - Europe 6)
Cristobal Rueda

Bunting,_Rufous-backed also
Jankowski's Bunting Emberiza jankowskii Found: Korea, Manchuria
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
P_Khoo 3)
Paul Holt 4)

Bunting,_Rustic Emberiza rustica Found: Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
KjetilHansen - Agåa, Hedmark, Norway
2, 3) Hiyashi
Halso 4)
Aaron_Maizlish - California! 5)

Bunting,_Socotra Emberiza socotrana Found: Yemen
Image by:
1, 2) Henrik Gronvold 3)
E. socotrana insularis

Bunting,_Somali Emberiza poliopleura Found: Africa
Image by:
Patko Erika 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - kenya
3, 4) Nik_Borrow

Bunting,_Striolated Emberiza striolata Found: northwest Africa, Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Tarique Sani - India 3) Greg_Schechter
1) Male - left; female - right 2, 3) Male

Bunting,_Tibetan Emberiza koslowi Found: eastern side of Tibet plateau
Image by: 1)
Simon_Colenutt 2)
Bernd_Kirschner Tang Jun - Qinghai
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Bunting,_Tristram's Emberiza tristrami Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 5)
Hiyashi Halso 2)
Ainus - Taiwan
3, 4) Lin_Sun_Fong - Taiwan 6 )
1 - 4) Female 5) Male 5) Breeding male

Bunting,_Yellow also
Japanese Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata Found: eastern Asia
Image by: 1)
Hiyashi_Haka 2, 3, 4) Charles Lam - Taiwan

Bunting,_Yellow-breasted Emberiza aureola Found: Europe, Asia
Image by:
1, 6)
Martin Vavrik -
Svjatoj Nos peninsula, Lake Bajkal 2)
Frankie Chu 3, 4) Hiyashi Halso 5)
Yeliseev - Altajskij, Russia
1) Female 2) Nonbreeding male 3, 4, 5) Breeding male

Bunting,_Yellow-browed Emberiza chrysophrys Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4)
Hiyashi Halso 4)
Devonpike - Korea

Bunting,_Yellow-throated Emberiza Elegans Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Hiyashi Halso

Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Found: Euorpe, Asia, New Zealand (introduced)
Image by: 1)
Estormiz 2) Sergey Yeliseev - Bulgaria 3)
Alan Vernon - New Zealand 4)
Marek Szczepanek
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Genus Latoucheornis - 1 species
Bunting,_Slaty Latoucheornis siemsseni Found: China
Image by: 1)
Dave_Curtis 2)
Chong Qing 3)
Roger Chen
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Genus Melophus - 1 species
Bunting, Crested Melophus lathami Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
killer_9394 2)
Tarique Sani 3)
Arasai - India 4)
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male