BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Gruiformes means "crane-like", The order include 14 species of large cranes, about 145 species of smaller crakes and rails, as well as a variety of families comprising a small number of species.
Guiformes has the following families
Family Rallidae: Crakes, Rails (Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe)
See also Crakes, Rails (New World)
crakes, and
rails of the
Railidae family generally occupy dense vegetation in damp environments near lakes, swamps, or rivers. They are omnivores.
Most nest in dense vegetation. Most species walk and run vigorously on strong legs, and have long toes which are well adapted to soft, uneven surfaces. Some coots and gallinules have a "frontal shield",
which is a fleshy rearward extension of the upper bill. The flight of those Rallidae able to fly, while not very powerful, can be sustained for long periods of time and many species undertake annual migrations.
Genus Aenigmatolimnas - 1 species
Crake,_Striped Aenigmatolimnas marginalis Found: Afica
Image by: 1)
James_Hogg - Rwanda
1) Female
Genus Amaurornis
Mostly found in Asia; Black Crake found in Africa
Bush-hen,_Isabelline also
Sulawesi Waterhen Amaurornis isabellina Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Ariefrahman 2)

Bush-hen,_Plain Amaurornis olivacea Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Bush-hen,_Rufous-tailed also
Rufous-tailed Waterhen Amaurornis moluccana Found: Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Image by: 1)
Bush-hen,_Talaud Amaurornis magnirostris Found: Karakelang Island in the Talaud Islands of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Crake,_Black Amaurornis flavirostra also
Zapornia flavirostra Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia
2, 3) Arno Meintjes 4)
Lip Kee
Yap 5)
Pascal Charbonneau - South
Africa 6)
Dick Daniels - Bronx Zoo
1) Juvenile

Crake,_Brown also
Brown Bush-hen Amaurornis akool also
Zapornia akool Found: south Asia
Image by:
1, 2) J M Garg - India

Rail,_Sakalava Amaurornis olivieri Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Laval Roy
Waterhen,_White-breasted Amaurornis phoenicurus Found:
Image by: 1)
Imran_Shah - Pakistan 2)
Lip Kee - Bali 3)
Shanthanu - India
Darren Bellerby - Hong Kong Wetland Park, Hong Kong

Crake,_White-browed Amaurornis cinerea also
Porzana cinerea Found: Australia, Asia
Image by: 1)
JJ Harrison - Thailand 2)
P Henne 3)
Hiyashi_Haka 4)

Genus Aramidopsis - 1 species
Rail,_Snoring Aramidopsis plateni Found: Sulawesi and Buton of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Genus Atlantisia - 1 species
Rail,_Inaccessible Atlantisia rogersi Found: Inaccessible Island in the Tristan Archipelago (far from Africa and South America)
Image by:
1, 2) Brian_Gratwicke

Genus Canirallus - 1 species
Rail,_Gray-throated Canirallus oculeus Found: Africa
Image by:
Totodu74 2)

Genus Coturnicops
See also
Coturnicops New World.
Rail,_Swinhoe's Coturnicops exquisitus Found: China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea,
Image by: 1)
John_Gerrard_Keulemans 2)
Gilles_Delforge - China

Genus Crecopsis - 1 species
Crake,_African Crecopsis egregia Found: most of sub-Saharan Africa
Image by: 1)
Mark_Tittley - South Africa 2)
Derek_Keats - Botswana 3)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Genus Crex
Crake,_Corn Crex Crex Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by:
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya
2, 3) Dave Curtis - England 4)
Marcel_Holyoak - Jordan

Genus Dryolimnas - 1 species
Rail,_White-throated Dryolimnas cuvieri Found: Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Seychelles
Image by: 1)
David Cook - Madagascar
2) Pat and Keith Taylor 3) Jerry_Oldenettel

Genus Eulabeornis - 1 species
Rail,_Chestnut Eulabeornis castaneoventris Found: Australia, New Guinea
Image by:
Tom Tarrant 2)

Genus Gallicrex - 1 species
Watercock Gallicrex cinerea Found: Asia including Indonesia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Vijay_Ismavel 2) Lin_Sun_Fong 3)
Koshy - India 4)
Hiyashi_Haka 5)
1) Juvenile male 2) Female 3 - 5) Male

Genus Gallirallus
Many of these rails that live in the Australasian-Pacific region are flightless. The ones that can fly survive better; not only because of avoiding predators but also because they are not restricted to one location.
Rail,_Barred Gallirallus torquatus Found: Indonesia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
John Tasirin - North Sulawesi, Indonesia 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Mindanao, Philippines 3)

Rail,_Buff-banded Gallirallus philippensis Found: Australasia
Image by:
1, 2)
Dick Daniels -
Miami Zoo
3) Dick - Kuranda Birdworld, Australia 4)
Dick - Kiwi Birdlife Park, New Zealand 5)
Oystercatcher 6)
HeatherW - Victoria

Rail,_Calayan Gallirallus calayanensis Found: Calayan Island in the Philippines
Image by: 1)
Rail,_Guam Gallirallus owstoni Found: Guam
Image by: 1) Greg Hume - Cincinnati Zoo 2)
Dick Daniels -
National Aviary 3) Sandy Cole -
National Aviary

Rail,_Lord Howe also
Lord Howe Woodhen Gallirallus sylvestris Found: Lord Howe Island off Australia coast
Image by: 1)
Glen Gergus 2)
Toby Hudson 3)

Rail,_New_Britain also Pink-legged Rail Gallirallus insignis Found: New Britain Island (northeast of Papua New Guinea)
Image by: 1)
Rail,_Okinawa Gallirallus okinawae Found: Okinawa Island in Japan
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Patrick-Randall

Rail,_Roviana Gallirallus rovianae Found: Solomon Islands
Image by: 1)
Rail,_Slaty-breasted Gallirallus striatus Found: Indian Subcontinent, southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Hiyashi_Haka Hume and Marshall 2, 3) Hiyashi Haka - Taiwan 4)
Devon_Pike - Malaysia

Weka also
Woodhen Gallirallus australis Found: New Zealand
Image by: 1)
Arthur Chapman 2)
Hutty McPhoo 3)
Alan Liefting 4)
Glen Fergus 5)
Sid Mosdell
5) Buff Weka (
G. a. hectori)

Genus Gymnocrex
Rail,_Bare-eyed Gymnocrex plumbeiventris Found: New Guinea and nearby islands
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)

Rail,_Blue-faced Gymnocrex rosenbergii Found: Sulawesi of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Materialscientist 2)

Rail,_Talaud Gymnocrex talaudensis Found: Talaud Islands of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Genus Habroptila - 1 species
Rail,_Invisible Habroptila wallacii Found: Halmahera in North Maluku, Indonesia
Image by:
Shyamal 2)

Genus Himantornis - 1 species
Rail,_Nkulengu Himantornis haematopus Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Nick Borrow - Ghana
1) Juvenile

Genus Lewinia
Found in: Australasia
Rail,_Auckland_Islands Lewinia muelleri Found: Auckland Islands 460 km south of New Zealand
Image by: 1)
Rail,_Brown-banded Lewinia mirifica Found: Philippines
Image by: 1) 2)
Desmond_Allen - Luzon
2) Juvenile

Rail,_Lewin's Lewinia pectoralis Found: Australia, New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)

Genus Megacrex - 1 species
Rail,_New_Guinea_Flightless Megacrex inepta Found: New Guinea
Image by:
1, 2) Nik_Borrow

Genus Mentocrex
Rail,_Madagascar Wood- Mentocrex kioloides Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Pete Morris

Rail,_Tsingy_Wood- Mentocrex beankaensis Found: west-central Madagascar
Image by:
1, 2) James_Williams

Genus Nesoclopeus - 1 species
Rail,_Woodford's Nesoclopeus woodfordi Found: New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Image by: 1) John_Gerrard_Keulemans
Genus Porzana
See also
Porzana New World.
Crake,_Australian also
Australian Spotted Crake Porzana fluminea Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Oystercatcher 2)
Tony Morris 3)
Frankzed - Victoria, AU 4)
David Jenkins - Victoria

Crake,_Baillon's Porzana pusilla also
Zapornia pusilla Found: Europe, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Batupa 2)
Frankie Chu 3)
birdsaspoetry - Australia 4)
Peter Jacobs

Crake,_Band-bellied Porzana paykullii also
Zapornia paykullii Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Sung_Yik-hei 2)
Naturelly - Singapore 3)

Crake,_Black-tailed Porzana bicolor also
Zapornia bicolorFound: Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam
Image by: 1)
JJ_Harrison - Thailand 2)
Jason_Thompson - Thailand 3)
Dibyendu_Ash - India 4)

Crake,_Henderson Porzana atra also
Zapornia atra Found: Henderson Island in the southeast Pacific Ocean.
Image by: 1)
p_khoo 2) Orban_Balazs

Crake,_Little Porzana parva also
Zapornia parva Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
Martien Brand 2) Francesco_Veronesi.
3, 4) Imran_Shah - Pakistan

Crake,_Ruddy-breasted Porzana fusca also
Zapornia fusca Found:
Image by:
1, 2) Hiyashi Halso 3)
lonelyshrimp - Thailand

Crake,_Spotless Porzana tabuensis also
Zapornia tabuensis Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Oystercatcher 2)
Aviceda 3)

Crake,_Spotted Porzana porzana Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
Marek Szczepanek 2)
Mick Sway 3)

Genus Rallina
Found: Asia, Australasia
Crake,_Andaman Rallina canningi Found: India
Image by:
1, 2) TR_Shankar_Raman

Crake,_Red-legged Rallina fasciata Found: India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malyasio, Thailand
Image by: 1)
Johnny_Wee 2)
Darren_Bellerby - Singapore 3)

Crake,_Red-necked Rallina tricolor Found: northeast Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Tom_Tarrant - north Queensland 3)
Francesco_Veronesi 4)
1) Incomplete range

Crake,_Slaty-legged Rallina eurizonoides Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Richard2formosa 2)
TJ_Parpan 3)
Jason_Thompson - Thailand 4)
1) Adult and chick

Rail,_Chestnut_Forest Rallina rubra Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph_Smit 3)

Rail,_Forbe's Rallina forbesi Found: New Guinea
Image by:
1, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
John Gould
2) Male on left; female on right 3) female

Rail,_Mayr's Rallina mayri Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
2) Female - upper; male - lower

Rail,_White-striped_Forest Rallina leucospila Found: northwest Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Genus Rallus
These are slim, long-billed rails with slender legs. Their laterally flattened bodies are an adaptation to life in wet reedbeds and marshes, enabling them to slip easily through the dense semi-aquatic vegetation. Typically these birds have streaked brown upperparts, blue-grey on the face or breast, and barred flanks.
See also
Rallus New World.
Rail,_African Rallus caerulescens Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Alan Manson - South Africa
2, 3) Derek_Keats

Rail,_Brown-cheeked also
Eastern Water Rail Rallus indicus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
characters 2)

Rail,_Madagascar Rallus madagascariensis Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Marc des Murs 2)
David Cook

Rail,_Water Rallus aquaticus Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
Jan Svetlík 2)
Pierre Dalous 3)
Rudo Jurecek 4)
Cristiano Crolle - Racconigi, Italy

Genus Rougetius - 1 species
Rail,_Rouget's Rougetius rougetii Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia
Image by: 1)
Kris_Maes 2)
Rafael_Medina - Ethiopia 3)
Carsten_ten_Brink - Ethopia 4)
Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia

The Heliornithidae are a small family of tropical birds with webbed lobes on their feet like those of grebes and coots. Finfoots resemble rails; they have long necks, slender bodies, broad tails, and sharp, pointed bills. Their legs and feet are brightly colored and, unlike grebes, they are capable of walking well and even moving quickly on land. They have a diverse range of calls, but do not call frequently.
Genus Heliornis - 1 species
Finfoot, American also
Sungrebe Heliornis fulica Found: Mexico to South America
Image by: 1)
Allan Hopkins - Guyana 2)
Muchaxo 3)
Dave Curtis - Guyana
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Genus Heliopais - 1 species
Finfoot,_Masked Heliopais personatus Found: Indian subcontinent, Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia
Image by: 1) - Kuala Lumpur 2)
1, 2) Female

Genus Podica - 1 species
Finfoot, African Podica senegalensis Found: Africa
Image by:
1) Sias van Schalkwyk - South Africa 2)
Frans_Vandewalle - Gambia 2)
Lodewijk Nell - Zambia 4)
Gip Gipukan 5)
Francesco Veronesi - Uganda

Order Gruiformes Family Sarothruridae - 1 genus
The flufftails are related to the rails. They are found in sub-S aharan Africa and also in Madagascar. They are secretive birds and difficult to observe. The eggs of all species that have been observed are white, which is unusual for rails. Their tails are short and softer than normal.
Genus Sarothrura
Flufftail, Buff-spotted also
Buff-spotted Crake Sarothrura elegans Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 2)
Bart Wursten - Zimbabwe 3)
David_Bygott - Tanzania

Flufftail,_Chestnut-headed Sarothrura lugens Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Flufftail, Madagascar Sarothrura insularis Found: humid forest of east and northwest Madagascar
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)

Flufftail_Red-chested Sarothrura rufa Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Peter_Ginn - South Africa
1) Female 2) male

Flufftail, Slender-billed Sarothrura watersi Found: highlands of east Madagascar
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Lucienne Wilma

Flufftail,_Streaky-breasted Sarothrura boehmi Found: Louis_Andre_Hansen
Image by: 1)
Louis_Andre_Hansen - Tanzania
Flufftail,_Striped Sarothrura affinis Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Niall_Perrins - South Africa
Flufftail,_White-spotted Sarothrura pulchra Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Francesco_Veronesi - Ghana 2)
Dave Curtis - Kenya 3)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Flufftail_White-winged Sarothrura ayresi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
John_Gerrard_Keulemans 2)
Clive Kaplan