BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book

THRAUPIDAE - the Tanager Family


The Thraupidae are a family of passerine birds found in the Americas. About 60% of tanagers live in South America, and 30% of these species live in the Andes. Most species are endemic to a relatively small area. In addition to "tanagers", dacnis, finches, flowerpiercers, honeycreepers, seedeaters, and many other diversely named species are included in Thraupidae. The tangara genus includes some of the most spectacularly colored birds of the world.

Tanagers are omnivorous, and their diets vary from genus to genus. They have been seen eating fruits, seeds, nectar, flower parts, and insects. Many pick insects off branches. Other species look for insects on the undersides of leaves. Yet others wait on branches until they see a flying insect and catch it in the air.

Some birds that are called Tanagers are actually in the Cardinal family Cardinalidae.

Genus Catamenia
The species in Catamenia are sometimes placed in Emberizidae family.

Seedeater, Band-tailed  Catamenia analis  Found: South America
All plumages of the Band-tailed Seedeater has a white band on a dark tail.  Its habit is subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland and heavily degraded former forest.
Image by: 1) Amy_McAndrews - Peru  2) Dick Daniels - Ecuador 3) Nigel_Voaden - Peru
1) Female  2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Paramao  Catamenia homochroa  Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
The male Paramao Seedeater has mainly dark slate-gray plumage; chestnut rump; pinkish billl. Female has dark brown upperparts with black streaks; gray underparts; yellowish bil
. Image by: 1, 3) Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador  2) Nick Athanas - Columbia 

Seedeater, Plain-colored  Catamenia inornata  Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1) Aves y Conservación  2) Vince Smith - Quito, Ecuador  3) Dick Daniels - Peru  4) Nick Athanas- Ecuador
1) Female  2, 3, 4) Male

Genus Sporophila
The species in Sporophila were previously placed in Emberizidae family. Females of this genus are hard to identify unless they are with a male of the species.

Finch,_Black-billed_Seed-  Sporophila atrirostris  also Oryzoborus atrirostris Found: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru
The male Black-billed Seed-Finch has black plumage; dark bill.
Image by:  1, 2) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Jose_Roger_Ahlman, Adrian_Eisen_Rupp

Finch,_Chestnut-bellied_Seed-  Sporophila angolensis also Oryzoborus angolensis  Found: South America
The male Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch has a chestnut belly; black upperparts, breast. It is found in  grassy and shruby areas of tropical and subtropical South America.
The Thick-billed Seed-Finch has sometimes been considered as the same species, the two being termed the Lesser Seed -Finch.
Image by: 1, 3) Dick Daniels - Punta Ahuano, Ecuador  2) Dario Sanches - Brazil   4) Nick Athanas - Brazil
1) Female  2, 3, 4) Male

Finch,_Great-billed_Seed-  Sporophila maximiliani also Oryzoborus maximiliani Found: South America (mainly Brazil).
The male Great-billed Seed-Finch has black plumage; silvery-white very large bill. It is found mainly in eastern Brazil where the Large-billed Seed-Finch is not found. .
Image by: 1) Henry_Koh  1, 2) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Marcio_Repenning

Finch,_Large-billed_Seed- Sporophila crassirostris also   Oryzoborus crassirostris Found: northern ring of South Africa
The male Large-billed Seed-Finch has black plumage; silvery-white large bill. Female has brown upperparts; buffy-brown underparts. It inhabits freshwater marshes, riparian thickets and second-growth scrub, and is generally found below 700 m.
Image by: 1) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Jose_Daniel_Avendano    2) Nick Athanas - Columbia

Finch,_Nicaraguan_Seed-  Sporophila nuttingi also Oryzoborus nuttingi Found: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama
The male Nicaraguan Seed-Finch has black plumage; pale pink very large bill. Female has dark chestnut brown plumage; dark gray bill. They occur in moist grassy areas, particularly near water and marshes.
Image by: 1) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Jorge in Costa Rica  2) Nick Athanas - Costa Rica

Finch,_Thick-billed_Seed-  Sporophila funerea also  Oryzoborus funerea Found: Mexico to Columbia and Ecuador
Image by: 1, 2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  3) Carol Foil

Seedeater,_Black-and-tawny   Sporophila nigrorufa Found: Bolivia, Brazil
The male Black-and-tawny Seedeater has black crown, nape, mantle; cinnamon-rufous face, underparts, rump; black bill. Females are unlikely to be identifiable, unless in the company of male.
Similar to: Cooper Seedeater. Male Black-and-tawny Seedeater has more black plumage than does male Cooper Seedeater. In particular, Black-and-tawny Seedeater has a black nape.
Image by: 1, 2) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Victor Castro. Bradley_Davis
1) Female 2) Male

Seedeater. Black-and-white  Sporophila luctuosa  Found: South America
The male Black-and-white Seedeater comes in two varities. The namesake has black upperparts, upper-breast, flanks; white lower breast, belly. The other type male has brown upperparts; black head with some speckles; white belly. Female has olive-brown upperparts; brownish-yellow underparts. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are shrubland and heavily degraded former forest.
Image by: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World, Florida 
1, 2) Female  3, 4) Male - familiar plumage  5) Male - alternate plumage

Seedeater,_Black-bellied  Sporophila melanogaster Found: southeast Brazil
The male Black-bellied Seedeater has gray upperparts; small white patch on folded wings; black throat, breast, belly; gray flanks. Female has mainly olive-brown plumage; lighter underparts.
Image by: 1) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Dario Sanches  2) Nick Athanas

Seedeater,_Buffy-fronted  Sporophila frontalis  Found: mainly Brazil; also Argentina, Paragruay
The Buffy-fronted Seedeater has mainly olive-brown upperparts; 2 buffy wingbars, Male has gray head; small white supercilium; pale forehead patch; whitish throat. Female lasks the head markings.
Image by: 1) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Hudson_BirdsRio    2) Dario_Sanches - Brazil  3) Claudio_Timm - Brazil

Seedeater,_Caqueta Sporophila murallae  Found: western Amazon region of South America
Similar to: Wing-barred Seedeater. The Caqueta Seedeater has been considered a subspecies of Wing-barred Seedeater,. They are almost identical. Their ranges do not overlap: Caqueta to the west and Wing-barred to the east.
Image by: 1) _Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Roger_Ahlman in Ecuador  2) Vincent_Vos  - Bolivia

Seedeater,_Chestnut   Sporophila cinnamomea Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
The male Chestnut Seedeater has gray cap, wings, tail; rest chestnut.
Image by: 1) Claudio_Timm  2) Ron Knight

Seedeater,_Chestnut-bellied  Sporophila castaneiventris  Found: northern South America
The male Chestnut-bellied Seedeater has gray upperparts; chestnut underparts. Female has brown upperparts; buffy underparts.
Image by:  1, 4) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  2)  Cláudio Timm - the Amazon, Brazil  23) Charlie Westerinen - Amazon just above Iquitos, Peru
1) Female  2, 3, 4) Male

Seedeater,_Chestnut-throated  Sporophila telasco Found: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
The male Chestnut-throated Seedeater has dark gray upperparts with darker streaks; small and dark chestnut throat patch; white rest underparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Nick Athanas - Ecuador
1) Female 2) Male

Seedeater,_Copper   Sporophila bouvreuil Found: Brazil, Suriname
The male Cooper Seedeater has black crown, wings, tail copper mantle patch; rest cinnamon colored.
Similar to: Black-and-tawny Seedeater. Male Black-and-tawny Seedeater has more black plumage than does male Cooper Seedeater. In particular, Black-and-tawny Seedeater has a black nape.
Image by: 1, 2) Dario_Sanches - Brazil  3) Hector_Bottai - Brazil
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Dark-throated   Sporophila ruficollis Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
The male Dark-throated Seedeater has dark gray upperparts, head; mainly chestnut underparts; rusty-brown throat to the upper-breast.
Image by: 1) Claudio Timm  2) Tony_Morris  3)Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Adrian_Eisen_Rupp  4) Hector Bottai 
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Double-collared  Sporophila caerulescens  Found: South America
The male Double-collared Seedeater has dark gray upperparts, neck band; white neck collar, underparts. The female has brown upperparts; buff underparts. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, pastureland, and heavily degraded former forest.
Image by: 1) Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil  2) dFaulder - Buenos Aires, Argentina  3, 4, 6, 7) Dario Sanches - Brazil     5, 8) Nick Athanas - Brazil  
1) Juvenile  2 - 5) Female  6, 7, 8) Male

Seedeater,_Drab   Sporophila simplex Found: southwest Ecuador, western Peru
The Drab Seedeater has mainly grayish-brown upperparts; grayish-white underparts.
Image by: 1)  Tony_Castro

Seedeater,_Dubois's  Sporophila ardesiacaFound: east-central Brazil
The male Dubois's Seedeater has gray mantle; black hood; mainly white underparts. Female almost same as female Yellow-bellied Seedeater. The Dubois's Seedeater may be a morph of the Yellow-bellied Seedeater.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Brazil  2) Hector_Bottai - Brazil  3) Claudio Timm
1, 2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Gray  Sporophila intermedia  Found: northern South America
The male Gray Seedeater has dark gray plumage; pale bill. Female has brown plumage; lighter underparts; dusky bill.
Image by: 1, 2) Barloventomagico - Venezuela

Seedeater,_Lesson's   Sporophila bouvronides Found: northern South America, Trinidad, Tobago
The male Lesson's Seedeater has black upperparts; black head with white malar region; whitish underparts. Female has olive-brown upperparts; buff underparts.
Similar to: Lined Seedeater. Male Lined Seedeater has white crown stripe; male Lesson's Seedeater does not. Females are essentially identical.
Image by: 1) Michel_Giraud-Audine - French Guiana  2, 3) Barloventomagico - Venezuela

Seedeater, Lined  Sporophila lineola  Found: South America
The male Lined Seedeater has black upperparts, hood, throat; white cheek patch, wing patch, underparts, rump. Female has olive-brown upperparts; buff underparts.
Similar to: Lesson's Seedeater. Male Lined Seedeater has white crown stripe; male Lesson's Seedeater does not. Females are essentially identical.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Dario Sanches - Brazil   2) Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
1, 2, 3) Male  4) Female

Seedeater,_Marsh   Sporophila palustris Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
The male Marsh Seedeater has gray upperparts, cap; white throat, upper-breast; rest underparts chestnut. Female resembles other brown female seedeaters.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Claudio_Timm
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Parrot-billed  Sporophila peruviana  Found: western Ecuaddor, western Peru
The Parrot-billed Seedeater has a large bill; yellowish for males and pale for females. Male has black head, breast-band; white rest underparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Nick Athanas in Peru
1) Female 2) Male

Seedeater,_Pearly-bellied   Sporophila pileata Found: Brazil
The male Pearly-bellied Seedeater has mainly cinnamon plumage; `black crown, wings, tail.
Image by: 1) Dario_Sanches

Seedeater,_Plumbeous  Sporophila plumbeaFound: South America
The male Plumbeous Seedeater has mainly gray upperparts; white patch on folded wing; pale gray underparts; black bill. Female has mainly brown plumage.
Image by: 1) Fernando_Flores - Venezuela  2) Nick Athanas - Brazil

Seedeater,_Ruddy-breasted   Sporophila minuta Found: Mexico to northern South America
The male Ruddy-breasted Seedeater has dark gray-brown upperparts; rufous underparts, rump. Female has buffy plumage; paler underparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Barloventomagico - Venezuela  3)  4) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - John_van_Dort in Honduras

Seedeater,_Rufous-rumped   Sporophila hypochroma Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
The male Rufous-rumped Seedeater has gray upperparts; rufous underparts, rump. Female has buffy brown upperparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Joao_Quental in Argentina, Adrian_Eisen_Rupp in Brazil 

Seedeater,_Rusty-collared  Sporophila collaris  Found: South America
The male Rusty-collared Seedeater has black back, cap, collar; chestnut underparts, nape; off-white throat. Female has greenish upperparts; reddish-buff underparts. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical seasonally wet or flooded lowland grassland, swamps.
Image by: 1, 7) Nick Athanas - Brazil 2, 3, 5, 6) Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil  4) Dario Sanches - Brazil  8) Gustavo_Duran - Argentina
1, 2, 3) Female 4 - 8) Male

Seedeater,_Slate-colored  Sporophila schistacea  Found: Mexico to Columbia, but not continuously
The male Slate-colored Seedeater has slate-colored upperparts; paler underparts; yellow bill. Female has olive-brown upperparts; buffy underparts; dark bill.
Image by: 1) Jei_Pov - Columbia  2) Francesco_Veronesi

Seedeater,_Tawny-bellied   Sporophila hypoxantha Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
The male Tawny-bellied Seedeater has mainly brownish-gray upperparts; rufous-tawny face, underparts. Female has mainly brown upperparts; buffy-brown underparts.
Image by: 1) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Aves_de_Formosa  2, 3) Claudio_Timm - Brazil
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Seedeater,_Temminck's  Sporophila falcirostris  Found: mainly Brazil, also Argentina,, Paraguay
The male Temminck's Seedeater has mainly bluish-gray upperparts; lighter gray on the underparts (near white in the center); yellow bill. Female has dusky brown upperparts; lighter underparts (near white in the center); dark bill.
Image by: 1) Hector_Bottai  2, 3) Dario_Sanches

Seedeater,_Tropeiro  Sporophila beltoni  Found: Brazil
The male Tropeiro Seedeater has mainly blue plumage; yellow bill. Female also has yellowish bill.
Image by: 1, 2) Marco_Cruz
1) Female 2) Male

Seedeater,_Variable  Sporophila corvina  Found: Mexico to northwest South America
The male Variable Seedeater has black upperparts; white collar, patch on back; gray belly. Female is olive-brown.
Image by: 1) Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica  2, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - near Penonome, Panama   3, 4, 9, 10  Nick Athanas - Ecuador , Costa Rica , Panama, Ecuador     7, 8) Mdf - Panama City  11) Dick Daniels - Ecuador
1, 2, 3) Female  4 - 11) Male   
3) S. c. ophthalmica  4) S. c. corvina  9) S. c. hicksii  10) S. c. ophthalmica

Seedeater,_White-bellied  Sporophila leucoptera  Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname
The male White-bellied Seedeater has gray upperparts; off-white underparts. Female has greenish upperparts; pinkish-buff underparts. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, swamps.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Dario Sanches - Brazil  4) Nick Athanas - Brazil
1, 2) Female  3, 4) Male

Seedeater, White-collared   Sporophila torqueola  Found: Texas to Panama
The male White-collared Seedeater has dark-gray to black upperparts, tail, breast band; white collar, belly. Width of black breast band is variable in size, from almost missing to large. Female has olive-brown upperparts; buff underparts. It mainly inhabits tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands.
Image by: 1, 2) Carol Foil - Belize  3) Jerry Oldenettel - Cayo, Belize  4) Hans Hillewaert - Costa Rica   5) Ned Haight - Golfito, Puntarenas, CR   6) Dominic Sherony    7) Dick Daniels - near Penonome, Panama
1) Female  2 - 7) Male

Seedeater,_White-naped  Sporophila fringilloides also Dolospingus fringilloides Found: Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela
The male White-naped Seedeater has mainly black upperparts; white partial collar; mainly white underparts; pale bill. Female has warm brown upperparts; whitish throat; buffy-white lower belly.
Image by: 1) Nick Athanas - Columbia

Seedeater,_White-throated  Sporophila albogularis  Found: eastern Brazil
The male White-throated Seedeaterh has black head; white throat and underparts except for black collar.
Image by: 1) Joao_Quental  2) Nick Athanas

Seedeater,_Wing-barred  Sporophila americana  Found: mainly Brazil and Venezuela
The male Wing-barred Seedeater has mainly black upperparts; white patch on folded wings; gray rump; white collar; mostly white underparts. Female has buffy-olive upperparts; pale olive-ochre underparts; brownish bill. The Wing-barred Seedeater was a subspecies of the Variable Seedeater.
Similar to: Caqueta Seedeater. The Caqueta Seedeater has been considered a subspecies of Wing-barred Seedeater,. They are almost identical. Their ranges do not overlap: Caqueta to the west and Wing-barred to the east.
Image by: 1, 2) Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Michel_Giraud-Audine, Ciro_Albano  2) Hector_Bottai - Brazil 3) Vincent_Vos
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Seedeater,_Yellow-bellied  Sporophila nigricollisFound: South America
The male Yellow-bellied Seedeater has black hood; whitish bill; yellowish underparts. Female has olive-brown upperparts; yellowish-buff underparts. The Dubois's Seedeater may be a morph of the Yellow-bellied Seedeater.
Image by: 1, 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador  2) Barloventomagico - Venezuela  4) Francesco_Veronesi
1, 2) Female 3) Male

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