BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
GULLS and Allies
Gulls, terns, skimmers, skuas, puffins, and their allies belong to the order
Charadriiformes. Charadriiformes is a diverse order and contains many other families. Most live near water and eat invertebrates or other small animals; however, some are pelagic (seabirds), some occupy deserts and a few are found in thick forest.
Order Charadriiformes Family Laridae
Terns are most closely related to the gulls, They have a worldwide distribution. Many terns breeding in temperate zones are long-distance migrants. They are, in general, medium to large birds (23-53 cm), typically with gray or white plumage, often with black markings on the head. They have longish bills and webbed feet. They are lighter bodied and more streamlined than gulls, and look elegant in flight with long tails and long narrow wings. They make harsh, single-note calls. Most terns hunt fish by diving, often hovering first. Terns only glide infrequently. Apart from bathing, they only rarely swim, despite having webbed feet. Most terns nest in large, densely packed colonies. Depending on the species and habitat, the nests may consist of unlined scrapes in the ground, or of flimsy collections of sticks on trees or floating vegetation.
Genus Anous
Noddy, Black Anous minutus Found: Found: warm coastal locations The Americas, Asia, Africa, Australasia.
Image by:
1, 2) Kevin Rolle 3, 4, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - Hawaii
1) Chick

Noddy, Brown also
Common Noddy Anous stolidus Found: warm coastal locations The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia.
Image by: 1)
AngrySunBird 2)
Larry Meade - Florida
3, 4, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - Michaelmas Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Noddy,_Lesser Anous tenuirostris Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Adrien2008 - Cousin Island 3)
B. Navez - Rodrigues Island 4)
Peter_Steward - Kenya

Genus Chlidonias
These species are referred to as marsh terns as they are usually found at fresh water marshes instead of coastal locations.
Tern,_Black Chlidonias niger Found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Maggie Smith 2, 4, 6) Dick Daniels - Nantucket, Massachusetts 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexico 5)
Tim Lenz - New York 7)
Brian Desrosiers - Ontario
8, 9) Eric Begin 10) Alan D Wilson - Oregon
11) Omar Runolfsson - Iceland
1) Juvenile 2, 3, 4) Nonbreeding 5, 6) Breeding eclipse 7) Breeding pair 8) Breeding female 9, 10, 11) Breeding male

Tern,_Black-fronted Chlidonias albostriatus Found: New Zealand
Image by: 1) Francois Roche - New Zealand 2)
Andrej_Chudy 3)
Aviceda - New Zealand

Tern,_Whiskered Chlidonias hybridus Found: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by:
1, 6) Jan Svetlik 2)
Charles_J_Sharp - Borneo 3)
Ron Knight - France 4)
Marek Szczepanek 5)
Derek_Keats - South Africa
1, 2, 3) Nonbreeding 4, 5, 6) Breeding

Tern,_White-winged also
White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias
leucopterus Found: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Johann du Preez 2)
Paulo Philippidis near Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
3, 4) Frank Vassen - Poland
Ziegentom - Poland 6)
Andy Li
1. 2) Nonbreeding 3, 4, 5, 6) Breeding

Genus Gelochelidon - 1 species
Tern,_Gull-billed Gelochelidon nilotica Found: The Americas,
Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
J M Garg - Chhilka, Orissa, India
2, 5) Sergey Yeliseev - Russia 3)
Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 4)
P Lucas 6)
Glen Fergus - Brisbane, Australia 7)
Eric Kershner, USFWS - California
1, 2, 3) Nonbreeding 4, 5) Transition 6, 7) Breeding

Genus Gygis - 1 species
Tern,_White also
Fairy Tern also
Angel Tern Gygis alba Found: Mexico, South America, Africa, Asia, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Gerwin Strum - Seychelles Islands 2) Charlie_Westerinen
3, 4) Adrien2008 - Cousin Island, Seychelles Islands 5)
Kris Krug - Midway Island
1) Chick 2) Juvenile

Genus Hydroprogne - 1 species
Tern,_Caspian Hydroprogne caspia also
Sterna caspia Found: The Americas,
Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Len Blumin - California 2)
Sergey Yelsieev - Russia
3, 9) Dick Daniels - North Carolina
4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Dick - Half Moon Bay, California
1) Juvenile 2, 3) Nonbreeding 4 - 8) Breeding 9) Royal Tern on left, Capian onrRight

Larosterna - 1 species
Tern,_Inca Larosterna inca Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - Bronx Zoo
2, 3, 5) Dick -
Jacksonville Zoo 4)
Dick -
National Aviary
Ed Gaillard 6)
Brian Gratwicke 7)
Charlie Westerinen - Peru
Sandy Cole -
National Aviary
1) Female or juvenile

Genus Onychoprion
Tern,_Aleutian Onychoprion aleuticus Found: North America (Alaska), Asia
Image by: 1)
Brian_McCauley - NSW, Australia 2) USFWS - Kodiak, AK 3)
USgov 4)
Gregory_Smith 5)
Bob O'brien 6)
Mark Peck - Alaska

Tern,_Bridled Onychoprion anaethetus Found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Pete Hill - Australia
2, 6) Aviceda - Australia 3)
Helen - Australia
Tony Brown 5)
Seabamirum - off east coast of USA
5) Nonbreeding adult on flotsam

Tern,_Gray-backed also
Spectacaled Tern Onychoprion lunatus Found:
Hawaii, Australia
Image by:
1, 2) Duncan Wright of USFWS 3)
Duncan 4)
Kevin Rolle 5)
and Kim Starr
1) Juvenile

Tern,_Sooty Onychoprion fuscata Found: North America, South
America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Dick Daniels - Michaelmas
Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Australia 6)
Duncan_Wright - French Frigate Shoals 7)
Ron Knight - Michaelmas Cay
1) Adult, juvenile 2, 3, 4) Juvenile 5, 6, 7) Adult

Genus Phaetusa - 1 species
Tern,_Large-billed Phaetusa simplex Found: South America
Image by:
1, 3) Cláudio Timm - the Amazon, Brazil
2, 4, 5) Barloventomagico - Venezuela 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil
1) Juvenile
2) Juvenile, Adult 5) Large-billed Tern and Black Skimmer

Genus Procelsterna
Noddy, Blue also
Blue-grey Noddy Procelsterna cerulea Found: Pacific islands including Hawaii. Vagrant: Australia, Japan
Image by:
Aviceda - New Zealand 2)
Duncan Wright - Hawaii

Noddy, Gray also
Gray Ternlet Procelsterna albivitta Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Tony Morris - New Zealand 2)
Aviceda - New Zealand

Genus Sterna
Sterna is a genus of large light gray and white terns. Most have a black cap that extends below the eyes. Some also have a black nape.
Tern,_Antarctic Sterna vittata Found: southern oceans including
South America, Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Claudio Timm 3) Charlie Westerinen on the Antarctic ice 4)
Liam Quinn

Tern,_Arctic Sterna paradisaea Found: The Americas, Europe,
Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Benjamin Dobson 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina 4)
Hillary Chambers 5)
Alistair Rae 6)
Blake Matheson - North Sea
John Haddington 8)
1, 2, 3) Juvenile

Tern,_Black-bellied Sterna acuticauda Found: south Asia
Image by: 1)
Vinayak Kulkarni 2) Charlie Westerinen - northern Cambodia 3()
Michael and Helen Cox 4)
Godbolemandar - India
1) Nonbreeding 2, 3, 4) Breeding

Tern,_Black-naped Sterna sumatrana Found: tropical and
subtropical ocean areas of Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Aviceda - Australia 2)
Andy Li Charles_J_Sharp - Indonesia

Tern,_Common Sterna hirundo Found: The Americas, Europe,
Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Len Blumin - Connecticut
2, Dick Daniels - Jamaica 3) Muchaxo - Portugal
4, 5) Dick - Nantucket, Massachusetts 6)
Dick - North Carolina 7)
T in DC - New York 8) Tiia Monto - Finland 9)
Joan Roca 10)
Cristiano Crolle - Torrile. Italy 11)
Cristiano Crolle - Texel, Holland
1) Young juvenile 2) Juvenile 3 - 5) Nonbreeding 6 - 9) Breeding

Tern,_Forster's Sterna forsteri Found: The Americas,
Europe (rare)
Image by:
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8) Dick - North Carolina 2)
Dick Daniels -
6) Dick - Panama
9, 10, 11)
Dick - Assateague Island in Virginia 12)
Dick Daniels - Bronx Zoo
1) Late summer juvenile 8 - 12) Black hood in breeding season

Tern,_Kerguelan Sterna virgata Found: vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (southern Indian Ocean)
Image by: 1)
Neil Cheshire 2)
Francois Guerraz
1) Nonbreeding 2) Breeding

Tern,_River also
Indian River Tern Sterna aurantia Found:
Image by:
1, 2) J M Garg - Andhra Pradesh, India 3)
Kousik Nandy 4)
Yathin S Krishnappa - India 5)
1) Juvenile and adult 2) Juvenile 3, 4, 5) Breeding adult

Tern,_Roseate Sterna dougallii found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa,
Image by:
1, 2) Kirk Rogers, USFWS - Maine 3)
Hilary Chambers - England 4)
Andy_Li, Hong Kong 5)
Florida Fish and Wildlife 6)
Aviceda - Australia 7)
Fen Oswin
2) Roseate Tern chasing Common Tern 3) Tail projects beyond wingtips.

Tern,_Snowy-crowned Sterna trudeaui Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4)
Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Tern,_South_American Sterna hirundinacea Found: South America
Image by: 1, 5)
Nick Athanas - Argentina
2, 3) Claudio Timm - Brazil
4) Charlie Westerinen - Ushuaia, Argentina 6)
Chris Pearson - the Falklands
1 Juvenile 2) Nonbreeding 3 - 6) Breeding

Tern,_White-cheeked Sterna repressa Found: Afica, Asia
Image by:
Ibrahem ALNassar 2)
Finsch 3)
Shah Jahan - Abu Dhabi
1) Nonbreeding 2, 3) Breeding

Tern,_White-fronted Sterna striata Found: New Zealand
Image by: 1)
Pseudopanax 2)
David Burgess 3)
Aviceda - Miranda, New Zealand
4, 6, 7) Dick Daniels 5)

Genus Sternula
Sternula is a genus of small light gray and white terns. In breeding plumage they generally have a black cap with black line extending through the eye to base of the bill.
Tern,_Damara Sternula balaenarum Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight - Namibia 2)

Tern,_Fairy Sternula nereis Australasia, southwestern Pacific
Image by: 1)
Laurie_Boyle 2)
Nick Talbot - Victoria
3, 4) Leo 0 NSW, Australia
5) JJ Harrison - Tasmania
1) Chick

Tern,_Least Sternula antillarum Found: The Americas
Image by: 1) Maggie Smith
2, 4) Dick Daniels - Nantucket, Massachusetts 3)
Bob Devlin - New Jersey
Ken Schneider - Florida
6, 7) Dick - North Carolina 8)
Dan Pancamo - Texas 9)
Vince Smith - Texas
1 - 4) Juvenile 5) Nonbreeding 6 - 9) Breeding plumage

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Mating ritual: male courts female by bringing a shrimp to demonstrate he is a good provider.
She allows them to mate, he passes the shrimp to her while she gets ready to fly off.

Tern,_Little Sternula albifrons Found: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
JJ Harrison 2) Dick Daniels - Cairns, Australia 3)
Oystercatcher 4)
Patrick K59 5) Dick - Madagascar
1) Juvenile 2) Nonbreeding 3, 4) Breeding

Tern,_Peruvian Sternula lorata Found: Chile, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Amy McAndrews - Peru 2)
Walter Romero

Tern,_Saunders Sternula saundersi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Khalifa 2)
Raveen and Varuni

Tern,_Yellow-billed Sternula superciliaris Found: South America
Image by:
Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2, 3) Barloventomagico - Venezuela 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil
1, 2) Nonbreeding 3, 4) Breeding

Genus Thalasseus
The Crested Terns
Tern,_Chinese_Crested Thalasseus bernsteini Found: near Taiwan
Image by:
Changhua Coast Conservation Action 2)
characters 3)

Tern,_Elegant Thalasseus elegans Found: The Americas, Europe, Africa
Image by: 1)
Maggie Smith 2)
Alan Vernon 3)
Len Blumin - California 4)
Bill Bouton - California 5)
Charlie Westerinen - Lima, Peru 6)
Mike Baird - California 7)
George Lamson - California 8)
Regular Daddy - California
1) Juvenile 2) First year 3 - 6) Nonbreeding 7, 8) Breeding

Tern,_Greater Crested also
Crested Tern also
Swift Tern Thalasseus bergii Found:
Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Laurie_Boyle 2)
Quarti -
Sydney 3)
Glen Fergus - Fingal Beach, Australia 4)
Snacks 5, 6, 7, 8) Dick Daniels on Michaelmas Cay - Great Barrier Reef

Tern,_Lesser_Crested Thalasseus bengalensis Found: Africa,
Asia, Australia
Image by: 1)
Charlie Westerinen - eastern Australia 2)
Mike_Prince 3)
Sandeep Gangadharan - India
1) Non breeding

Tern,_Royal Thalasseus maximus Found: The Americas, Europe,
Image by:
1) Dick Daniels - Florida 2)
Dick - Jamaica
3) Dick - Panama
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) Dick - North Carolina

Tern,_Sandwich also
Cabot's Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus also
Thalasseus acuflavidus
Found: The Americas
Image by: 1)
Dick - Venice. Florida
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) Dick Daniels - North Carolina
4) Charlie Westerinen - Lima, Peru
1, 2, 3, 4) Nonbreeding 5, 6, 7, 8) Breeding
8) Sandwich Tern and Royal Tern

Tern,_Sandwich Thalasseus sandvicensis sandvicensis
Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by:
MPF - Northumberland, UK 2)
Jan Svetlik