The shrike families are:
Malaconotidae, Prionopidae.
Cuckooshrikes often have gray colors simillar to many shrikes and their shape and flight pattern is similar to cuckoos. But they are not closely related to Cuckoos or Shrikes. Cuckooshrikes are
found in warm climates of Africa, Asia, and Australasia.
Genus Analisoma
Cuckooshrike, New Caledonian Analisoma analis also
Coracina analis Found: New Caldonia (east of Australia)
Image by: 1) Richard Fuller 2)
Roger and Liz Charlwood

Genus Campephaga
Cuckooshrike, Black Campephaga flava Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 2)
Steve Garvie - Kenya 3)
Paul Curtis 4)
Paul Barnard - Zaire
1, 2, 3) Female 4) Male

Cuckooshrike, Golden Campochaera sloetii Found: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit
Cuckooshrike, Petit's Campephaga petiti Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya
2, 4) Michael and Helen Cox 3)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda
1) Female 2) Male

Cuckooshrike, Purple-throated Campephaga quiscalina Found: Africa
Image by:
Carol Foil 2)
Nigel Voaden

Cuckooshrike, Red-shouldered Campephaga phoenicea Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Lizars 3)
Ron Knight
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Genus Celebesia
Cuckooshrike, Pygmy Celebesia abbotti Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Kristian Svennson - Sulawesi
Genus Coracina
Cicadabird Coracina tenuirostris Found: Australasia
Image by:
1, 2) Aviceda - Kobble Creek, SE Queensland, Australia 3)
David Cook - Rocky Hall, NSW,
1) Male 2, 3) Female

Cicadabird, Sulawesi Coracina morio Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Mike Nelson 2)
Joseph Smit 3)
Christohorus Merung
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Cuckooshrike, Ashy also
Madagascar Cuckooshrike Coracina cinerea Found: Madagascar, Mayotte
Image by: 1,
2) Jim Scarff 3)
Kristian Svennson

Cuckooshrike, Bar-bellied Coracina striata Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Neon Roseli - Philippines 2)

Cuckooshrike, Barred Coracina lineata Found: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Image by: 1)
Greg Schechter - Australia 2)
David Cook - Queensland

Cuckooshrike, Black-faced Coracina novaehollandiae Found:
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo 2)
Cole - San Diego Zoo 3)
Dick - Australia 4)
David Cook -

Cuckooshrike, Cerulean Coracina temminckii Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Sulawesi 2)
Kristian Svensson - Sulawesi

Cuckooshrike, Gray Coracina caesia Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 2)
Tom Tarrant - Uganda 3)
Ian White

Cuckooshrike, Gray-headed also
Gray-headed Cicadabird Coracina schisticeps Found: Indonesia, New Guinea
Image by: 1)
John Gould
1) Female - top; male - bottom
Cuckooshrike, Ground Coracina maxima Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Laurie_Boyle 2)
Cook - Queensland 3)
Ron Knight

Cuckooshrike, Javan Coracina javensis Found: Indonesia (Java)
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Malaysia 2)

Cuckooshrike, Large Coracina macei Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Shanthanu Bhardwaj - Dhrangadhra, Gujarat, India

Cuckooshrike, Pied Coracina bicolor Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Adolph Meyer
Cuckooshrike, Slaty Coracina schistacea Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
John Gould
Cuckooshrike, South Melanesian Coracina caledonica Found: Papua New Guinea
Image by:
1, 2) Tony Morris - New Caledonia

Cuckooshrike, Stout-billed Coracina caeruleogrisea Found: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1)
John Gould 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Papau, New Guinea

Cuckooshrike, Sunda Coracina larvata Found: Indonesia, Malaysia
Image by: 1)
Andrew Siani 2)
Denis Degullacion

Cuckooshrike, Wallacean Coracina personata Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit
Cuckooshrike, White-bellied Coracina papuensis Found: Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands
Image by:
1, 2) Avecida - Queensland, AU 3)
Lip Kee

Cuchooshrike, White-breasted Coracina pectoralis Found: Africa
Image by: 1) J
ohann du Preez - Zambia 2)
Ron Knight - Cameroon

Cuckooshrike, White-rumped Coracina leucopygia Found: Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee 2)
Daniel Koh

Genus Lalage
The trillers are fairly small birds, about 15 to 20 cm long. They are mainly black, grey and white in colour. Their name comes from the loud trilling calls of the males. They occur in southern Asia, Australasia and Pacific islands. They feed mainly on insects and fruit. They build a neat cup-shaped nest high in a tree.
Cuckooshrike, Black-headed Lalage melanoptera Found: India, Myanmar
Image by:
1, 2) JM Garg - India 3)
Sudhir Naik - Karnataka, India
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Cuckooshrike, Black-winged Lalage melaschistos Found: southeast Asia, Japan, Philippines (rare)
Image by: 1)
JM Garg - India
2, 3) Lip Kee

Cuckooshrike, Indochinese Lalage polioptera also
Coracina polioptera Found: souttheast Asia
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)

Cuckooshrike, Lesser Lalage fimbriata also
Coracina fimbriata Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
Image by: 1)
Nicolas Le Jeune 2)
Ron Pudin - Borneo

Cuckooshrike, Mauritius Lalage typica also
Coracina typica Found: Mauritius in the Indian Ocean
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Jerry Oldenettel

Cuckooshrile, Reunion Lalage newtoni Found: island of Reunion in Indian Ocean
Image by: 1)
Careres and Jasmin
1) Male
Triller,_Black-and-white Lalage melanoleuca Found: Philippines
Image by:
Neon Rosell
Triller,_Black-browed Lalage atrovirens Found: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Image by:
Tom Tarrant - Papua, Indonesia
Triller,_Long-tailed Lalage leucopyga Australia and some northeast islands
Image by:
1. 2) Henrik Gronvold 3)
Papier K 4)
Oliver H
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Triller,_Pied Lalage nigra Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by:
1, 2) Lip Kee - Singapore 3)
Johnny Wee 4)
Andrew Siani - Borneo 5)
Melvin Yap - Singapore
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Triller,_Polynesian Lalage maculosa Found: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, etc
Image by:
1, 2,
3) Tom Tarrant - Fiji

Triller,_Rufous-bellied Lalage aurea Found: Maluku Islands of Indonesia
Image by:
Paulo Alves 2)
Francesco Veronesi 3, 4) Kristian Svennson

Triller,_Varied Lalage leucomela Found: Australasia
Image by: 1) Dave Curits - Queensland
2, 3)
David Cook - Cairns, QLD, Australia 4)
Aviceda - SE Queensland 5)
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Triller,_White-browed Lalage moesta Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
John Gould
Triller,_White-rumped Lalage leucopygialis Found: Sulawesi in Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit
Triller,_White-shouldered Lalage sueurii Found: Indonesia, East Timor
Image by:
1, 2) Ron Knight
1) Female 2) Male

Triller,_White-winged Lalage tricolor Found: Australia, Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1) )
Mdekool 2)
Brian_McCauley 3, 4) David Cook - Wamboin, NSW, Australia
5) Aviceda - Queensland 6)
1, 2) Female 3 - 6) Male

Genus Lobotos
Cuckooshrike, Ghana also
Western Wattled Cuckooshrike Lobotos lobatus Found: Africa
Image by:
Nicolas Le Jeune
Cuckooshrike, Oriole also
Eastern Wattled Cuckooshrike Lobotos oriolinus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Henrick Gronvold
Genus Pericrocotus
The minivets are found mainly in forests in southern and eastern Asia. They are fairly small, slender birds with long tails and an erect posture. Many species have bright red or yellow markings. They feed mainly on insects, foraging in groups in the tree canopy.
Minivet,_Ashy Pericrocotus divaricatus Found: Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
KC Hung

Minivet,_Brown-rumped also
Swinhoe's Minivet Pericrocotus cantonensis Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
John Gould 2)
KC Hung 3)
Ross Tsai

Minivet,_Fiery Pericrocotus igneus Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Carlo Gomez - Philippines 2)
Dave Irving

Minivet,_Flores also
Little Minivet Pericrocotus lansbergei Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2, 3) Ron Knight
2) Female 3) Male

Minivet,_Gray-chinned also
Gray-throated Minivet Pericrocotus solaris Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Hiyashi_Haka 3, 4) John and Fish - Taiwan
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Minivet,_Long-tailed Pericrocotus ethologus Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
JM Garg 2)
Ron Knight 3)
Imran_Shah - Pakistan

Minivet,_Orange Pericrocotus flammeus Found: Indian Subcontinent, Sri Lanka
Image by:
Hafiz Issadeen - Sri Lanka 2)
Tarique Sani
Minivet,_Rosy Pericrocotus roseus Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
John Gould 2, 3) Francesco Veronesi - Thailand 4)
Saud Faisal

Minivet,_Ryukyu Pericrocotus tegimae Found: Japan
Image by:
2) Lin_Sun_Fong

Minivet,_Scarlet Pericrocotus flammeus also
Pericrocotus speciosus Found: southern Asia, Indonesia, Malaysian, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Hafiz Issadeen - Sri Lanka 2)
Lip Kee - Malaysia 3)
JM Garg - India 4)
Hiyashi Haka - Malaysia
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Minivet,_Short-billed Pericrocotus brevirostris Found: southeast Asia
Image by:
1, 4) Elizabeth Gould 2, 6) Francesco Veronesi - Buhtan
3, 4) Dick Daniels - Nepal
1 - 4) Female 5, 6) Male

Minivet. Small Pericrocotus cinnamomeus Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia
Image by:
1, 3) Joby Joseph 2)
JM Garg - India 4)
Tarique Sani

Minvet, Sunda Pericrocotus miniatus Found: Indonesia
Image by:
1, 3) Nocolas le Jeune 2)
Vinchel Budihardjo
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Minivet,_White-bellied Pericrocotus erythropygius Found: India
Image by: 1)
JM Garg - Rajasthan 2)
Mishra 3)
Gaurav Bhatnagar

There are three species of satinbirds, all found in New Guinea. Their nearest relatives may be the Cuckoo-shrikes. They have also been considered related to browerbirds or birds-of-paradise.
Genus Cnemophilus
Satinbird, Crested Cnemophilus macgregorii Found: New Guinea
Image by:
1, 4) Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Richard Sharpe 3)
Jerry Oldenettel
3) Female 4) Male

Satinbird, Loria's Cnemophilus loriae Found: New Guinea
Image by:
1, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
John Gould 4)
Jerry Oldenettel 5)
David Cook
3, 4) Female 5) Male

Genus Loboparadisea - 1 species
Satinbird,_Yellow-breasted Loboparadisea sericea Found: New Guinea
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
1) Male 2) Female