Owls are found on all continents except Antarctica. Owls are divided into two families: the typical owls, Strigidae; and the barn-owls, Tytonidae. They range in size from 13-70 cm. Owls do not construct nests, but rather look for a sheltered nesting site or an abandoned nest in trees, underground burrows, or in buildings, barns and caves.
Owls are solitary and nocturnal. They hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds though a few species specialize in hunting fish. Most hunt for prey only in the darkness. Much of the owls' hunting strategy depends on stealth and surprise. They are very quiet in flight plus they have dull colors. Owls have large forward-facing eyes and ear-holes, a hawk-like beak, a flat face, and usually a conspicuous circle of feathers around each eye. The facial disc helps to funnel the sound of prey to their ears. Although owls have binocular vision, their large eyes are fixed in their sockets, as with other birds, and they must turn their entire head to change views. Owls can rotate their heads and necks as much as 270 degrees in either direction.
The female is usually larger than the male.
Owl species can be found on these web pages:
New World Owls, Old World Owls, Barn Owls, Eagle-Owls, Pygmy-Owls,
Barn-owls are medium to large sized owls with large heads and characteristic heart-shaped faces. They have long, strong legs with powerful talons. They also differ from Strigidae owls in structural details
relating in particular to the sternum and feet.
Genus Phodilus
Bay-Owls resemble Barn Owls but have a U-shaped facial disk and small ear tufts.
Owl,_Congo_Bay- Phodilus prigoginei also
Tyto prigoginei Found: DR Congo, Tanzania
Image by: 1)
Owl,_Oriental Bay- Phodilus badius Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Tim_Ellis 2)
LonelyShrimp - Thailand 3)
S. Shankar - Kuala Lumpur Bird Park 4)

Owl,_Sri_Lanka_Bay- Phodilus assimilis Found: south western India, Sri Lanka
Image by:
1, 2) Dr.abhilash.ak

Genus Tyto
The Barn Owls have a heart-shaped face and have no ear tufts.
Owl,_African_Grass- Tyto capensis Found: Congo, Ethiopia and points south.
Image by: 1)
Owl,_Andaman_Masked- Tyto deroepstorffi Found: Andaman Islands (west of Myanmar)
Image by: 1)
Albinjacob 2)

Owl,_Ashy-faced Tyto glaucops Dominican Republic, Haiti
Image by: 1)
Mario Davalos 2)
John Greenaway

Owl,_Australian Masked- Tyto novaehollandiae Found: Australia, southern New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Ian_Banner 2, 3) Benjamint444 4) Charlie Westerinen - Featherdale

Owl,_Barn Tyto alba Found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 7)
Dick Daniels -
Carolina Raptor Center
Dick -
Center for Birds of Prey
6, 8) Dick -
Radical Raptors, South Africa

Owl,_Eastern Grass- also
Australasian Grass-Owl Tyto longimembris Found: Australia , Asia
Image by: 1)
Hyashi Haka 2, 3) Geoff_Whalan

Owl,_Golden_Masked- Tyto aurantia Found: near New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2, 3) Nik_Borrow

Owl,_Lesser_Masked- also
Moluccan Masked-Owl Tyto sororcula Found: south Moluccas of Indonesia
Image by:
1, 2) James_Eaton - Tanimbar Islands, Maluku, Indonesia

Owl,_Madagascar Red also
Red Owl Tyto soumagnei Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Ian_Banner 2)
nolafryar 3)

Owl,_Manus_Masked- Tyto manusi Found: south Moluccas of Indonesia (near New Guinea)
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)

Owl,_Minahassa_Masked- Tyto inexspectata Found: Sulawesi, Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Owl,_Seram_Masked- Tyto almae Found: Seram Island in Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Knud Andreas Jønsson
Owl,_Sooty Tyto tenebricosa Found: Australia, New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Richard Fisher - Queensland, AU 3)
Quolism 4)
Elsafreestyle - Victoria, AU 5)
Aviceda - Queensland

Owl,_Sulawesi Masked- Tyto rosenbergii Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Sulawesi
2, 3) Lip Kee - Sulawesi

Owl,_Taliabu_Masked- Tyto nigrobrunnea Found: Sula Islands, Maluku, Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Frank E Rheindt 2)