BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
This family contains the Bush-warblers of genus Cettia and their allies. They are small warbler-like birds and occur mainly in Asia and Africa. The family was formerly called
Genus Abroscopus
Warbler,_Black-faced Abroscopus schisticeps Found: Asia
Image by:
Haller1962 2)
Umeshsrinivasan 2)
Graham Ekins 3, 4) Dibyendu_Ash - India

Warbler, Rufous-faced Abroscopus albogularis Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco Veronesi - Bhutan
3, 4) Hiyashi Haka

Warbler, Yellow-bellied Abroscopus superciliaris Found: Asia
Image by:
Haller1962 2)
Francesco Veronesi - Bhutan 3) Jerry_Oldenettel

Genus Cettia
Tesia, Chestnut-headed Cettia castaneocoronata Found: Asia
Image by:
Ariefraham - Thailand 2)
John and Jemi Holmes - India 3)

Warbler, Cetti's Cettia cetti Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
JV Verde - Portugal 2)
Mark Jobling - Greece 3)
Ferran Pestana - Greece 4)
Agustin_Povedano - Spain

Warbler, Chestnut-crowned Bush- Cettia major Found: south Asia
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Cecilia Verkley

Warbler, Gray-sided Bush- Cettia brunnifrons Found: Pakistan to central China
Image by:
Dibyendu Ash - India
Genus Horornis also
These are quite terrestrial birds, which live in densely vegetated habitats such as thick forest and reedbeds. They will walk away from disturbance rather than flush. The plumage similarities and skulking lifestyle makes these birds hard to see and identify. These bush warblers tend towards rich or greyish browns above and buffish or light grey tones below.
Warbler,_Aberrant_Bush- Horornis flavolivaceus Found: China, Burma, Vietnam
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2, 3) Dave_Curtis - China

Warbler,_Brownish-flanked_Bush- Horornis fortipes Found: south Asia
Image by: 1) Haller1962
2, 3) JM Garg - India

Warbler,_Hume's_Bush- Horornis brunnescens Found: Himalya region of Asia
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Pkspks 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - India

Warbler, Japanese Bush- Horornis diphone Found: Asia, Philippines
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Alpsdake - Japan

Warbler, Manchurian Bush- also
Korean Bush-Warlber Horornis borealis Found: Asia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Ron Knight - China 3)

Warbler, Palau Bush- Horornis annae Found Palau (near Indonesia)
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Gustav Hartlaub

Warbler,_Sunda_Bush Horornis vulcanius Found: Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
Image by:
Haller1962 2)
Mike Prince - Malaysia

Warbler,_Yellowish-bellied_Bush- Horornis acanthizoides Found: China, Taiwan
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2, 3) Hiyashi Haka - Taiwan 4)
Dave_Curtis - China

Genus Phyllergates
This genus is also called
Tailorbird, Mountain Phyllergates cucullatus Found: China, India, southeast Asia. Indonesia, Philippines.
Image by: 1)
Umeshsrinivasan - India 2)
Lip Kee - Java 3)
Tom Tarrant - Borneo 4)

Genus Scotocerca - 1 species
This species is also placed in its own family
Warbler, (Streaked) Scrub Scotocerca inquieta Found: northern Africa, southwest Africa
Image by:
1) Henrik Gronvold 2)
characters - Israel

Genus Tesia
Tesia, Gray-bellied Tesia cyaniventer Found: Asia, Indonesia
Image by:
Haller1962 2)

Tesia, Javan Tesia superciliaris Found: Java (Indonesia)
Image by:
Bram Demeulemeester
Tesia, Slaty-bellied Tesia olivea Found: southeast Asia
Image by:
Haller1962 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Thailand 3)
Jon Irvine - Bhutan

Genus Tickellia - 1 species
Warbler, Broad-billed Tickellia hodgsoni Found: Asia
Image by:
Umeshsrinivasan 2)
1) Juvenile

Genus Urosphena
Stubtail, Asian also
Short-tailed Bush-Warbler Urosphena squameiceps Found: Asia
Image by:
N. Mishimura 2)
Alpsdake - Japan 3)
Hiyashi Haka

Stubtail, Bornean Urosphena whiteheadi Found: Borneo
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Jordan Sitorus

Stubtail,_Timor Urosphena subulata Found: Timor and adjacent islands (Indonesia)
Image by: 1)
Dubi_Shapiro - East Timor
Warbler,_Neumann's Urosphena neumanni Found: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda
Image by: 1)
Warbler,_Pale-footed_Bush- Urosphena pallidipes Found; Himilayan region from Nepal to northeast India
Image by: 1)
Manoj_Sharma - India