BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book

TURACOs, GO-AWAY-BIRDS and their Allies

Order Musophagiformes   Family Musophagidae

The turacos make up the bird family Musophagidae (literally "banana-eaters"), which also includes plantain-eaters and go-away-birds. In southern Africa both turacos and go-away-birds are commonly known as louries. The Go-away-birds and plantain-eaters are mainly gray and white. The turacos on the other hand are brightly coloured birds, usually blue, green or purple. Musophagids often have prominent crests and long tails. They are gregarious birds that do not migrate. Many species are noisy, with the go-away-birds being especially noted for their piercing alarm calls.

Musophagids are medium-sized arboreal birds endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, where they live in forests, woodland and savanna. Their flight is weak, but they run quickly through the tree canopy. They feed mostly on fruits and to a lesser extent on leaves, buds, and flowers, occasionally taking small insects, snails, and slugs Contrary to what the names might suggest, they generally do not eat bananas or plantains .

Genus Corythaeola - 1 species

Turaco,_Great_Blue  Corythaeola cristata   Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Bernard_Dupont - Uganda  2) Nik_Borrow - Uganda  3) Sandy Cole - San Diego Zoo   4, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo 

Genus Corythaixoides

Go-away-bird,_Bare-faced   Corythaixoides personatus  Found: Africa
Similar to: Gray Go-away-bird. Bare-faced Go-away-bird has bare black or brown face; Gray Go-away-away bird has no black on face. The Brown-faced Go-away-bird is only found in Ethiopia
Image by: 1, 2) DIck Daniels - Tanzania  3, 4, 5) Dick - Keekorok Lodge in the Masai Mara, Kenya  6) Tarique_Sani - Tanzania  7) Nik_Borrow - Tanzania, Ethiopia
7) C. p. leopoldi  8) C. p, personatus

Go-away-bird,_Gray  also Gray Lourie Corythaixoides concolor  Found: Africa
The Gray Go-away-away Bird has mainly smoky-gray plumage. Named after their "kwey" or "go away" call.
Similar to
: Bare-faced Go-away-bird. Bare-faced Go-away-bird has bare black face; Gray Go-away-away Bird has no black on face.
Image by: 1) Arno Meintjes  2) Sandy Cole - Kruger National Park, South Africa  3) Sandy - North Carolina Zoo
    4) Dick Daniels - Birds of Eden   5) Bernard_Dupont - South Africa  6) Tude e João - South Africa

Go-away-bird,_White-bellied Corythaixoides leucogaster   Found: Africa
The White-bellied Go-away-bird has gray upperparts, neck, upper-breast; white lower-breast, belly; long and pointed dark tail with white median band. Male has black bill; female has green bill.
Image by:  1)  Alastair Rae - Kenya  2) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo  3) Dick - National Aviary   4)) Yathin S Krishnappa - Tanzania  5) Lip_Kee - Tanzania

Genus Crinifer

Plantain-eater,_Eastern  Crinifer zonurus  Found: east central Africa
The Eastern Plantain-eater has mainly gray upperparts spotted with brown; brown streaked with silver head, neck, upper-breast; silver rest of underparts. Unlike the Western Plantain-eater, the Eastern Plantain-eater has white tail bars.
Image by: 1) Charles_J_Sharp - Uganda  2) Noel_Reynolds  3) Francesco_Veronesi  - Uganda

Plantain-eater,_Western  Crinifer piscator  Found: west central Africa
The Western Plantain-eater has mainly blackish upperparts spotted with brown; brown streaked with silver head, neck, upper-breast; silver rest of underparts. Unlike the Western Plantain-eater, the Eastern Plantain-eater has white tail bars.
Image by: 1) Allan_Hopkins - Gambia  2) Frans_Vandewalle  - Gambia   3, 4) Sandy Cole - Birds of Eden, South Africa  

Genus Musophaga

Turaco,_Ross's  Musophaga rossae    Found: Africa
The Ross's Turaco has mainly dark blue plumage; red crown; yellow-orange forehead shield; black legs.
Image by: 1) FunFindsCitations  2) Ed Schipul - Houstan Zoo 3) Ryan Poplin - Columbus Zoo  4) Josh_More

Turaco,_Violet  Musophaga violacea  Found: Africa
The Violet Turaco has mainly glossy purple plumage; yellow forehead; chestnut crown; white ear-coverts; red bill.
Image by: 1) Dick Daniels - Jacksonville Zoo   2, 3) Dick - Birds of Eden, South Africa  4) Thomas_Brown - Gambia  5) Nik_Borrow - Ghana

Genus Ruwenzorornis - 1 species

Turaco,_Ruwenzori   Ruwenzorornis johnstoni  Found: Burundi, DR Congo, Rwanda, Uganda
Image by: 1) John_Gerrard_Keulemans  2) Michael_Harvey

Genus Tauraco

Turaco,_Bannerman's  Tauraco bannermani  Found: Cameroon
Image by: 1) netzach  2) Henrik_Gronvold  3) Jose Olivares Compres  4) Nik_Borrow

Turaco,_Black-billed  Tauraco schuettii  Found: Africa
The Black-billed Turaco has black bill; white-tipped crest.
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2) Mickey Samuni-Blank  3) Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Turaco,_Fischer's  Tauraco fischeri  Found: Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania
Image by: 1) Naej  2) Doug_Janson  3) belgian chocolate

Turaco,_Green also Guinea Turaco Tauraco persa  Found: Africa
The Green Turaco has mainly green plumage; dark purple wings, tail; may be white line front of eye.
Image by: 1, 2) Sandy Cole - Birds of Eden, South Africa  3) Dick Daniels - Birds of Eden  4) Arthur_Chapman - Birds of Eden

Turaco,_Hartlaub's  Tauraco hartlaubi  Found: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Image by: 1) Winfried  2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels - Birds of Eden, South Africa  5) Dick - World of Birds, South Africa  5) Nik_Borrow - Kenya

Turaco,_Knysna  also Knysna Lourie Tauraco corythaix   Found: South Africa. Swaziland
The Knysna Turaco has mainly green plumage; white line under eye; thick orange-red bill; tall green crest tipped with white; brown eyes; deep red eye-ring;
Image by: 1) Anton Frolich 2) Paul_Bernard - South Africa  3) Brian_Ralphs - Birds of Eden  4) Bernard_Dupont - South Arica

Turaco,_Livingstone's  Tauraco livingstonii  Found: southeast Africa
Similar to: Schalow's Turaco. The range of Livingston's Turaco and Schalow's do not overlap.
Image by: 1) Netzach  2) Doug_Janson  3) OpenCage  4) Francesco_Veronesi - Malawi  5) Nik_Borrow - Tanzania

Turaco,_Prince Ruspoli's  also  Ruspoli's Turaco  Tauraco ruspolii  Found: Ethiopia
Image by: 1) netzach  2) Henrik_Gronvold  3) KrisMaes  4) Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia

Turaco,_Purple-crested Tauraco porphyreolophus   Found: Africa
Image by: 1) netzach  2, 5) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo 3) Sandy Cole - World of Birds, South Africa  
   4) Dick - Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo   6) Lip_Kee - South Africa

Turaco,_Red-crested   Tauraco erythrolophus Found: western Angola
Image by: 1) Nathan_Rupert  2) Daniel Demczuk  3) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Turaco,_Schalow's  Tauraco schalowi  Found: mainly Angola, southern DR Congo, Zambia
The Schalow's has coppery-green head, breast, manlte; rest dark iridescent blue.
Similar to
: Livingston's Turaco. The range of Livingston's Turaco and Schalow's do not overlap.
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2, 3) Nik_Borrow - Malawi, Tanzania  4) Francesco_Veronesi - Malawi  5) Steve_Garvie - Kenya

Turaco,_White-cheeked  Tauraco leucotis  Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan
Image by: 1, 2) Dick Daniels - National Aviary   3) Sandy Cole - National Aviary  4) Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia

Turaco,_White-crested  Tauraco leucolophus  Found: Nigeria, Kenya
Image by: 1) Steve Wilson  2) Brian  3) Russ_Glasson - Nashville Zoo

Turaco,_Yellow-billed  Tauraco macrorhynchus  Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2) Francesco_Veronesi - Ghana  3) Nik_Borrow - Ghana

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