BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Tityridae is family of suboscine passerine birds found in forest and woodland in the Neotropics. The approximately 30 species in this family were formerly spread over the families Tyrannidae,
Pipridae and Cotingidae.
Genus Iodopleura
Their name is a reference to the purple feather tufts on the flanks of the male, but these are often not visible when the wings are held closed, and females lack them entirely.
Purpletuff,_Buff-throated Iodopleura pipra Found: eastern Brazil
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas 2)
Joao_Quental 3)
Rick elis.simpson
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Purpletuff,_Dusky Iodopleura fusca Found: mainly in Guianas
Image by: 1)
Purpletuff,_White-browed Iodopleura isabellae Found: Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezueal
Image by: 1) Claudio_Timm - Brazil 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil, Ecuador
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Genus Laniisoma - 1 species
Cotinga,_Shrike-like Laniisoma elegans Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru. Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Lee_Dingain 2)
Ana Agreda 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Laniocera
Mourner,_Cinereous Laniocera hypopyrra Found: central and northern South America
Image by: 1)
Mourner,_Speckled Laniocera rufescens Found: Mexico, Central Amercia, Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Sam_Woods 2)
Aaron_Maizlish - Panama

Genus Oxyruncus - 1 species
Sharpbill Oxyruncus cristatus Found: Costa Rica, Panama, South America
Image by: 1)
Joseph_Smit 2)
Rick_Ellis_Simpson 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 4)
Claudio Timm

Genus Pachyramphus
Becard,_Barred Pachyramphus versicolor Found: Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by:
1, 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)

Becard,_Black-and-white Pachyramphus albogriseus Found: Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Roger_Ahlman in Ecuador 2)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Becard,_Chestnut-crowned Pachyramphus castaneus Found: South
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches 2)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 3)
Ron_Knight - Argentina

Becard,_Cinereous Pachyramphus rufus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Claudio_Timm 2)
Wilson_Cabanzo - Columbia
3, 4) Barloventomagico
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Becard,_Cinnamon Pachyramphus cinnamomeus Found: Central America, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Costa Rica 2)
Steve_Garvie 3)
Aaron_Maizlish - Panama

Becard,_Crested Pachyramphus validus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dario_Sanches - Brazil
3, 4) Ben_Tavener - Brazil
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Becard,_Glossy-backed Pachyramphus surinamus Found: northeastern Brazil, Guianas
Image by: 1, 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online -Anselmo_d'Affonseca
1) Female 2) Male

Becard,_Gray-collared Pachyramphus major Found: Mexico, Nicaragua
Image by: 1)
Nigel_Voaden - Mexico 2)

Becard,_Green-backed Pachyramphus viridis Found: South
Image by: 1, 2)
Claudio Timm 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 4)
Pedro Inacio de Paula

Becard,_One-colored Pachyramphus homochrous Found: Columbia, Ecuador, extreme north Peru, Venezuela
Image by:
1, 2)
Nick Athanas - Columbia, Ecuador 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Becard,_Pink-throated Pachyramphus minor Found: northern Brazil and surrounding countries
Image by: 1)
Marcel_Holyoak - Ecuador 2)
Hector_Bottai 3)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador
1) Female 3) Male

Becard,_Rose-throated Pachyramphus aglaiae Found: southwest United States through Central America
Image by: 1)
Carol Foil - Belize
2, 4)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica 3)
Jorge Montejo - Mexico
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Becard,_Slaty Pachyramphus spodiurus Found: mainly Peru; also nearby Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Joseph_Smit 2)
Tadeusz_Stawarczyk 1, 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Sam_Woods, Tadeusz_Stawarczyk
1) Female 2) Male

Becard,_White-winged Pachyramphus polychopterus Found: Central and South America
Image by:
1, 4) Carlos_Henrique - Brazil 2)
Aaron_Maizlish - Panama 3)
Gustavo Fernando Durán 5)
Dominic Sherony 6)
Nick Athanas - Pamana , Ecuador
1 - 3) Female 4 - 6) Male

Genus Schiffornis
Schiffornis,_Brown-winged Schiffornis turdina Found: mainly Brazi; also Bolivial, Peru
Image by: 1)
Cal_Martins Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Alexander_Lees
Schiffornis,_Greenish Schiffornis virescens Found: mainly southern Brazil; also Argentina, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Claudio_Timm 2)
Dario_Sanches - Brazil 3)
Nick_Athanas = Brazil

Schiffornis,_Northern Schiffornis veraepacis Found: Mexico to Columbia, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Andres_Cuervo - Panama 2)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Schiffornis,_Olivaceous Schiffornis olivacea Found: mainly northeast Brazil; also the Guianas, eastern Venezuela
Image by: 1)
J Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Joao_Quental
Schiffornis,_Russet-winged Schiffornis stenorhyncha Found: Panama, Columbia, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Andres_Cuervo 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Josh_Beck

Schiffornis,_Vrazea also
Greater Schiffornis Schiffornis major Found: Brazil and surrounding countries
Image by: 1)
Peter_Bono - Brazil 2)
Arthur_Grosset - Brazil
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Joe_Tobias

Genus Tityra
These species have large bills. They are found in forest clearings and edges, second growth and other semi-open habitats such as plantation shade trees. The eggs are laid in a bed of dry leaves in a tree hole, often an old woodpecker nest.
Tityra,_Black-crowned Tityra inquisitor Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Carlos_Henrique 3)
1) Female , 32) Male

Tityra,_Black-tailed Tityra cayana Found: Brazil and surrounding countries
Image by: 1) Barloventomagico 2)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Tityra,_Masked Tityra semifasciata Found: Central and South America
Image by:
1, 2) Nick Athanas - Costa Rica 3)
Andy_Morffew - Costa Rica

Genus Xenopsaris - 1 species
Xenopsaris,_White-naped Xenopsaris albinucha Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Hector_Bottai 2)
Nick Athanas - Brazil