BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Procellariiformes is an order of seabirds that comprises albatrosses, shearwaters, and various type of petrels. Wings are long and narrow; feet are webbed, and the hind toe is undeveloped or non-existent. Plumage is predominantly black, white and gray. They are almost exclusively pelagic (feeding in the open ocean). They distributed across the world's oceans, with the highest diversity being around New Zealand. Procellariiformes mostly nesting on remote predator-free islands. Only a single egg is laid per nesting attempt. The various species within the order have a variety of migration strategies. Many species undertake regular trans-equatorial migrations. However, no albatrosses cross the migrate across the equator because they rely on wind assisted flight.
The order has a few unifying characteristics, starting with their tubular nasal passages enclosed in one or two tubes on their straight, deeply grooved bills with hooked tips. These passages are used for smelling which helps to locate patchily distributed prey at sea and may also help locate their nests within nesting colonies. Also, they have a stomach oil stored that can be used as a food source during their long flights and also as a defense mechanism. All birds have an enlarged nasal gland at the base of the bill, above their eyes. This gland is inactive in species that don't require it; however the Procellariiformes do require its use due to their drinking of ocean water. It removes salt that forms a 5% saline solution that drips out of their nose or is forcibly ejected in some petrels. [abstracted from Wikipedia]
Prions and Shearwaters
Order Procellariiformes Family Procellariidae
procellariid family is usually broken up into four fairly distinct groups; the fulmarine petrels, the gadfly petrels, the prions, and the shearwaters. This web page contains the
prions and the
Prions are small petrels. They are found in the Southern Ocean and breed on a number of subantarctic islands. Prions grow 20–27 cm long, and have blue-gray upper parts and white underparts. All prions are marine and feed on small crustacea and some small fish.
Shearwaters fly with stiff wings and use a “shearing” flight technique to move across wave fronts with the minimum of active flight. Many are long-distance migrants. They are also long-lived,
some live to 50 years. Shearwaters come to islands and coastal cliffs only to breed. They are nocturnal at the colonial breeding sites, preferring moonless nights to minimize predation. They feed on fish,
squid, and similar oceanic food.
Genus Ardenna
Shearwater, Buller's Ardenna bulleri Found: The Americas (Pacific Coast), Asia, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Tony_Morris - New Zealand
2, 3, 4) Aviceda - New Zealand

Shearwater, Flesh-footed Ardenna carneipes Found: North America (West coast), Asia, Africa, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Lee Gilbert 2)
Duncan 3)
Brian Gratwicke - New Zealand 4)
patrick kavanagh - New South Wales

Shearwater. Great Ardenna gravis;
Found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) Dick Daniels - off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina at the Gulf Stream

Shearwater, Pink-footed Ardenna creatopus Found: The Americas
Image by: 1)
Amy McAndrews - Mexico 2)
Marc Dragiewicz 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - California 4)
Julio Mulero - California 5)
Mike Baird - California

Shearwater, Short-tailed Ardenna tenuirostris Found: The Americas, Australia
Image by:
1, 2) JJ Harrison - Tasmania, Australia 3)
Bill Bouton - California 4)
Mike Baird
1) Juvenile

Shearwater, Sooty Ardenna grisea Found: The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by: 1)
Sabine's Sunbird - New Zealand 2)
putneymark 3)
seabamirum - off New Jersey coast 4)
Nick Athanas - Faklands
5, 6, 7) Dick Daniels - Gulf Stream, North Carolina

Shearwater, Wedge-tailed Ardenna pacifica Found:
The Americas (west coast), Asia, Africa, Australia
Image by 1)
Dominic Sherony - Oaxaca, Mexico 2)
Angrysunbird 3) Dick Daniels- Kauai, Hawaii 4) Amy McAndrews - Mexico
5) Charlie Westerinen - east of Wollongong Australia
1, 2, 3) Light morph 4) Intermediate morph

Genus Calonectris
This genus contains 3 large shearwaters.
Shearwater,_Cape_Verde Calonectris edwardsii Found: breeds off coast west Africa
Image by: 1)
Graham_Ekins 2)
Claudio_Timm 3, 4) Dominic_Mitchell

Shearwater, Cory's Calonectris borealis Found: Atlantic coasts
of North America, South America, Europe, Africa
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dan Irizarry - off coast of North Carolina
Matrina Noite
5) Dick Daniels- off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina at the Gulf Stream

Shearwater,_Scopoli's Calonectris diomedea Found: Mediterranean, Atlantic
Image by: 1)
Telegro - Greece 2)
Nik_Borrow - Spain

Shearwater,_Streaked Calonectris leucomelas Found: breeds Japan
Image by: 1)
Kanachoro - Mikura Island 2)
Tony_Morris - Japan

Genus Fulmarus
Fulmar, Northern Fulmarus glacialis Found: North America, Europe, Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3 5, 6, 7)
Dick Daniels - Scotland 4)
Nik_Borrow - England 8)
Jason Crotty - California
8) Darker morph

Fulmar,_Southern also
Antarctic Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides Found: Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Antarctic region
Image by: 1)
Cristian_Pinto 2)
Samuel_Blanc 3, 4, 5) Charlie Westerinen - Antarctica

Genus Pachyptila
Prions are small petrels. They are found in the Southern Ocean and breed on a number of subantarctic islands. Prions grow 20–27 cm long, and have blue-gray upper parts and white underparts. All prions are marine and feed on small crustacea and some small fish.
Prion, Antarctic Pachyptila desolata Found: Africa, Asia, Australasia, South America, and the Antarctic region
Image by:
1, 2) Liam Quinn - South Atlantic Ocean
3) Charlie Westerinen - North Shetland in the Drake Passage

Prion,_Broad-billed Pachyptila vittata Found: Southern Hemisphere (Africa, Australasia, South America)
Image by: 1)
Nicolas_LeJeune 2)

Prion, Fairy Pachyptila turtur Found: oceans and coastal areas in the Southern Hemisphere (including
Image by:
Zoopro 2)
Sabine's Sunbird -
off Northland Coast, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand 3)
David Cook - Continental shelf, off Eden, NSW, Australia 4)
Ed_Dunens - Victoria

Prion,_Fulmar Pachyptila crassirostris Found: Africa, Australasia
Image by: 1)
Paul_Sagar - Bounty Island, New Zealand 2)

Prion,_Salvin's also
Medium-billed Petrel Pachyptila salvini Found: Africa, Australasia, South America,
Image by: 1)
ZooPro 2)

Prion, Slender-billed Pachyptila belcheri Found: Africa, Asia, Australia,
South America
Image by: 1)
Zoo_Pro 2, 3, 6) Charlie Westerinen - the Drakes Passage to Antarctica 4, 5)
Nick Athanas - Falkland Islands

Genus Puffinus
Puffinus name was originally chosen because these shearwaters were once thought to be related to puffins. They are small to medium sized.
Shearwater, Audubon's Puffinus lherminieri Found: The Americas (east coast), Africa, Asia. Australasia
Image by: 1)
Dan Irizarry off North Carolina coast
2, 3) Jason Forbes off New Jersey coast 4)
Dominic Sherony 5) Dick Daniels - off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina at the Gulf Stream

Shearwater,_Balearic Puffinus mauretanicus Found: breeds Balearic islands
Image by: 1)
Marcabrera 2)
Muchaxo 3)
Jofre_Ferrer - Spain

Shearwater,_Barolo Puffinus baroli Found: breeds Azores, Canaries:
Image by: 1)
Luis_Ferreira 2)

Shearwater, Black-vented Puffinus opisthomelas Found: North America (West coast)
Image by: 1)
Blake_Matheson - Montery Bay 2)
Amy McAndrews - Mexico 3)
Jerry_Oldenettel - California

Shearwater,_Boyd's Puffinus boydi Found: breeds Cape Verde archipelago of the Atlantic Ocean
Image by:
1, 2) Dominic_Mitchell

Shearwater,_Bryan's Puffinus bryani Found: around Hawaiin Islands
Image by: 1)
Shearwater,_Christmas Puffinus nativitatis Found: tropical Central Pacific
Image by:
1, 2) Duncan - Tern Island of Hawaian Islands
Forest_n_Kim_Starr - Midway Atoll

Shearwater,_Fluttering Puffinus gavia Found: New Zealand, Solomon Islands
Image by: 1)
JJ_Harrison - Tasmania 2)

Shearwater, Galapagos Puffinus subalaris Found: Galapagos Islands and ranging to coastal South America
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Guatemala
2, 3) Amy McAndrews - Mexico

Shearwater,_Heinroth's Puffinus heinrothi Found: near Solomon Islands
Image by: 1)
James_Eaton - Indonesia
Shearwater,_Hutton's Puffinus huttoni Breeds: New Zealand:
Image by: 1)
New_Zealand_Department_Conservation 2)
Francesco_Veronesi 3)
Duncan_Wright 4)

Shearwater,_Little Puffinus assimilis Found: throughout the oceans south of the Tropic of Capricorn.
Image by: 1)
Shearwater, Manx Puffinus puffinus Found: The Americas, Europe, Africa, Australasia
Image by: 1)
oskaree - Iceland
2, 4) Bill Bouton - California 3)
Mike Baird - California

Shearwater,_Newell's Puffinus newelli Found: Hawaiian Islands vicinity
Image by: 1)
gunnlaugursig 2)
1) Juvenile

Shearwater,_Persian Puffinus persicus Found: Africa, Asia
Image by: 1)
Shearwater,_Rapa Puffinus myrtae Found: breeds French Polynesia
Image by: 1)
Shearwater,_Townsend's Puffinus auricularis Found: breeds: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Don_Faulkner - off Argentina
Shearwater,_Tropical Puffinus bailloni Found: Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific Ocean
Image by: 1)
Kinlarak - Reunion Island 2)
Tim_Stenton - Maldives

Shearwater,_Yelkouan Puffinus yelkouan Found: breeds around Mediterranean.:
Image by: 1)
Emoke_Denes - Malta