The woodpeckers family members are found almost worldwide. Most species live in forests or woodland habitats, although a few species are known to live in treeless areas such as rocky hillsides and deserts. They range in size from 8-50cm. Many species exhibit patches of red and yellow on their heads and bellies, and these bright areas are important in signalling. Although the sexes of Picidae species tend to look alike, many have more prominent red or yellow head markings in males than in females.
Members of the family Picidae have strong bills for drilling and drumming on trees and long sticky tongues for extracting food. Species that use their bills in soil or for probing as opposed to regular hammering tend to have longer and more decurved bills. To prevent brain damage from the rapid and repeated decelerations, woodpeckers have evolved a number of adaptations to protect the brain. These include small brain size and the short duration of contact. The millisecond before contact with wood a thickened membrane closes, protecting the eye from flying debris. The nostrils are also protected; they are often slit-like and have special feathers to cover them. In addition to the strong claws and feet woodpeckers have short strong legs, this is typical of birds that regularly forage on trunks. The tails of most woodpeckers are stiffened, and when the bird perches on vertical surfaces, the tail and feet work together to support it. Picidae species can either be sedentary or migratory.
Genus Blythipicus Found : southeast Asia, Malaysia
Woodpecker,_Bay Blythipicus pyrrhotis Found: China, Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia, Malaysia
Image by: 1)
Raju_Kasambe 2)
Tang_Jun 3)

Woodpecker,_Maroon Blythipicus rubiginosus Found: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand
Image by:
1, 3) John_Mittermeier 2)

Genus Campephilus Found : mainly South America; also North America (Mexico)
Woodpecker,_Cream-backed Campephilus leucopogon Found: South America
Image by:
1. 2, 3) Nick_Athanas - Argentina 4)
Cristiano Crolle - Esteros del Iberà, Argentina
1) Pair - male on top 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Crimson-bellied Campephilus haematogaster Found: Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1, 2, 3)
Delahaye 4)
Rodrigo_Gavirao 5) Nick_Athanas - Columbia
1) Juvenile 2) Female 3, 5) Male

Woodpecker,_Crimson-crested Campephilus melanoleucos Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cláudio Timm - the Amazon, Brazil
2, 3, 4, 5) Dick Daniels -
Soberania National Park, Panama 6) - Venezuela
5) Female on left, male on right 6) Male

Woodpecker,_Guayaquil Campephilus gayaquilensis Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Nick_Athanas -Peru, Ecuador, Ecuador
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Magellanic Campephilus magellanicus Found: Chile, Argentina
Image by: 1)
Richard Crook 2) Nick_Athanas 3,4) Liam Quinn - Agrentina 5)
1) Female 2) Male with juvenile 3, 4, 5) Male

Woodpecker,_Pale-billed Campephilus guatemalensis Found: Mexico to Panama
Image by: 1)
Alexsf007 - Cayo, Belize 2)
llsproat 3)
D. G. Robertson - Costa Rica
1) Male

Woodpecker,_Powerful Campephilus pollens Found: South America
1, 4) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador 2)
JPC Raleigh 3)
Francesco Veresoni - Ecuador
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Red-necked Campephilus rubricollis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Barloventomagico - Bolivia 2)
Maxime_Dechelle - French Guiana
3) Nick_Athanas - Brazil
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Robust Campephilus robustus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Cláudio Timm - Santa Catarina, Brazil 3)
Dario_Sanches 4) Nick_Athanas
1, 2, 4) Male

Genus Campethera Found : Africa
Woodpecker,_Bennett's Campethera bennettii Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee - Botswana 2)
Johann Synman - Zambia
3,4) Derek Keats - South Africa 5)
Nik Borrow - Zambia
1) Male on left, Female on right

Woodpecker,_Brown-eared Campethera caroli Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Steve Garvie - Kenya 2)
Ross_Tsai - Uganda 3) Steve_Garvie

Woodpecker,_Buff-spotted Campethera nivosa Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Michael_Andersen - Sierae Leone 2)
Marcel_Holyoak - Cameroon
3) Ross_Tsai

Woodpecker,_Fine-spotted Campethera punctuligera Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Allan Hopkins - Gambia 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Gambia
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Golden-tailed Campethera abingoni Found:
Image by: 1)
Ulrich_prokop 2)
Alastair Rae 3)
Arno Meintjes 4)
Cristiano Crolle - Kalahari desert Namibia 5)
Derek_Keats - South Africa 6)
Nik_Borrow - Gambia

Woodpecker,_Green-backed also
Little Spotted Woodpecker Campethera cailliautii Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi 2)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Woodpecker,_Knysna Campethera notata Found: South Africa
Image by: 1)
Ulrich_prokop 2)

Woodpecker,_Little_Green Campethera maculosa Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
John_Caddick - Sierra Leone 2)

Woodpecker,_Mombasa Campethera mombassica Found: Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania
Image by:
1, 2) Steve Garvie - Kenya
1) Female 2) Male

Woodpecker , Nubian Campethera nubica Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels - Keekorok Lodge in the Masai Mara, Kenya 5)
Brad Schram - Samburu National Reserve 6)
Wifflepeg - Kenya 7)
Joseph Mochoge - Eburu Kenya
1 - 4) Female 5, 6) Male

Woodpecker,_Tullberg's Campethera tullbergi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Nik Borrow - Cameroon
2, 3) Mike_Barth - Kenya 3)
1) Female

Genus Celeus Found : mainly in South America
Woodpecker,_Blond-crested Celeus flavescens Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
Image by:
1, 4) Dario Sanches- Brazil
2, 3) Aaron Maizish - Brazil 5)
DougMino - Brazil
1) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Chestnut Celeus elegans Found: Trinadad, South America
Image by: 1)
Steve Garvie - Trinadad 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Trinidad 3)
Joao_Quental - Brazil

Woodpecker,_Chestnut-colored Celeus castaneus Found: Mexico, Central America
Image by:
1, 2) Doug_Greenberg - Costa Rica 3)
George_Lin - Costa Roca
Amy McAndrews - Mexico 2)
Michael Woodruff - Costa Rica 3)
Don Faulkner - Costa Rica
4) Nick_Athanas - Costa Rica

Woodpecker,_Cinnamon Celeus loricatus Found: Central America, South America (Columbia)
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels -
Soberania National Park, Panama 3)
HarmonyOnPlanetEarth - Panama
4) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador
3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Cream-colored Celeus flavus Found: South America
Image by:
Jerry Oldenettel - Venezuela 2)
Mark Watson - Venezuela 3)
Joao Quental - Peru
4) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Helmeted Dryocopus galeatus Found: Argentina. Rare in Brazil, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Carlos_de_Almeida 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Martjan_Lammertink

Woodpecker,_Kaempfer's Celeus obrieni Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Joao_Quental 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Alex_Mesquita

Woodpecker,_Pale-crested Celeus lugubris Found: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Tambako The Jaguar 2)
David Schenfeld - Brazil 3)
Amelia_Berti - Paraguay male
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Ringed Celeus torquatus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Sean McCann - French Guiana 2)
Amy McAndrews - Brazil
3) Nick_Athanas - Brazil 4)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil

Woodpecker,_Rufous-headed Celeus spectabilis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Yuri Hooker 2)
Ross at Texas 3)
Joao_Quental - Brazil

Woodpecker,_Scale-breasted Celeus grammicus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Dave_Wendelken 2)
1) Female 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Waved Celeus undatus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Venezuela
2) Nick_Athanas - Venezula 3)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Michel_Giraud-Audine in French Guiana
2) Female 3) Male

Genus Chrysocolaptes Found : Asia
Flameback,_Buff-spotted Chrysocolaptes lucidus Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Stijn_De_Win 2)
1, 2) Male

Flameback, Crimson-backed Chrysocolaptes stricklandi also
Chrysocolaptes lucidus stricklandi Found: Sri Lanka
Image by: 1)
Hafiz Issadeen 2)
Dhammika Heenpella - Sri Lanka 3)

Flameback, Greater Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Arindam Mitra - India
2, 3) Vijay Anand Ismavel JJ Harrison - Thailand
Allan Hopkins - India
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Flameback,_Javan Chrysocolaptes strictus Found: Java, Bali and Kangean Islands (Indonesia)
Image by: 1)
John_Mittermeier - Java, Indonesia 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Java
1) Female 2) Male

Flameback,_Luzon Chrysocolaptes haematribon Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Yann_Muzika 2)
Neon_Thomas 3)
1) Female
2, 3) Male

Flameback,_Red-headed Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
David_Fisher - Palawan
Flameback,_Yellow-faced Chrysocolaptes xanthocephalus Found; Philippines
Image by: 1)
Woodpecker,_White-naped Chrysocolaptes festivus Found: India, Sri Lanka
Image by: 1)
Ananda Debnath 2, 3) JM Garg - India

Genus Colpates Found : The Americas
Flicker,_Andean Colaptes rupicola Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels - Peru
3, 4) Nick_Athanas - Argentina
3) Female (
Colaptes rupicola puna) 4) Male
Colaptes rupicola rupicola)

Flicker,_Campo Colaptes campestris Found: South America
Image by:
1, 3, 4) Cláudio
Timm -
Tacuarembó, Uruguay
2) Nick_Athanas - Brazil 5)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 6)
Lemes 7)
Cristiano Crolle - Esteros del Iberà, Argentina
1) Juvenile 2, 3, 4) Female 5, 6) Male

Flicker,_Chilean Colaptes pitius Found: Argentina, Chile
Image by: 1)
Ben Tubby - Chile 2)
Haplochromis 3)
Dominic_Sherony 4)
Gabriel_Barrera_Maffioletti - Chile

Flicker,_Fernandina's Colaptes fernandinae Found: Cuba
Image by: 1)
Gail_Hampshire 2)
Laura Gooch 3)
Blake Maybank
1) Female 2) Male

Flicker,_Field Colaptes campestroides Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee Yap 2)

Flicker, Gilded Colaptes chrysoides Found: southwest United States, northern Mexico
Image by: 1)
Andy_Blackledge 2)
Evan Bornholtz - Arizona
3, 4) Glenn Seplak - Arizona
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Flicker, Northern Colaptes auratus Found: North America and Central America
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - North Carolina 4)
Mike & Chris - New Jersey 5, 5, 8)
Elaine R. Wilson and
Alan D Wilson in Oregon and British Columbia 7)
Minette Layne - Washington
1, 2) Yellow-shafted female 3, 4) Yellow-shafted male 5, 6) Red-shafted female 7, 8) Red-shafted male

Woodpecker,_Black-necked Colaptes atricollis Found:
Peru, Argentina (infrequent)
Image by: 1, 2)
Charlie Westerinen - the Buenos Aires reserve, Argentina 3)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Juan_Luna in Peru

Woodpecker,_Crimson-mantled Colaptes rivolii Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador 3)
Santiago Ron - Ecuador 4)
Jerry Oldenettel - Ecuador 5)
Alejandro_Tamayo - Columbia
1) Female 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Golden-olive Colaptes rubiginosus Found:
Central and South America
Image by: 1)
New Jersy Birds 2, 6) Nick_Athanas 3)
Kale Ferguson 4)
Alejandro_Tamayo 5)
Gary_Clark 7)
Dominic Sherony
1 - 4) Female 5, 6) Male
3) Subspecies
Colaptes rubiginosus chrysogaster lacks barring on underparts

Woodpecker,_Gray-crowned Colaptes auricularis Found: Mexico
Image by: 1, 2)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Pete_Morris
3, 4) Nick_Athanas
1) Female 2 - 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Green-barred Colaptes melanochloros Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cláudio Timm - Santa Tereza Park, Uruguay
2, 3)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 4)
Cristiano Crolle - Buenos Aires, Argentina 5)
Nick Athanas 6)
Gustavo_Duran - Argentina

Woodpecker,_Spot-breasted Colaptes punctigula Found: Panama, South America
Image by: 1) - Venezuela
2, 3) Barloventomagico - Venezuela
4) Nick_Athanas - Venezuela
1) Male, left; female, right 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Genus Dendrocopos Found : mainly Asia, also Europe
Woodpecker,_Arabian Dendrocopos dorae Found: Southwest Saudi Arabian Peninsula
Image by: 1)
P_Khoo Ateah_Alfakih

Woodpecker,_Brown-capped Dendrocopos nanus Found: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee - Singapore 2)
Shyamai - India 3)
Antony Grossy - India
Male (
D. m. moluccensis) 2)
D. m. nanus

Woodpecker,_Brown-fronted Dendrocopos auriceps Found: Indian Subcontinent
Image by:
1, 2) Nabarunsadhya 3)
Patty McGann 4)
Dr. Caesar Photography

Woodpecker,_Crimson-breasted Dendrocopos cathpharius Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - India

Woodpecker,_Darjeeling Dendrocopos darjellensis Found: Indian Subcontent
Image by: 1)
Francesco Verronesi - Bhutan 2)
Brendan Ryan - Myanmar

Woodpecker,_Freckle-breasted Dendrocopos analis Found: Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
Image by: 1)
Ariefrahman - Thailand
Woodpecker,_Fulvous-breasted Dendrocopos macei Found: Indian subcontinent, Myanmar
Image by:
1, 4) JM Garg - India 2)
Prakash Chakraborty 3)
Arindam Mitra
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Gray-capped (Pygmy) Dendrocopos canicapillus Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3) H1yashi Haka 4)
Lin_Sun_Fong - Taiwan

Woodpecker,_Great Spotted Dendrocopos major Found: Europe,
Image by: 1)
Wojsyl 2)
Cristiano Crolle - Italy 3)
Jan_Svetlik 4)
Andrej_Chudy - Slovakia
5, 8) Andy_Morffew 6)
Slawomir Staszczuk 7)
1 - 4) Female 5 - 8) Male

Woodpecker,_Himilayan Dendrocopos himalayensis Found: Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Image: 1)
Imran_Shah - Pakistan 2)
Mike_Prince 3) JM Garg - India 4)
Allan Hopkins 5)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Lesser Spotted Dendrocopos minor Found: Europe,
Image by: 1)
Vitalii_Khustochka - Ukraine 2)
Zaltys - Finland 3)
Thermos - Finland 4)
Maris_Pukitis - Latvia

Woodpecker,_Middle-spotted Dendrocopos medius Found:
Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
Frank Vassen - Poland 2)
Andrej_Chudy - Solvakia 3)
Sergey Yeliseev - Russia

Woodpecker,_Phlippine_Pygmy Dendrocopos maculatus Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Simon_Meulen - Luzon 2)
Rey_Ana - Luzon 3)
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Pygmy also
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker Dendrocopos kizuki Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Alastair Rae 2)
coniferconifer 3)
Francesco Veronesi - Japan 4)
Laitche - Osaka

Woodpecker,_Rufous-bellied Dendrocopos hyperythrus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Dr Caesar Photography 3)
Francesco Veronesi - Bhutan

Woodpecker,_Sind Dendrocopos assimilis Found: India, Iran, and Pakistan
Image by: 1)
Thomas_Douglas 2)
Bjorn_Johansson - Iran3)
Ghulam_Rasool - Pakistan

Woodpecker,_Stripe-breasted Dendrocopos atratus Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Jerry Oldenettel - Thailand 3)
Jason_Thompson - Thailand 4)

Woodpecker,_Sulu Dendrocopos ramsayi Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
1) Female left; male right
Woodpecker,_Sulawesi (Pygmy) Dendrocopos temminckii Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
John Gould 2)

Woodpecker,_Sunda Dendrocopos moluccensis Found: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Image by: 1)
Seshadri - Singapore 2)
Ron_Knight - Bali, Indonesia 3)
Lip_kee - Singapore

Woodpecker,_Syrian Dendrocopos syriacus Found: Europe, southwest Asia
Image by:
1, 5) Charlie Westerinen - Bulgaria 2)
Vitaliy Khustochka - Ukraine 3)
Ofer Faigon - Jerusalem, Israel 4)
Francesco Veronesi - Hungary 6) Video by
More vidoes
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Woodpecker,_White-backed Dendrocopos leucotos Found: Europe, Asia
Image by:1
, 2) Sergey Yelisee - Moscow
3, 4) Hiyashi_Haka
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_White-winged Dendrocopos leucopterus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Alastair Rae 2)
Sergey Yeliseev

Woodpecker,_Yellow-crowned Dendrocopos mahrattensis Found: Indian Subcontinent
Image by: 1)
T Monk 2, 3) JM Garg - Inda

Genus Dendropicos Found : Africa
Woodpecker,_Abyssinian Dendropicos abyssinicus Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia
Image by: 1)
P_Khoo 2)
Allan Drewitt 3)
Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia
3) Male

Woodpecker,_African_Gray Dendropicos goertae Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2) Thom_Hasi - Senegal 3)
1, 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Bearded Dendropicos namaquus Found: Africa
Image by: 1))
Bernard_Dupont - South Africa 2)
Paul Seligman 3, 4) Nik_Borrow - Tanzania
1. 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Brown-backed Dendropicos obsoletus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Carol Foil - Kenya
2, 3) Nik_Borrow - Ghana

Woodpecker,_Cardinal Dendropicos fuscescens Found:
Image by:
1, 2) Derek Keats 3)
Alan Manson - Zambia 4)
Hans Hillewaert -
near Lusalso, Zambia
5) Charlie Westerinen 5)
Ian White - South Africa 7)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda
1, 2) Female 3 - 7) Male

Woodpecker,_Eastern_Gray also
Gray-headed Woodpecker Dendropicos spodocephalus Found: eastern Africa
Image by: 1)
Lip_Kee - Ethiopia 2)
Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia
2, 3) Sergey_Yeliseev - Ethiopia
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Elliot's Dendropicos elliotii Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Peter_Dedicoat - Uganda 2)
Nik_Borrow - Cameroon
1, 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Fire-bellied Dendropicos pyrrhogaster Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 3) Nik_Borrow - Ghana 2)
Przemyslaw_Kunysz - Ghana
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Gabon Dendropicos gabonensis Found: Africa
Image by: 1) Vic Peters 2)
John Gerrard Keulemans

Woodpecker,_Golden-crowned also
Yellow-crested Woodpecker Dendropicos xantholophus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Kenya 2)
Nik_Borrow - Gabon

Woodpecker,_Gray Dendropicos goertae also
Mesopicos goertae Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 3) JV Verde - Gambia 2)
Tatiana Bulyonkova - Russia 4)
Thorn Haslam - Senegal
1, 2) Female 3,4) Male

Woodpecker,_Little_Gray Dendropicos elachus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Roke 2, 3) Nik_Borrow - Senegal 4)
Paul_Noakes - Cameroon
2, 3) Female 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Melancholy Dendropicos lugubris Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Francesco Veronesi - Ghana
1) Melancoly Woodpecker on left, Gabon Woodpecker on right

Woodpecker,_Olive Dendropicos griseocephalus also
Mesopicos griseocephalus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Aviceda - Uganda 2)
Nigel_Voaden - DR Congo 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - South Africa

Woodpecker,_Speckle-breasted Dendropicos poecilolaemus Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 2,
3) Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Woodpecker,_Stierling's Dendropicos stierlingi Found: Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Nik_Borrow - Malawi
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Genus Dinopium Found : Asia
Flameback, Black-rumped also
Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker Dinopium benghalense Found: South Asia
Image by: 1)
Challiyil Vipi - India 2)
Muzaffar Bukhari - Pakistan
3, 4) J M Garg - India

Flameback,_Common Dinopium javanense Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Lip Kee - Singapore 4)
Johnny Wee
1) Female 2 - 4) Male

Flameback, Himalayan Dinopium shorii Found: Indian Subcontinent
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee - Nepal 2)
Eudromias - northern Inda 3)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Flameback,_Spot-throated Dinopium everetti Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Joseph_Smit 2)
abcdefgewing - Palawan `
1) Female black brown, Male red crown

Woodpecker,_Olive-backed Dinopium rafflesii Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Robert_Lewis 2)
Hectonichus - stuffed specimen 3)

Genus Dryocopus Found : Asia, Europe, North America, South America
Woodpecker,_Andaman Dryocopus hodgei Found: Andaman Islands of India
Image by: 1)
Woodpecker,_Black Dryocopus martius Found: Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
Alastair Rae - Finland 2) Cesare_Dolzani - Italy 3)

Woodpecker,_Black-bodied Dryocopus schulzi Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Ian_Davies - Argentina 2)

Woodpecker,_Lineated Dryocopus lineatus Found: Mexico to
South America
Image by:
1, 3, 4) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador, Columbia, Ecuador
2, 5, 6) Dario
Sanches - Brazil
1, 2) Female 3 - 6) Male 1, 3)
Dryocopus lineatus lineatus 4)
Dryocopus lineatus fuscipennis

Woodpecker,_Pileated Dryocopus pileatus Found: North America
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 7) Dick Daniels - Ash, North Carolina 4)
Dick - Sandwich, New Hampshire
5, 6) Alan
D Wilson -
Black Creek, British Columbia
2, 3, 4) Female 5, 6, 7) Male

Woodpecker,_White-bellied Dryocopus javensis Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Rahul Alvares 2)
Nara Simhan 3)
Jayanth Sharma 4)
Sergey Yeliseev - Vietnam

Genus Gecinulus Found : southeast Asia
Woodpecker,_Bamboo Gecinulus viridis Found: Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Image by: 1)
Ban_Hor_Ng 2)

Woodpecker,_Pale-headed Gecinulus grantia Found: China, Indian subcontinent, southest Asia
Image by: 1)
Amarjyoti Saikia - India 2)

Genus Geocolaptes - 1 species
Woodpecker,_Ground Geocolaptes olivaceus Found: southern Africa
Image by: 1)
Ian White - South Africa 2)
Alan Manson- South Afica 3)
Paul Barnard - South Africa 4)

Genus Hemicircus
Woodpecker,_Gray-and-buff Hemicircus concretus Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee - Malaysia 2)
Thorpe - Borneo
1) Female 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Heart-spotted Hemicircus canente Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Shrikant_Rao - India
2) Blaise_Droz

Genus Jynx Found : Africa, Asia, Europe
Wryneck,_Eurasian Jynx torquilla Found: Europe, Asia, Africa
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Imran_Shah - Pakistan 3)
Arnstein Rønning 4)
Martien Brand - Netherlands 5)
Sergey_Pisarevskiy - Russia 6)

Wryneck,_Rufous-necked also
Red-throated Wryneck Jynx ruficollis Found:
Image by:
1, 2) Joseph Mochoge - Gilgil, Kenya 3)
Carol Foil - Rift Valley, Kenya 4)
Steve Garvie 5, 6, 7) Derek_Keats - South Africa
1) Pair

Genus Meiglyptes Found : southeast Asia
Woodpecker,_Black-and-buff Meiglyptes jugularis Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Thailand 2)
audieavianphotos2011 - Thailand

Woodpecker,_Buff-necked Meiglyptes tukki Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Marcel Holyoak - Malaysia 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Thailand

Woodpecker,_Buff-rumped Meiglyptes tristis Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Junis SP Photography 2, 3) Hiyashi Haka - Malaysia

Genus Melanerpes Found : New World
Woodpecker,_Acorn Melanerpes formicivorus Found: southwest North America (southwest)
to South America (Columbia)
Image by: 1)
Katy & Sam - Arizona 2)
Cole 3)
Becky_Matsubara - CA 4)
Andrej_Chudy - California 5)
Steve Ryan 5)
Alan D. Wilson - Arizona
1, 2, 3) Female 4 - 8) Male

Woodpecker,_Beautiful Melanerpes pulcher Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Peter Smit 2)
Dave_Curtis 3)

Woodpecker,_Black-cheeked Melanerpes pucherani Found:
Mexico, Central America, northern South America
Image by:
1, 3) Jerry Oldenettel - Costa
Rica 2)
David Cook - Ecuador 4)
Kat and Sam - Costa Rica Zak_Pohlen

Woodpecker,_Gila Melanerpes uropygialis Found: desert regions of southwest United States, Mexico
Image by: 1)
Mike and Chris 2)
Charlie Westerinen - Tuscon, Arizona 3)
Dick Daniels - Tuscon, Arizona 4)
Dick Daniels - the
North Carolina Zoo
Alan D. Wilson - Oregon 6)
Chris Queen 5)
1, 2, 3) Female 4, 5, 6) Male

Woodpecker,_Golden-cheeked Melanerpes chrysogenys Endemic
to Mexico
Image by: 1)
Bryant_Olsen 2)
Len Blumin - San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico 3)
Dominic_Sherony 4)

Woodpecker,_Golden-fronted Melanerpes aurifrons Found: United States (Oklahoma, Texas), Mexico, Central America
Image: 1)
Brian Ralphs - Texas 2) Jerry Oldenettel 3)
Becky_Matsubara - Mexico 4)
Alan D. Wilson 5)
1) Female 2 - 5) Male

Woodpecker,_Golden-naped Melanerpes chrysauchen Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1)
Charles Sharp - Costa Rica 2)
Doug Greenberg - Costa Rica

Woodpecker,_Gray-breasted Melanerpes hypopolius Found: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Amy McAndrews 3)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Nigel Voaden

Woodpecker,_Guadeloupe Melanerpes herminieri Found: Guadeloupe in the Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Anthony_Levesque
Woodpecker,_HIspaniolan Melanerpes striatus Hispaniola in the Caribbean
Image by:
1, 2) Mark Peck 3)
Wolfgang Wander - Dominican Republic
1) Female 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Hoffman's Melanerpes hoffmannii Found: Central America
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Joao Quental - Costa Rica 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica
3) Nick_Athanas - Costa Rica
Johnathan_Nightingale - Costa Rica
1) Female 2, 3 ,4) Male

Woodpecker,_Jamaican Melanerpes radiolatus Found: Jamaica
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - Rockland Feeding Station, Jamaica 2)
Ron Knight 3)

Woodpecker,_Lewis's Melanerpes lewis Found: west North America
Image by: 1)
Len Blumin 2)
Alan D Wilson - Near Fort Rock, Oregon 3)
Alan D. Wilson - Near Fort Rock, Oregon 4)
Linda Tanner - CA

Woodpecker,_Lita Piculus litae Found: western Columbia, northwest Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Luis_Uruena
Woodpecker,_Puerto Rican Melanerpes portoricensis Endemic
to Puerto Rico
Image by: 1)
Marcel Holyoak - Puerto Rico 2)
Drriss_n_Marrionn 3) Dick Daniels - Puerto Rico 4)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Michael_J_Andersen

Woodpecker,_Red-bellied Melanerpes carolinus Found: east North America
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Dick Daniels - North Carolina
1, 2, 3) Female 4 - 8) Male
3) Note the RED on the belly.

Woodpecker,_Red-crowned Melanerpes rubricapillus Found: Cental and South America
Image by: 1)
Arley_Vargas 2)
Julian_Londono - Columbia 3)
Thomas Junier 4)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Jan_Willem_Steffelaar
1, 2, 3) Female 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Red-headed Melanerpes erythrocephalus Found: east North America to South America (Columbia)
Image by: 1)
Laura Gooch - Ohio
2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels - North Carolina
1) Juvenile

Woodpecker,_West_Indian Melanerpes superciliaris Found: Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Charles_J_Sharp 2, 3)
Blake Maybank - Cuba 4)
Dominic Sherony
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_White Melanerpes candidus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dario Sanches - Brazil
3, 4) Cláudio Timm -
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
4) Female

Woodpecker,_White-fronted Melanerpes cactorum Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Lip Kee - Argentina
3) Nick_Athanas -Brazil
3) Female

Woodpecker,_Yellow-fronted Melanerpes flavifrons Found:
South America
Image by:
1, 2) Nick_Athanas - Argeniana, Brazi
l 3)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 4)
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Yellow-tufted Melanerpes cruentatus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador
3, 4) Nick_Athanas - Columbia
3) Female 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Yucatan Melanerpes pygmaeus Found: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Hondoras
Image by: 1)
Drriss_n_Marrionn 2)
Amy McAndrews 3)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Genus Micropternus - 1 species
Woodpecker,_Rufous Micropternus brachyurus also
Celeus brachyurus Found: Indian Subcontinent
Image by: 1)
Wira Ungu - Malaysia 2)
Patko_Erika 3)
Kia BoHe 4)

Genus Mulleripicus Found: southeast Asia
Woodpecker,_Ashy Mulleripicus fulvus Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Collaertsbrothers 2)

Woodpecker,_Great Slaty Mulleripicus pulverulentus Found: southern Asia
Image by: 1)
Naturelly 2)
Brendan Ryan - Thailand 3)

Woodpecker,_Sooty Mulleripicus funebris Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee
Genus Picoides Found : mainly North America
Woodpecker,_American Three-toed Picoides dorsalis Found: Northern United States, Canada
Image by: 1)
Leyo - Colorada
2, 4) Pbonefant 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexico
5, 6) Charlie Westerinen - Utah 7)
Dick Daniels - Palmer, Alaska 7)
Bruce Cyg - Colorado
1) Pair 2, 3) Female 4 - 7) Male

Woodpecker,_Arizona Picoides arizonae Found: United States (Arizona), Mexico
Image by:
1, 2) Alan D. Wilson 3)
Jersy Birds
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Black-backed Picoides arcticus Found: Northern United States, Canada
Image by: 1)
Don Brubacher - New Brunswick 2)
USFWS - Vermont 3)
Steve Urszenyi - Ontario 4)
S Fitzgerald - Michigan
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Downy Picoides pubescens Found: Canada, United States
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - North Carolina 4)
Dick - Maryland
2, 3) Alan
D Wilson - Black Creek, Northern
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male (red on back of head)

Woodpecker,_Eurasian_Three-toed Picoides tridactylus Found: Europe,
Image by: 1)
Tatiana Bulyonkova - Iskitimsky, Novosibirskaya Oblast, Russia
2, 3)
SergeyYeliseev -
Moscow, Russian 4)
Francesco_Veronesi - Finland
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Hairy Picoides villosus Found: North America and
Central America
Image by: 1)
Alan D. Wilson near Fort Rock, Oregon
2, 3) Dick Daniels - Palmer, Alsalso 4)
Ted Grussing - Arizona
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male (red on back of head)

Woodpecker,_Ladder-backed Picoides scalaris Found: dry bushy areas of southwest United states to Nicaragua
Image by: 1)
Searchnet Media - Arizona
2, 4) Jeff Whitlock - Texas 3)
Mrccos - Texas 5)
Alan D Wilson - the
Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix 6)
Gerardo Santos - Texas
1) Baby 2, 3) Female 4, 5, 6) Male

Woodpecker,_Nuttall's Picoides nuttallii Found: chaparral and oak woodlands of west North America
Image by:
1, 2,
5) Mike Baird - California 3)
Charlie Westerinen - Sonoma, California 4)
Len Blumin - Gallinas, San Rafael 6)
New Jersy Birds 7)
Steve Corey - California 8)
Nick Chill - California
1, 2, 3, 4) Male 5, 6, 7, 8) Female

Woodpecker,_Red-cockaded Picoides borealis Found: southeast United States (pine forests)
Image by: 1)
Matthew K Hacker 2)
Julio Mulero - Florida 3)
Jerry Oldenettel - Mississippi 4)
Francesco Veronesi - Texas

Woodpecker,_Smoky-brown Picoides fumigatus Found: Central America, South America
Image by: 1)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador 2)
Michael Woodruff - Ecuador
3) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador

Woodpecker,_Strickland's Picoides stricklandi Found: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Jorge Montejo - Mexico 2)
Amy McAndrews - Mexico

Woodpecker,_White-headed Picoides albolarvatus Found:
western mountains of North America
Image by:
1, 3) Dave McMullen - California 2)
Marcel Holyoak - California 4)
Alan D. Wilson - Near Fort Rock, Oregon
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Genus Piculus
These medium sized woodpeckers are found in Central and South America. Most have olive-green upperparts, barred underparts, red on part of the head.
Woodpecker,_Golden-green Piculus chrysochloros Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Andrea_Ferreira - Paraguay
3) Nick_Athanas - Brazil
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Rufous-winged Piculus simplex Found: Central America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica 2)
Steve Garvie - Nicaragua
2) Male

Woodpecker,_Stripe-cheeked Piculus callopterus Found: Panama
Image by: 1
) Nick_Athanas - Panama 2)
HarmonyOnPlanetEarth - Panama 3)
2) Female

Woodpecker,_White-throated Piculus leucolaemus Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru.
Image by: 1)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil
Woodpecker,_White-throated_Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Joao_Quental in Brazil

Woodpecker,_Yellow-browed Piculus aurulentus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil
2, 3) Cláudio Timm - Brazil
1) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Yellow-throated Piculus flavigula Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Aaron Maizlish 2)
Marcel Holyoak - Peru
3, 4) Nick_Athanas - Brazil
3) Male,
Piculus flavigula magnus 4) Male,
Piculus flavigula erythropis

Genus Picus Found : mainly Asia
Woodpecker,_Banded Picus miniaceus Found: southeast Asia
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Lip Kee - Malaysia 4)
Tan_JS - Singapore
1) Female, left; Male right 2, 3) Female

Woodpecker,_Black-headed Picus erythropygius Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Derek Ramsey 2)
Brendan Ryan - Cambodia

Woodpecker,_Checker-throated Picus mentalis Found: southeast Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Yip Lee - Malaysia

Woodpecker,_Crimson-winged Picus puniceus Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Naturelly 2)
Francesco Veronesi - Thailand

Woodpecker,_Green Picus viridis Found: Europe, Asia
Image by: 1)
Thomas Kraft 2)
Frank Vassen - Belgium 3)
Luis Garcia - Spain 4)
Sanderson 5)
OhWeh 6)
Yannick 7) Max Westby 8)
Cristiano Crolle - Arese, Italy
1) Juvenile 2 - 5) Female 6) Male
7) wet male

Woodpecker,_Gray-headed also
Gray-faced Woodpecker Picus canus Found: Europe,
Image by: 1)
Andrey_Tsvirenko 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Italy 3)
Imran_Shah - Pakistan 4)

Woodpecker,_Japanese Green also
Japanese Woodpecker Picus awokera Found: Japan
Image by:
1. 2) Tomossuke214 - Japan 3)
Isaka Yoji - Japan

Woodpecker,_Laced Picus vittatus Found: Southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Lip Kee - Singapore 2)
Andy Teo - Singapore
3, 4) Hiyashi Haka - Malaysia
1) Pair, female on left 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Woodpecker,_Levaillant's Picus vaillantii Found: northwest Africa
Image by: 1)
Darked - Morocco 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Morocco

Woodpecker,_Red-collared Picus rabieri Found: Cambodia, China, Laos, Vietnam
Image by: 1)
Woodpecker,_Scaly-bellied Picus squamatus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Allan Hopkins - India
2, 3, 4) Imran_Shah - Pakistan 5)
Mvschreeram - Imdia

Woodpecker,_Streak-breasted Picus viridanus Found: southeast Asia
Image by: 1)
Hardwicke 2)
Christian Goers 3)
Dhantas Thovanich

Woodpecker,_Streak-throated Picus xanthopygaeus Found: Indian Subcontinent
Image by: 1)
Venkatesh Sivaramakrishnan - India 2)
Mr Bird Brain 3)
Sivakumar Nilangiriyar 4)
Allan Hopkins - India
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Yellownape,_Greater Picus flavinucha Found: Asia
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels -
Miami Zoo 3)
Batha 4)
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Yellownape,_Lesser Picus chlorolophus Found: tropical southern Asia
Image by: 1)
Dibyendu_Ash - India 2)
Franceso Veronesi - Malaysia 3)

Genus Reinwardtipicus - 1 species
Woodpecker,_Orange-backed Reinwardtipicus validus Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Marcel Holyoak - Borneo 2)

Genus Sapheopipo - 1 species
Woodpecker,_Okinawa Sapheopipo noguchii Found: Okinawa, Japan
Image by: 1)
John Gerard Keulemans 2)
P_Khoo 3)

Genus Sphyrapicus Found : North America
The Sapsuckers are found in North America. They feed mainly on the sap of trees which the tap by making small holes. Insects often get stuck on the sap and are eaten to.
Sapsucker, Red-breasted Sphyrapicus ruber Found: North America (west coast)
Image by: 1)
Mack Ewalt - Oregon 2)
USFWS - Washington 3)
Len Blumin - California
1) Juvenile

Sapsucker, Red-naped Sphyrapicus nuchalis Found: west North America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexicoa 2)
Jeff Whitlock - Colorado 3)
Matt MacGillivray - Alberta, Canada 4)
Wildbill_Co - Colorado 5)
Alan D. Wilson -
Nature Trail, Logan Lake, British Columbia
1, 2, 3) Female 4, 5) Male

Sapsucker,_Williamson's Sphyrapicus thyroideus Found: west North America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - New Mexico 2)
Eleanor Briccetti - California 3)
Charlie Westerinen - CA 4)
Bill Bouton - Oregon 5)
Marcel Holyoak - Colorado 6)
Francesco_Veronesi - Oregon 7)
1, 2, 3) Female
5 - 7) Male

Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied Sphyrapicus varius Found: much of Canada, east United States, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean.
Image by: 1)
Keith Williams - Yukon Territory, Canada 2)Tony Harvey - Kentucky 3)
Dominic Sherony 4)
Dick Daniels - Ash, North Carolina
1) Female (white throat) 2, 3, 4) Male (red throat).

Genus Veniliornis Found : South America
Woodpecker,_Bar-bellied Veniliornis nigriceps Found: Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight - Columbia
2) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ecuador
1, 2) Female
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Blood-colored Veniliornis sanguineus Found: Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana
Image by:
1, 2) Dave Curtas - Guyana
3) Nick_Athanas - Guyana
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Checkered Veniliornis mixtus Found: eastern South America
Image by: 1)
Shanthanu Bhardwaj - Argentina 2)
Ron Knight - Argentina
3) Nick_Athanas - Argentina
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Choco Veniliornis chocoensis Found: Columbia, Ecuador
Image by:
1, 2) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador 3)
Woodpecker,_Choco_Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - George_Cruz
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Dot-fronted Veniliornis frontalis Found: Argentina, Bolivia
Image by: 1)
Ron_Knight - Argentina 2)
Ik_Kil - Argentina

Woodpecker,_Golden-collared Veniliornis cassini Found: northern Brazil, far eastern Colombia, the Guianas, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Cornell_Univ's_Neotropical_Birds_Online - Anselmo d'Affonseca
Hector_Bottai - Brazil
1)Female 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Little Veniliornis passerinus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2, 3)
Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
1, 2) Female 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Red-rumped Veniliornis kirkii Found: Central and South America, Caribbean
Image by:
Cristobal Minic - Venezuela 2)
Karla_Pérez_León - Venezuela 3)
Albert_Michaud - Ecuador

Woodpecker,_Red-stained Veniliornis affinis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador 2)
Hector_Bottai - Brazil
3) Nick_Athanas - Brazil
2, 3) Male

Woodpecker,_Scarlet-backed Veniliornis callonotus Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1) Francesco_Veronesi 2)
Rick Brown 3) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Striped Veniliornis lignarius Found: southwestern South America
Image by: 1)
Ben Tubby 2)
Andrea Ugarte - Patagonia 3)
1 - 3) Male

Woodpecker,_White-spotted Veniliornis spilogaster Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2)
Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil 3)
Juliano Kunze - Brazil 4) Aurea das Graças PC Silva
1, 2) Male

Woodpecker,_Yellow-eared Veniliornis maculifrons Found: eastern Brazil
Image by:
1, 2) Dario Sanches - Brazil
3) Nick_Athanas - Columbia 4)
3) Male

Woodpecker,_Yellow-vented Veniliornis dignus Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by:
1) Nick_Athanas 2)
David Cook - Ecuador
3) Nick_Athanas _ Ecuador
1) Female 4) Male

Genus Xiphidiopicus - 1 species
Woodpecker,_Cuban_Green Xiphidiopicus percussus Found: Cuba
Image by: 1)
Tony Tea 2)
Laura Gooch 3)
Sherony 4)