The family
Aegothelidae contains the
Owlet Nightjars. Most are native to New Guinea, but some species extend to Australia, the Moluccas, and New Caledonia. They hunt mostly in the air, and are of dull color. The Owlet
Nightjars are all contained in one genus.
Their closest relatives are Nightjars of family
Caprimulgidae and Frogmouths of Family
Podargidae. However they are not closely related and are even place in different orders.
Genus Aegotheles
Nightjar,_Archbold's_Owlet- Aegotheles archboldi Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)

Nightjar,_Australian Owlet- Aegotheles cristatus Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
birdsaspoetry 2)
David Cook - New South Wales 3)

Nightjar,_Barred Owlet- Aegotheles bennettii Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2) Jerry_Oldenettel 3)
Mark A Harper

Nightjar,_Feline Owlet- Aegotheles insignis Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans 2)

Nightjar,_Moluccan_Owlet- Aegotheles crinifrons Found: Northern Moluccas
Image by: 1)
Nightjar,_Mountain Owlet- Aegotheles albertisi Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Mark A Harper

Nightjar,_New Caldonian Owlet-
Aegotheles savesi Found: New Caldonia (near Australia)
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit
Nightjar,_Starry_Owlet- Aegotheles tatei Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Nightjar,_Vogelkop Owlet- Found: New Guinea
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans
Nightjar,_Wallace's_Owlet- Aegotheles wallacii Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)