BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
The Icterids are a group of small to medium-sized, often colorful birds, restricted to the New World. Most species have black as a predominant plumage color, often enlivened by yellow, orange or red. The majority of icterid species live in the tropics, although there are a number of temperate forms. They inhabit a range of habitats, including scrub, swamp, forest, and savannah. Temperate species are migratory. Icterids are variable in size, and often display considerable sexual dimorphism. Their size varies 15-52 cm. One unusual adaptation shared is they can open their bills strongly rather than passively, allowing them to force open gaps to obtain otherwise hidden food. Some use their gaping motion to open the skins of fruit to obtain the soft insides, and have long bills adapted to the process. Others such as cowbirds have shorter stubbier bills for crushing seeds. Orioles will drink nectar. The nesting habits of these birds are similarly variable. [abstracted from Wikipedia]
Order Passeriformes Family Icteridae
New World orioles of family Icteridae,
genus Icterus are not related to
Old World orioles of family Oriolidae, but are strikingly similar in size; diet; behaviour
and their strongly contrasting plumage, a good example of convergent evolution. The males are typically black and yellow or orange, with white markings; the plumage of females and immature birds is duller. They are generally slender with long tails and a pointed bill. They mainly eat insects, often also nectar and fruit. The nest is a woven, elongated pouch. Species nesting in areas with cold winters are
Genus Icterus
The male orioles are typically black and yellow/orange with a little white. Females are duller.
Oriole,_Altamira Icterus gularis Found: Texas to Central America
Image by: 1)
Aaron_Maizlish 2)
Bill Bouton - Texas 3)
Hollingsworth of the US Fish and Wildlife Service 4)
Dominic Sherony

Oriole,_Audubon's Icterus graduacauda Found: southeastern Texas, Mexican coast
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Mexico
2, 3) Bill Bouton - Texas 4)
Jeff Whitlock - Texas 5)
Andy_Morffew - Texas

Oriole,_Bahama Icterus northropi Found: Andros (island in Bahamas)
Image by:
1) mxmerce
Oriole,_Baltimore Icterus galbula Found: North America (not western USA)
Image by: 1)
Henry McLin - Pennsylvania 2)
Paula McVann - Missouri 3)
Hjhipster 4)
Dick Daniels - North Carolina 5)
Marilylie Soveran 6)
Kelly Azar - Pennsylvania 7)
Terry Babji - New York
8) Dick - Pedasi, Panama
1) Juvenile 2, 3, 4) Female 5) Juvenile male 6, 7, 8) Male

Oriole,_Bar-winged Icterus maculialatus Found: Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Amy McAndrews - Chiapas 3)
Alex Navarro 4)
Francesco_Veronesi - Mexico

Oriole,_Black-backed Icterus abeillei Found: Mexico
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Pablo Leautaud 3)
Joseph Smit 4)
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Oriole,_Black-cowled Icterus prosthemelas Found: Mexico, Central America
Image by: 1)
Chris Jimenez 2)
Jerry_Oldenettel - Costa Rica 3)
Francesco Veronesi 4)
Stan Lupo - Costa Rica
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Oriole,_Black-vented Icterus wagleri Found: Mexico, Central America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Ron Knight - Mexico 3) Jeff_Whitlock

Oriole,_Bullock's Icterus bullockii Found: western North America
Image by:
Alan Vernon - California 2)
Eugene Beckes 3)
Nigel - Vancouver, CA
4, 5) J N Stuart - New Mexico 6)
Kevin Cole- Atascadero Lake 7) Charlie Westerinen - Tonopah, NV
1, 2, 3) Female 4) Juvenile male 6, 7) Male

Oriole,_Cuban Icterus melanopsis Found: Cuba
Image by: 1)
Ekaterina 2)
Jerry_Oldenettel 3)
Allan Hopkins 4)
1/ 2) Juvenile

Oriole,_Epaulet Icterus cayanensis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Brazil

Oriole,_Hispaniolna Icterus dominicensis Found: Hispaniola
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight
Oriole,_Hooded icterus cucullatus Found: southwestern North America
Image by:
1) Linda Tanner - Morro Bay, California 2)
Dennis Jarvis - Mexico
Alan D. Wilson - Amado, Arizona 4)
Carl_Berger 5)
Charlie Westerinen - the Sampley airport in Arizona 6)
Dick Daniels - Tuscon, Arizona
1) Juvenile 2, 3) Female 4, 5, 6, 7) Male

Oriole,_Jamaican Icterus leucopteryx Found: Jamaica
Image by: 1)
Some_Guy 2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels - Rockwell Feeding Station, Negril, Jamaica

Oriole,_Martinique Icterus bonana Found: Martinique - island in eastern Caribbean
Image by: 1)
Sebastien Greaux
Oriole,_Montserrat Icterus oberi Found: Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles
Image by: 1)
Tavez Ayner 2)
Neil Phillips 3)
Drew Avery

Oriole,_Moriche Icterus chrysocephalus also
Icterus cayanensis chrysocephalus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Barloventomagico - Venezuela 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Venezuela

Oriole,_Orchard Icterus spurius Found: central and eastern North America
Image by: 1)
John Sutton 2, 6) Henry McLin - Pennsylvania
3, 4) Kelly Azar - Pennsylvanila
7, 8, 9) Dick Daniels - North Carolina 10)
Dan Pancamo 11)
1, 2) Fledgling 3, 4) Female / immature male 5) Female 6, 7, 8) 1st year male 9,10, 11) Male

Oriole,_Orange Icterus auratus Found: Belize, Mexico
Image by:
1, 2) Amy McAndrews

Oriole,_Orange-crowned Icterus auricapillus Found: Panama, Columbia, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Felix_Uribe - Columbia
3, 4) Barloventomagico

Oriole,_Puerto Rican Icterus portoricensis Found: Puerto Rico
Image by: 1)
Jardin Boricua
Oriole,_Saint Lucia Icterus laudabilis Found: Saint Lucia (an island country in the eastern Caribbean)
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit 2)
Marcel Holyoak - St. Lucia

Oriole,_Scott's Icterus parisorum Found: southwestern United States to central Mexico
Image by:
Phillip Cowan - California 2)
William_Levine 3, 4) J N Stuart - New Mexico 5)
Gail_Hampshire - Arizona 6)
Len_Worthington - Arizona
1. 2) Female 3 - 6) Male

Oriole,_Spot-breasted Icterus pectoralis Found: North America (Florida) and Central America
Image by:
1, 3) Len Blumin - Costa Rica 2)
Dominic Sherony - Guatemala 4)
Dan Irizarry - Florida

Oriole,_Streak-backed Icterus pustulatus Found: Mexico
and Central America
Image by: 1)
Don_Loarie 2, 3) Dominic Sherony 4)
Marcel Holyoak -
San Bernardino County, California 5)
Charlie Westerinen - western Costa Rica 6)

Oriole,_Variable Icterus pyrrhopterus Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Argentina 2)

Oriole,_White-edged Icterus graceannae Found: Ecuador and Peru
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2, 3) Dick Daniels-
Birds of Eden. Identified by Charlie Westerinen 4)
Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador 5)
Tom_Friedel (

Oriole,_Yellow Icterus nigrogularis Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Stanley Tempro 3,
4) Barloventomagico

Oriole,_Yellow-backed Icterus chrysater Found: Central American, northern South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2,
3) Jerry Oldenettel - Belize 4)
Patty McGann 5)
Nick Athanas - Columbia

Oriole,_Yellow-tailed Icterus mesomelas Found: southern Mexico to Peru
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 2)
bgv23 3)
Billtacular - Panama

Troupial,_Campo Icterus jamacaii Found: northeast Brazil
Image by: 1)
Dilson Santos 2)
Livia Mendonca

Troupial,_Orange-backed Icterus croconotus Found: Guyana, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Andreas Trepte 3)
Charles Sharp - Brazil 4)

Troupial,_Venezuelan also
Turpial Icterus icterus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Paul Asmine and Jill Lenoble - Venezuela 2)
CP_Ewing 3) Jerry Oldenettel - Venezuela 4)
Nate_Swick 5) Dick Daniels - Puerto Rico 6)
Dick Daniels - Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle

Genus Amblycercus - 1 Species
Caciques are slim birds with predominantly black plumage and long tails; large pointed pale bills. Their diet consists of insects and fruit. They are colonial breederss creating long pendulous nests which hang from tree branches. They occur in South America north to Mexico.
Cacique,_Yellow-billed Amblycercus holosericeus Found: Mexico, Central America, northern South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Jorge Montejo - Mexico 3)
Nick Athanas - Mexico 4)
Neil Orlando Diaz Martinez

Genus Cacicus
Caciques are slim birds with predominantly black plumage and long tails; large pointed pale bills. Their diet consists of insects and fruit. They are colonial breederss creating long pendulous nests which hang from tree branches. They occur in South America north to Mexico.
Cacique,_Ecuadorian Cacicus sclateri Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Alphonse Dubois
Cacique,_Golden-winged Cacicus chrysopterus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2, 3) Dario Sanches - Reserva Guainumbi, São Luíz do 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 5)

Cacique,_Mountain Cacicus chrysonotus Found: western South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Orbigny 3)
Andy Morffew - Ecuador 4)
Arley Vargas

Cacique,_Red-rumped Cacicus haemorrhous Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Benito Serafini 2)
Greg Hume - Cincinnati 3)
Ulrich_Peters 4)
Claudio Timm

Cacique,_Scarlet-rumped Cacicus uropygialis Found: Panama. South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren 3, 4) HarmonyOnPlanetEarth - Panama

Cacique,_Selva Cacicus koepckeae Found: Peru
Image by: 1)
Daniel Lane
Cacique,_Solitary_Black Cacicus solitarius Found: South America
Image by: 1) Cephas
2, 3) Victoria DA 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 5)
Cristiano Crolle - Esteros del Iberà, Argentina

Cacique,_Yellow-rumped Cacicus cela Found: Panama south to Bolivia, Peru, central Brazil.
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels - the
North Carolina Zoo 3)
Vladimir_Rebellon_Palmezano - Columbia 4)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Oropendola,_Band-tailed Cacicus latirostris Found: western Amazon in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by:
Cephas 2)

Oropendola,_Casqued Cacicus oseryi Found: Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Casteinau 3)
Kent Nickell - Ecuador 4)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Genus Cassiculus - 1 species
This is the northmost cacique
Cacique,_Yellow-winged Cassiculus melanicterus Found: northern Guatemala, west coast Mexico
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Mexico 3)
Don Loarie 4)
Ron Knight 5)
Nick_Athanas - Mexico

Genus Dolichonyx - 1 species
Unlike the orioles and caciques, bobolinks have their nest on the ground, usually in dense vegetation.
Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus Found: Grassland - The Americas
Image by: 1)
Seabamirum - New York 2)
Howard_Patterson - Maryland 3)
Vitalii Khustochka - Winnipeg, Canada 4)
Alan D. Wilson - Oregon 5)
S_Maslowski. - USFWS 6
Andrea Westmoreland
1) nonbreeding adult 2, 3) Female 4 - 6) Male

Genus Gymnomystax - 1 species
Blackbird,_Oriole Gymnomystax mexicanus Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Ygor_Oliveira - Brazil 3)
Paolo_Costa_Baldi 4, 5) Barloventomagico - Venezuela 6)
Nick Athanas - Venezuela

Genus Psarocolius
The Oropendolas have long pointed bills; long tails with at least some bright yellow. Like the orioles they are colonial breeders and have long basket-like nests. They eat insects and fruit.
Oropendola,_Baudo Psarocolius cassini Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Edwar Guarin 2)
Nick Athanas

Oropendola,_Black Psarocolius guatimozinus Found: Columbia, Panama
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
John Gerrard Keulemanns 3)
Alex_Pareja - Columbia

Oropendola,_Chestnut-headed Psarocolius wagleri Found: Mexico to northwest South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Kate and Sam - Costa Rica 3)
Gaby Schulemann-Maier - Costa Rica 4)
Nick Athanas - Panama

Oropendola,_Crested Psarocolius decumanus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 4) Dick Daniels -
National Aviary 2)
Alastair Rae 3)
Dominic Sherony 5)
Sandy Cole - San Diego Zoo 6)
Dick -
Tampa's Lowry
Park Zoo
1) Juvenile?

Oropendola,_Dusky-green Psarocolius atrovirens Found: Bolivia, Peru
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Paul Seligman 3)
Joao_Quental 4)

Oropendola,_Green Psarocolius viridis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Arjan Haverkamp 3)
Dick Daniels -
National Aviary 4)
Francesco_Veronesi - Peru 5)
Ingrid Torres de Macedo - Brazil

Oropendola,_Montezuma Psarocolius montezuma Found: Central America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica 2)
Dominic Sherony
Roland van Stokkom - Costa Rica 4)
Andy_Morffew - Costa Rica 5)
Paulo Philippidis -
Costa Rica

Oropendola,_Olive Psarocolius bifasciatus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2, 3) Ross Tsai 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Oropendola,_Russet-backed Psarocolius angustifrons Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2, 3) Barloventomagico - Venezuela
Cristóbal Alvarado Minic - Venezuela 5)
Carol Foil - Peru 6)
Vince Smith - Ecuador 7)
Nick Athanas - Peru 8)
Francesco_Veronesi 9)
P. a. alfredi

Genus Pseudoleistes
Marshbirds prefer marshland or grasslands habitats, similar to the Red-winged Blackbirds of North America.
Marshbird,_Brown-and-yellow Pseudoleistes virescens Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2)
Claudio_Timm 3)
zephrax 4)
Dario Niz - Uruguay

Marshbird, Yellow-rumped Pseudoleistes guirahuro Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Cephas 2, 3, 4)
Dario Sanches in Brazil