BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
In the past, Gruiformes has been treated as a repository for similarly appearing species that in were only distantly related to this order. This page contains species that used to be in Gruiformes but are now in different orders.
Cariamidae family only contains two species, the
Red-legged Seriema and the
Black-legged Seriema. This family was previously considered to be part of the Gruiformes order, which has traditionally contained many unrelated
species for lack of a better place. Some want to place the Red-legged Seriema in a new order, Cariamae.
Genus Cariama - 1 species
Seriema, Red-legged also
Crested Seriema Cariama cristata Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels -
Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo
Dick Daniels - Bronx Zoo 4)
Dick -
Jacksonville Zoo 4)
Dario Sanches - Brazil

Chunga - 1 species
Seriema, Black-legged Chunga burmeisteri Found: Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Robin Chen - National Aviary - Pittsburg 2)
Ron Knight

Order Eurypygiformes Family Eurypygidae - 1 genus
Eurypygidae family only contains one species, the
Sunbittern. It was placed in the Gruiformes order because of its similarity to rails, but this similarity is probably due to convergent
Eurypyga - 1 species
Sunbittern Eurypyga helias Found: tropical Americas
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels -
North Carolina Zoo 4)
Sandy Cole -
North Carolina Zoo 5, 6)
Dick -
Tampa's Lowry Park
Zoo 7)
Cláudio Timm - the Amazon, Brazil

Order Eurypygiformes Family Rhynochetidae - 1 genus
Rhynochetidae family only contains one species, the
Kagu. It was placed in the Gruiformes order because it may be a relative of the Sunbittern.
Genus Rhynochetos - 1 species
Kagu also
Cagou Rhynochetos jubatus Found: New Caldonia
Image by: 1)
Scott Meyer - New Caldonia 2)
David Ringer - New Caldonia 3)
Charlie Westerinen - San Diego Zoo

Order Mesitornithiformes Family Mesitornithidae
The mesites are forest and scrubland birds which feed on insects and seeds. They are found in Madagascar. The Brown and White-breasted Mesites forage on the ground, gleaning insects from the leaves and under them, as well as low vegetation. The Subdesert Mesite uses its long bill to probe in the soil. Mesites are vocal birds, with calls similar to passerine song, used for territorial defence. Two or three white eggs are laid in a stick-nest located in a bush or low branch.
Genus Mesitornis
Mesite,_Brown Mesitornis unicolor Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Marc Des Murs 2)
Francesco_Veronesi 3)

Mesite,_White-breasted Mesitornis variegatus Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Marc Des Murs 2)
Francesco_Veronesi 3)

Genus Monias - 1 species
Mesite,_Subdesert Monias benschi Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Jerry_Oldenettel 2)
Ben Rackstraw 3)
Richard Crook 4)