BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
Galliformes are heavy-bodied ground-feeding domestic or game birds. Most are plump-bodied with thick necks and moderately long legs, and have rounded and rather short wings. They do not fly well if at all, but walk and run instead for transportation. These birds vary greatly in size from 12-120 cm. Many adult males have one to several sharp horny spurs on the back of each leg, which they use for fighting. They can be found worldwide and in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and meadows. Male courtship behavior includes elaborate visual displays of plumage. Gallinaceous birds feed on a variety of plant and animal material, which may include fruits, seeds, leaves, shoots, flowers, tubers, roots, insects, snails, worms, lizards, snakes, small rodents, and eggs.
Phasianidae: francolin, grouse, partridge, pheasant, quail.
Family Cracidae: chachalac, curassow, guan.
Cracids are large birds, similar in general appearance to turkeys. The guans and curassows live in trees, but the smaller chachalacas are found in more open scrubby habitats. Many species are fairly long tailed, which may be an aide to navigating their largely arboreal existence. They are generally dull-plumaged, but the curassows and some guans have colourful facial ornaments. The birds in this family are particularly vocal, with the chachalacas taking their name from the sound of their call.
Genus Aburria - 1 species
Guan,_Wattled Aburria aburri Found: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Alejandro Tamayo

Genus Chamaepetes
Guan,_Black Chamaepetes unicolor Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1)
Charles J Sharp - Costa Rica 2)
Hans Switzer - Costa Rica 3)
Benjamin Keen - Costa Rica 4)
Nick Athanas - CR

Guan,_Sickled-winged Chamaepetes goudotii Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Ecuador 2)
Beatrice Murch 3)
Andrew_Neild 4, 5)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Genus Crax
One of two genus of curassows.
Pauxi is the other genus.
Curassow, Bare-faced Crax fasciolata Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Ronald Woan - Brazil
2, 7) Charles Sharp 3)
Bruno Girin - Brazil 5)
Valter Jacinto 6)
Jorge Montejo - Brazil 8)
Nick Athanas - Brazil
1 - 4) Female 5 - 8) Male

Curassow,_Black Crax alector Found: northern South America
Image by: 1)
Alberto Apollaro 2)
Jerry 3)
Allan_Hopkins 4)
Dave_Curtis - Guyana

Curassow,_Blue-billed Crax alberti Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Josh_More 2)
Hillary Colton - National Zoo 3)
Patrick Coin - Jacksonville Zoo 4)
Dick Daniels - Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle
1, 2) Female 3, 4) Male

Curassow,_Great Crax rubra Found: Central America and northern South America
Image by:1(
Andy_Morffew - Costa Rica
2, 3) Tambako The Jaguar - Brazil 4)
Arthur Chapman - Panama 5, 8)
Nick Athanas - Costa Rica 6
) Cuatrok77 7)
Jerry Oldenettel - Gua
1) Pair 2 - 5) Female 4) Rufous morph female 5 - 8) Male

Curassow,_Red-billed Crax blumenbachii Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Claudio Timm 2)
Alberto Apollaro 3)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Curassow,_Wattled Crax globulosa Found: South America
Image by:
1. 2) Dick Daniels -
National Aviary 3)
Brian_Henderson 4)
1. 2) Pair (male in front) 3) Female 4) Male

Curassow,_Yellow-knobbed Crax daubentoni Found: South America
Image by:
1, 5) Sandy Cole -
Sylvan Heights 2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels -
Sylvan Heights
Granelia Bermúdez 6)
1 - 4) Female 5, 6, 7) Male

Genus Mitu
The mitu have mainly iridescent black; red legs, tail,. The genders are alike.
Curassow,_Crestless Mitu tomentosum Found: Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Biodiversity Library
Curassow,_Razor-billed Mitu tuberosum Found: South America
Image by:
P Henne 2)
lotlhmoq 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Curassow,_Salvin's Mitu salvini Found: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Smithsonian Wild 2)

Genus Nothocrax - 1 species
Curassow,_Nocturnal Nothocrax urumutum Found: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Jelle Oostrom 2)
Smithsonian Wild - Peru

Genus Oreophasis - 1 species
Guan,_Horned Oreophasis derbianus Found: Mexico, Guatamala
Image by:
Josh More 2)
Yinan Chen 3)
Amy McAndrews - Chiapas, Mexico

Genus Ortalis
Chachalacas are long necked, mainly brown birds found in wooded habitats. They are social, can be very noisy. They somewhat resemble the guans.
Chachalaca,_Buff-browed Ortalis superciliaris Found: northeastern Brazil
Image by: 1)
Claudi Timm
Chachalaca,_Chaco Ortalis canicollis Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
Alistair Rae - Brazil 3)
Nick_Athanas - Brazil 4)
Daniele Columbo - Brazil

Chachalaca,_Chestnut-winged Ortalis garrula Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Diego Calderon 2)
Oswaldo Cortes 3)

Chachalaca,_Columbian Ortalis columbiana Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Mateo Gable 2, 3) Alejandro Tamayo 4)

Chachalaca,_East Brazilian Ortalis araucuan Found: eastern Brazil
Image by: 1)
Alex Popovkin
Chachalaca,_Gray-headed Ortalis cinereiceps Found: Honduras to Columbia
Image by: 1)
Paul Bedel 2, 5) Nick_Athanas - Panama, Costa Rica 3)
Cathy and Sam - Costa Rica 4)
Wanja Krah 6)
1) Pair

Chachalaca,_Plain Ortalis vetula Found: southern Texas to northern Costa Rica
Image by: 1)
Alan D. Wilson - Texas 2)
Jerry Oldenettel - Texas
Dennis Jarvis - Belize 4)
Carol Foil - Belize

Chachalaca, Rufous-bellied Ortalis wagleri
Found: Mexico
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Don Loarie 3)

Chachalaca,_Rufous-headed Ortalis erythroptera Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by:
1, 2) Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador 2)
Nick_Athanas - Ecuador

Chachalaca,_Rufous-vented Ortalis ruficauda Found: Columbia, Venezuela, Tobago
Image by: 1)
Fernando_Flores - Venezuela 2)
Barloventomagico 3, 4) New Jersy Birds 5)
Dominic Sherony

Chacalaca,_Scaled Ortalis squamata Found: southeast Brazil
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Brazil 2)
Claudio Timm - Brazil 3)

Chachalaca,_Speckled Ortalis guttata Found: South America (western Amazon Basin)
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Ecuador 2)
Sergey_Pisarevskiy - Bolivia 3)
Joao_Quental 4)
Felix_Uribe - Columbia

Chachalaca,_West_Mexcian Ortalis poliocephala Found: southwestern Mexico
Image by: 1)
Cloned Milkmen 2)
Francesco Veronesi 3)

Chachalaca,_White-bellied Ortalis leucogastra Found: southern Mexico to Nicaragua
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Chiapas, Mexico 2)
Nick_Athanas - Mexico

Genus Pauxi
Curassow,_Helmeted also
Northern Helmeted Curassow Pauxi pauxi Found: Columbia, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Sandy Cole - San Diego Zoo
2, 3, 4) Dick
Daniels - San Diego Zoo
Mattei Tarenghi 6)
Greg Hume
1, 2, 3) Female 4) Male According to Wikipedia, other females are similar to the male!

Curassow,_Horned Pauxi unicornis Found: Bolivia
Image by:
1) Peter Stubbs
Genus Penelope
There are two guan genus; see also
penelopes contain large turkey-like arboreal species. The range of these species is in forests from southern Mexico to tropical South America. These largish birds have predominately brown plumage and have relatively small heads in comparison with body size.
Guan,_Andean Penelope montagnii Found: mainly Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela; also Bolivia
Image by: 1)
Petruss 2)
Peter Bono 3)
Nick Athanas - Peru 4)
Brendan_Ryan - Columbia

Guan,_Band-tailed Penelope argyrotis Found: Columbia, Venezuela
Image by:
1, 2) Jerry Oldenettel 3)
Nick Athanas - Columbia 4)
Sergey_Pisarevskiy - Columbia

Guan,_Baudo Penelope ortoni Found: western Columbia, northwest Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Scott Olmstead - Ecuador 2)

Guan,_Bearded Penelope barbata Found: Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador
2, 3) Nick_Athanas - Ecuador

Guan,_Cauca Penelope perspicax Found: Columbia
Image by: 1)
Sergey Pisarevskiy 2)
Brendan_Ryan 3)
Nick Athanas

Guan,_Chestnut-bellied Penelope ochrogaster Found: Brazil
Image by:
1, 2) Claudio Timm 3)
Nick Athanas 4)
Andreas_Trepte 5)

Guan,_Crested Penelope purpurascens Found: Central America, northern South America
Image by: 1)
Jerry Oldenettel - Costa Rica 2)
Howard_Patterson - Costa Rica 3)
Jorge Montejo - Mexico
4) Nick_Athanas - Costa Rica

Guan,_Dusky-legged Penelope obscura Found: South America
Image by: 1, 2)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 3) T
ude_e_Joao 4)
Andreas_Trepte 5, 6)
Dario Sanches - Brazil

Guan,_Red-faced Penelope dabbenei Found: Argentina, Bolivia
Image by: 1)
Freddy_Burgos - Argentina 2)

Guan,_Rusty-margined Penelope superciliaris Found: mainly Brazil; also Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Fabio Maffei - Brazil 2)
Zimbres - Brazil 3)
Nick_Athanas - Brazil 4)
Luiz Carlos Rocha - Brazil

Guan,_Spix's Penelope jacquacu Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Frank_Wouters 2)
Arthur Chapman 3)
YamezA - Peru 5)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Guan,_White-browed Penelope jacucaca Found: northeast Brazil
Image by: 1)
BioDivLib 2)
Arthur Grosset

Guan,_White-crested Penelope pileata Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas 2)

Guan,_White-winged Penelope albipennis Found: Peru
Image by:
1, 2, 3)
David Cook - Peru 4)
Nick Athanas 5)

Genus Penelopina - 1 species
Guan,_Highland Penelopina nigra Found: highlands of Mexico, Central America
Image by: 1)
Josphe Wolf 2)
Fernando Reyes Palencia - Guatemala
Amy McAndrews - Mexico 4)
Jorge Montejo - Mexico 5)
Nick Athanas - Mexico
1) Pair 2, 3, 4, 5) Male

Genus Pipile
The piping-guans.
Guan,_Black-fronted Piping- Pipile jacutinga Found: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Bruno Girin - Brazil 2)
Alexandre Augusto - Brazil 3)
lotlhmoq 4)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Guan,_Blue-throated Piping- Pipile cumanensis Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels - San Francisco Zoo 3)
Drew Avery 4)
Joao_Quental - Peru

Guan,_Red-throated Piping Pipile cujubi Found: Bolivia, Brazil
Image by: 1)
Claudio Timm 2)
Amy McAndrews 3, 4) Bernard_Dupont - Brazil