This is a large family of small to medium-sized birds, ranging from 9 to 35 centimetres in length. The ovenbirds are a diverse group of insectivores which get their name from the elaborate, vaguely "oven-like" clay
nests built by the
Horneros, although most other ovenbirds build stick nests or nest in tunnels or clefts in rock. Furnariid nests are always constructed with a cover.
While individial species often are habitat specialists, species of this family can be found in virtually any Neotropical habitat, ranging from city parks inhabited by Rufous Horneros, to tropical Amazonian
lowlands by many species of
Foliage-gleaners, to temperate barren Andean highlands inhabited by several species of
Miners. There are even two species, the Seaside and the Surf
are associated with rocky coasts.
Seiurus aurocapillus, of family Parulidae is unrelated to birds in the ovenbird family, Furnariidae. For both cases, the name derives from the oven-like nests that are created.
Horneros and allies
This page contains barbtails, cinclodes, earthcreepers, horneros, reedhaunters, treerunners, xenops and others
Genus Berlepschia - 1 species
Palmcreeper,_Point-tailed Berlepschia rikeri Found: palm swamps in South America
Image by: 1)
Claudio_Timm 2)
Hector Bottai - Brazil 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Genus Cinclodes
Cinclodes,_Bar-winged also
Buff-winged Cinclodes Cinclodes fuscus Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2) Claudio Timm - Brazil 3)
Sherony - Peru 4)
Arthur Chapman -
Chile 5) Argentina 6)
Lip Kee - Argentina 7)
James Caldwell - Chile 8)
Jorge Montejo - Peru

Cinclodes,_Blackish Cinclodes antarcticus Found: southern tip of South America
Image by: 1)
Henry Flower - Falklands 2)
David Cook 3)
Nick Athanas - Falkland Islands

Cinclodes,_Chestnut-winged Cinclodes albidiventris Found: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
Image by:
Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador 2)
Brian Henderson - Ecuador 3)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 4)

Cinclodes,_Cordova Cinclodes comechingonus Found: Argentina
Image by: 1)
Bruno Lorenzatti 2)
Allan Drewitt 3)

Cinclodes,_Cream-winged Cinclodes albiventris Found: South America
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels - Peru

Cinclodes,_Dark-bellied Cinclodes patagonicus Found: Argentina, Chile
Image by:
1, 2) Dfaulder -
Dick_Culbert 4)
Nick Athanas - Argentina 5)

Cinclodes,_Gray-flanked Cinclodes oustaleti Found: Argentina, Chile
Image by: 1)
Raponci - Chile 2)
Claudio Solari 3)

Cinclodes,_Long-tailed Cinclodes pabsti Found: Brazil
Image by: 1)
Hector Bottai - Brazil 2)
Nick Athanas - Brazil 3)

Cinclodes,_Olrog's Cinclodes olrogi Found: Argentina
Image by: 1)
Allan Drewitt 2)

Cinclodes,_Royal Cinclodes aricomae Found: Peru, Boliva
Image by: 1)
Daniel Lane - Peru 2)
Joe Tobias

Cinclodes,_Seaside also
Chilean Seaside Cinclodes Cinclodes nigrofumosus Found: Chile
Image by:
1, 2, 3) Dick Daniels- Vina del Mar, Chile 4)
Island Conservation 5)
Nick Athanas 6)

Cinclodes,_Stout-billed Cinclodes excelsior Found: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Francesco Veronesi - Columbia
2, 3) Alejandro Tamayo - Columbia 3)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Cinclodes,_Surf also
Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes Cinclodes taczanowskii Found: Peru
Image by: 1)
Josue Hermoza 2)
Dominic Sherony 3)

Cinclodes,_White-bellied Cinclodes palliatus
Found: Peru
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony 2)
Richard Gibbons - Peru 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Cinclodes,_White-winged Cinclodes atacamensis Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru
Image by: 1)
Hector Bottai - Chile 2)
Vil Sandi - Puno Peru 3)
Allen Gathman - Chile

Genus Furnarius
Horneros are usually seen on the ground or logs.They make oven-like nest utilizing mud. The nests have an curved entrance on the side to discourage predators.
Hornero,_Band-tailed also
Wing-banded Hornero Furnarius figulus Found: Brazil
Image by:
Francesco Veronesi 2)
Hector Bottai

Hornero, Bay also
Pale-billed Hornero Furnarius torridus Found: Brazil, southeast Columbia, eastern Ecuador, northeast Peru
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit 2)
David Ascanio

Hornero,_Crested Furnarius cristatus Found: Argentina, Boliviia, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Opisska - Argentina 2)
Nick Athanas - Argentina 3)
Tony_Morris - Paraguay

Hornero,_Lesser Furnarius minor Found: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Image by: 1)
Joao Quental 2)
Hector Bottai 3)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Hornero,_Pale-legged Furnarius leucopus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Frank Wouters 2)
Nick Athanas - Peru 3)
Doug Janson 4)
Charlie Westerinen - Iquitos, Peru along the Amazon

Hornero, Rufous also
Red Ovenbird Furnarius rufus Found: eastern South America
Image by:
1, 2, 3)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 4)
Timm - Brazil 5)
Cristiano Crolle - Argentina

Genus Geocerthia - 1 species
Earthcreeper,_Striated Geocerthia serrana Found: Peru
Image by: 1, 2)
Nick Athanas - Peru 3)

Genus Limnoctites - 1 species
Reedhaunter, Straight-billed Limnoctites rectirostris Found: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay
Image by:
1, 2) franalverja 3)
Claudio Timm

Genus Limnornis - 1 species
Reedhaunter,_Curve-billed Limnornis curvirostris Found: Argentina, Brazil, Urugua
Image by:
1, 2) Cláudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Lochmias - 1 species
Streamcreeper,_Sharp-tailed Lochmias nematura Found: Sourh America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
Timm - Brazil 3)
Nick Athanas - Brazil

Genus Margarornis
Treerunner, Beautiful Margarornis bellulus Found: Panama
Image by:
Treerunner,_Pearled Margarornis squamiger Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Nick Athanas - Peru 2)
Francesco Veronesi - Ecuador 3)
David Cook - Peru 4)
NBII_Image_Gallery - Ecuador

Treerunner,_Ruddy Margarornis rubiginosus Found: Costa Rica, Panama
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Costa Rica 2)
Barbara Dye - Costa Rica

Treerunner,_Star-chested also
Fulvous-dotted Treerunner Margarornis stellatus Found: Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Columbia 2)
Nick Athanas - Ecuador 3)

Genus Microxenops - 1 species
Xenops,_Rufous-tailed Microxenops milleri Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Anselmo_d’Affonseca 2)

Genus Ochetorhynchus
Chilia,_Crag Ochetorhynchus melanurus Found: Chile
Image by: 1)
Daniel Martinez 2)
Nick Athanas - Chile

Earthcreeper,_Band-tailed Ochetorhynchus phoenicurus Found: Argentina, Chile
Image by: 1, 2)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Earthcreeper,_Rock Ochetorhynchus andaecola Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile
Image by:
Orbigny 2)
Ron Knight 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Earthcreeper,_Straight-billed Ochetorhynchus ruficaudus Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru
Image by: 1)
Orbigny 2)
Ron Knight - Argentina 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Genus Phleocryptes - 1 species
Rushbird,_Wren-like Phleocryptes melanops Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Amy McAndrews - Peru 2)
Claudio_Timm 3)
Tony Fish - Lima

Genus Premnornis - 1 species
Barbtail, Rusty-winged Premnornis guttuliger Found: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Peter Hoell
Genus Premnoplex
Barbtail,_Spotted Premnoplex brunnescens Found: Central America, northeast South America
Image by: 1)
Joseph Wolf 2)
Dave Curtis - Panama 3) Nick Athanas - Ecuador

Barbtail, White-throated Premnoplex tatei Found: northern Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Francisco A. Betancourt
Genus Pseudocolaptes
Cacholote, Brown Pseudoseisura lophotes Found: South America
Image by:
Claudio Timm - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Tuftedcheek, Buffy Pseudocolaptes lawrencii Found: Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony
Tuftedcheek,_Streaked Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii Found: mountains of northern South America
Image by:
1, 3) Jose Loiza 2)
Nick Athanas - Peru

Genus Pygarrhichas - 1 species
Treerunner,_White-throated Pygarrhichas albogularis Found: Chile, Argentina
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Argentina 2)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Genus Roraimia - 1 species
Barbtail, Roraiman Roraimia adusta Found: Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit 2)

Genus Tarphonomus
Earthcreeper, Bolivian Tarphonomus harterti Found: Bolivia
Image by:
Paul Jones
Earthcreeper,_Chaco Tarphonomus certhioides Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay
Image by: 1)
Ron Knight 2)
Nick Athanas - Argentina 3)
Hector_Bottai - Argentina

Genus Upucerthia
Earthcreeper,_Buff-breasted Upucerthia validirostris Found: Argentina, Bolivia
Image by:
Ron Knight - Argentina 2, 3)
Nick Athanas - Argentina

Earthcreeper, Patagonian Forest Upucerthia saturatior Found: Argentina, Chile
Image by:
Walter Ballero 2)
Antonio Maureira - Chile

Earthcreeper,_Scale-throated Upucerthia dumetaria Found: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Uruguay
Image by: 1)
Dominic Sherony - Argentina 2)
Brian_Ralphs 3)

Earthcreeper,_White-throated Upucerthia albigula Found: Chile, Peru
Image by:
Dick Culbert 2)
Nick Athanas - Chile 3)
Richard Gibbons - Lima

Genus Xenops
Xenops,_Plain Xenops minutus Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches- Brazil 2)
Andres Cuervo 3)
Nick Athanas - Panama

Xenops, Slender-billed Xenops tenuirostris Found: South America
Image by: 1,
2) Carol Foil - Peru

Xenops, Streaked Xenops rutilans Found: South America
Image by: 1)
Dario Sanches - Brazil 2)
Barloventomagico - Venezuela