BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book
The Columbiformes order contains just one family, the Columbidae which is comprised of dove and pigeon species. They have small heads,short legs, and four unwebbed toes. All Columbiformes are monogamous. Unlike most other birds they are capable of drinking by sucking up water, without needing to tilt the head back.
Order Columbiformes Family Columbidae
Genus Drepanoptila - 1 species
Dove,_Cloven-feathered Drepanoptila holosericea Found: New Caldonia (southwest Pacific)
Image by:
Parides 2)

Genus Geopelia
Geopelia is a genus of small, long-tailed doves. They are native to Southeast Asia and Australasia and are most often found in open country and scrubland. They feed mainly on seeds which they find by foraging
on the ground.
Dove,_Barred Geopelia maugei Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Ken 2)
Oleg_Chernyshov 3)

Dove,_Bar-shouldered Geopelia humeralis Found: Australia
Image by:
1) Dick Daniels - Kuranda Birdworld, Australia 2)
Aviceda - Kobble Creek, South-east Queensland, Australia 3)
Peripitus - Adelaide Zoo, South Australia 4)
Geoff_Whalan 5)

Dove,_Diamond Geopelia cuneata Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
David Cook - Queensland 2)
Tim_Ellis 3)
028mdk09 3)
Kurt Kulac

Dove,_Peaceful Geopelia placida Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels - Cairns, Australia 3)
David Cook - Cairns, Australia
4, 5) Geoff_Whalan

Dove,_Zebra also
Barred Ground Dove Geopelia striata Found: southest Asia, Hawaii, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, New Guinea
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - Hawaii
7) Pat and Keith Taylor - Volcano Village, Hawaii

Genus Geophaps
Geophaps pigeons are endemic to Australia
Pigeon,_Partridge Geophaps smithii Found: Australia
Image by:
Bio Diversity Library 2)

Pigeon,_Spinifex Geophaps plumifera Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Factumquintus 2)
Adrien Cretin 3, 4) Al and Marie

Pigeon,_Squatter Geophaps scripta Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) David Cook - Cobbold Gorge, Forsayth, Far North Queensland 3)
Brian_McCauley 4)

Genus Goura
The genus Goura consists of three species of crowned pigeons. They are the largest members of the pigeon family. They are natives of New Guinea and a few surrounding islands.The three crowned pigeons are
Pigeon,_Southern_Crowned- Goura scheepmakeri Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2, 3) Luc Viatour in New Guinea 4)
Thurner Hof

Pigeon,_Victoria_Crowned- Goura victoria Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Adam_Dewan 3)
Bernard_Dupont 4)
Dick Daniels -
North Carolina Zoo 5, 6) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Pigeon,_Western_Crowned- Goura cristata Found: Indonesia, New Guinea
Image by:
1, 2) Dick Daniels - Washington National Zoo 3)
Chapman Jugiong Bird Park, Singapore 4)
Randy Fish - Safari West Wildlife Preserve, California 5)

Genus Hemiphaga
These species are native to New Zealand
Pigeon,_Chatham_Island Hemiphaga chathamensis Found: Chatham Islands of New Zealand
Image by: 1)
Sc_Tui 2)

Pigeon,_New Zealand Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Found: Australia
Image by:
Justin Bell 2)
David Cook - Tiritiri Matangi Island, North
Island, New Zealand 3)
Southstar - Auckland 4)
Renke_Lühken 5)

Genus Henicophaps
Bronzewing,_New_Britain Henicophaps foersteri Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)

Bronzewing, New Guinea Henicophaps albifrons Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Wolf

Genus Leucosarcia - 1 species
Pigeon,_Wonga Leucosarcia melanoleuca Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Toby Hudson - Taronga Zoo, Sydney, NSW, Australia. 3)
Glen Fergus- O'Reillys Guest House, Qld, Australia 4)
David Cook

Genus Lopholaimus - 1 species
Pigeon,_Topknot Lopholaimus antarcticus Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Brian_McCauley 2)
Tom_Tarrant 3)

Genus Ocyphaps - 1 species
Pigeon,_Crested Ocyphaps lophotes Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
JJ Harrison - Australian Capita lTerritory
Sandy Cole -
Birds of Eden, South Africa 3)
Dick -
Miami Zoo 4)
Ian Sutton - New South Wales

Genus Otidiphaps - 1 species
Pigeon,_Pheasant Otidiphaps nobilis Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels -
Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo 2)
Heather_Paul 3)
Thorsten_Mohr 4)
1) Gray-naped Pheasant Pigeon 2, 3) Green-naped Pheasant Pigeon 4) White-naped Pheasant Pigeon

Genus Petrophassa
Pigeon,_Chestnut-quilled_Rock- Petrophassa rufipennis Found: Australia
Image by: 1
, 2) Dave Curtis

Pigeon,_White-quilled_Rock- Petrophassa albipennis Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Julian_Robinson 2)

Genus Phaps
Bronzewing pigeons are endemic to Australia
Bronzewing,_Brush Phaps elegans Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Nrg800 2)
Kazredracer 3)
Benjamint444 4)
Tom Dudley - South Australia

Bronzewing,_Common Phaps chalcoptera Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) JJ Harrison - Tasmania, Australia
David Cook 4)
patrick_kavanagh 5)
1, 2) Female 3, 4, 5) Male

Bronzewing, Flock Phaps histrionica Found: dry areas of Australia
Image by: 1)
Atlas of Living Australia 2)
Ron Knight - South Australia
1) Female 20 Male

Genus Ptilinopus
The fruit doves are fruit eaters and are colorful. They are found in southeast Asia and the southwest Pacific.
Dove,_Atoll Fruit- Ptilinopus coralensis Found: French Polynesia
Image by:
1 )
lagunitas Ouzel 2)

Dove,_Banggai_Fruit- also
Maroon-chinned Fruit-Dove.
Ptilinopus subgularis Found: Banggai Islands of Sulawesi, Indonesia
Image by: 1)
James Eaton 2)

Dove,_Beautiful_Fruit- also
Rose-fronted Pigeon Ptilinopus pulchellus Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Trisha Shears 2)
Muffinman71 3)

Dove,_Black-backed_Fruit- also
Banded Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus cinctus Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Joseph Wolf 2)
Neville_Kemp - Timor

Dove,_Black-banded Fruit- Ptilinopus alligator Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Nick_Athanas - Northern Territory
Dove,_Black-chinned_Fruit- Ptilinopus leclancheri Found: Philippines
Image by:1)
Hiyashi_Haka 2)
Francesco Veronesia 3)
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Dove,_Black-naped Fruit- Ptilinopus melanospilus Found: Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
Image by: 1)
Magalhaes 2, 3) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo
1) Female 2, 3) Male

Dove,_Blue-capped_Fruit- Ptilinopus monacha Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Paulo Alves 2)
2) Female

Dove,_Carunulated_Fruit- Ptilinopus granulifrons Found: Indonesia
Image by:
Paulo Alvres 2)

Dove,_Claret-breasted_Fruit- Ptilinopus viridis Found: New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Smit 3)
Tony Morris - Guadalcanal

Dove,_Cook_Island_Fruit- also
Lilac-crowned Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus rarotongensis Found: Cook Islands
Image by:1`)
Nauru Post 2)

Dove,_Coroneted Fruit- also
Lilac-capped Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus coronulatus Found: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Elena Gallaird - Central Park Zoo 2)
Claire H - Central Park Zoo 3)
Josh_More 4)

Dove,_Cream-breasted_Fruit- Ptilinopus merrilli Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Philippine_Post 2)
Roberto Verzo

Dove,_Crimson-crowned Fruit- Ptilinopus porphyraceus Found: Fiji, Micronesica, Tonga and other islands
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)

Dove,_Dwarf_Fruit- Ptilinopus nainus Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Frédéric Pelsy
Dove,_Flame-breasted_Fruit- Ptilinopus marchei Found: Philippines
Image by: 1)
Brendan_Ryan 2) Pete Morris

Dove,_Golden_Fruit- also
Golden Dove Ptilinopus luteovirens Found: Fiji
Image by: 1)
Tom Tarrant 2)
1, 2) Male

Dove,_Gray-green_Fruit- Ptilinopus purpuratus Found: French Polynesia
Image by:
Aaron Maizlish - Tahti 2)
Jean-Paul Mutz - Tahiti 3)

Dove,_Gray-headed_Fruit- Ptilinopus hyogastrus Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Paulo Alvres 3)
John C. Mittermeier

Dove,_Henderson_Island_Fruit- Ptilinopus insularis Found: Henderson Island in the South Pacific
Image by: 1)
Nauru_Post 2)
Brent Stephenson

Dove,_Jambu_Fruit- Ptilinopus jambu Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Trish Shears - Louisville Zoo 2)
Greg Hume - Cincinnati Zoo 3)
Dick Daniels -
Zoo Miami 4)

Dove,_Knob-billed_Fruit- Ptilinopus insolitus Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
John Gerrard Keulemans 3)
Greg Miles

Dove,_Kosrae_Fruit- Ptilinopus hernsheimi Found: Kosrae in the Caroline Islands
Image by: 1)
Dove,_Makatea_Fruit- Ptilinopus chalcurus Found: Makatea of French Polynesia
Image by: 1)
Salvatore Chamu
Dove,_Many Colored Fruit- Ptilinopus perousii Found: Fiji, the Samoan Islands, Tonga
Image by:
1, 2, 3, 4) Tom Tarrant
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Dove,_Mariana Fruit- Ptilinopus roseicapilla Found: Mariana Islands, Guam
Image by: 1)
Trisha Shears - Louisville Zoo
2, 3, 4) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Dove,_Orange-bellied_Fruit- Ptilinopus iozonus Found: New Guinea and other islands
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Smit 3)

Dove,_Orange-fronted_Fruit- Ptilinopus aurantiifrons Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Wolf 3)
David Arvidsson 4)

Dove,_Orange Fruit- Ptilinopus victor Found: Fiji
Image by: 1)
Tom Tarrant
Dove,_Oberholser's_Fruit- Ptilinopus epius Found: Sulawesi of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Hanom Bashari 2)
Marc Thibault

Dove,_Ornate_Fruit- Ptilinopus ornatus Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Trisha Shears 3)

Dove,_Palau Fruit- Ptilinopus pelewensis Found: Palau of Caroline Islands in western Pacific Ocean
Image by:
Devon Pike
Dove,_Pink-headed Fruit- Ptilinopus porphyreus Found: Indoesias
Image by: 1)
Trisha Shears 2)

Dove,_Pink-spotted Fruit- Ptilinopus perlatus Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Doug Janson 2)
Jerry Oldenettel 3)

Dove,_Purple-capped_Fruit- Ptilinopus ponapensis Found: Caroline Islands (part of Micronesia and Palau)
Image by: 1)
Dove,_Rapa_Fruit- Ptilinopus huttoni Found: French Polynesia
Image by: 1)
Dove,_Red-bellied_Fruit- Ptilinopus greyii Found: southwest Pacific Ocean
Image by:
1, 2) Papier K 2)
Olivier H
1, 2) Sub-adult

Dove,_Red-eared Fruit- Ptilinopus fischeri Found: Indonesia
Image by:
Francesco Veronesi 2)

Dove,_Red-naped_Fruit- Ptilinopus dohertyi Found: Indonesia
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)

Dove,_Rose-crowned_Fruit- Ptilinopus regina Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
David_Lochlin 2)
David Cook - Australia Zoo 3)
Aviceda 4)
Cyron Ray

Dove,_Scarlet-breasted_Fruit- Ptilinopus bernsteinii Found: Maluku Islands of Indonesia
Image by:
Paulo Alves 2)
John Mittereier 3)

Dove,_Silver-capped Fruit- Ptilinopus richardsii Found: Solomon Islands
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Tony Morris

Dove,_Sula_Fruit- Ptilinopus mangoliensis Found: Sula Islands of Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Dove,_Superb Fruit- Ptilinopus superbus Found: Australasia, Indonesia, Philippines
Image by: 1)
Tobias Spaltenberger 2) kahunapulej 3)
Neil T 4)
Tom Jutte

Dove,_Tanna_Fruit- Ptilinopus tannensis Found: Vanuatu (1ooo miles northeast of Australia)
Image by: 1) hb
Dove,_Wallace's_Fruit- Ptilinopus wallacii Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Joseph Wolf 2)

Dove,_Whistling_Fruit- also
Velvet Fruit-Dove also
Velvet Dove Ptilinopus layardi Found: Fiji
Image by:
Joseph Smit 2)
weedmandan 3)

Dove,_White-bibbed Fruit- also
White-breasted Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus rivoli Found: Indonesia, New Guinea
Image by:
Joseph Smit 2)
Jerry Oldenettel 3)
John Gerrard Keulemans
P. R. Miqueli

Dove,_White-capped_Fruit- Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii Found: French Polynesia
Image by: 1)
Jean-Paul Mutz 2)

Dove,_White-headed Fruit- Ptilinopus eugeniae Found: Solomon Islands
Image by:
John Gerrard Keulemans 2)
Tammy Davies

Dove,_Wompoo_Fruit- also
Wompoo Pigeon Ptilinopus
magnificus Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Trisha Shears 2)
Cole -
North Carolina Zoo 3)

Dove,_Yellow-bibbed_Fruit- Ptilinopus solomonensis Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Smit

Dove,_Yellow-breasted Fruit- Ptilinopus occipitalis Found: Philippines
Image by:
Jojo Nicdao 2)

Genus Trugon - 1 species
Pigeon,_Thick-billed_Ground- Trugon terrestris Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
John_Gould 3)