Bulbuls are a family of medium-sized passerine songbirds. Many forest species are known as greenbuls. The family is distributed across most of Africa and into the Middle East, tropical
Asia to Indonesia, and north as far as Japan. Most species that are called "bulbuls" are found in Asia, a few are found in Africa. All species that are called "greenbuls" are found in Africa.
Bulbuls are short-necked and slender. The tails are long and the wings short and rounded. In almost all species the bill is slightly elongated and slightly hooked at the end. They vary in
length from 13 cm to 29 cm. Overall the sexes are alike, although the females tend to be slightly smaller. The soft plumage of some species is colourful with yellow, red or orange vents, cheeks, throat
or supercilia, but most are drab, with uniform olive brown to black plumage. Species with dull coloured eyes often sport contrasting eyerings. Some have very distinct crests. Bulbuls are highly vocal,
with the calls of most species being described as nasal or gravelly. Bulbuls eat a wide range of different foods, ranging from fruit to seeds, nectar, small insects and other arthropods and even small
vertebrates. The bulbuls are generally monogamous.
Asian Bulbuls
Genus Andropadus
Greenbul,_Sombre also
Sombre Bulbul Andropadus importunus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
ScaryMonkeyShow - Port Elizabeth, South Africa 3)
Dick Daniels - Cape Town, South Africa 4)
Alan_Manson - South Africa
5, 6) Derek_Keats

Found: Africa
Greenbul,_Cameroon also
Cameroon Mountain Greenbul
Arizelocichla montana Found: Cameroon, Nigeria
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Biodiversity_Heritage_Library 3)

Greenbul,_Mountain also
Eastern Mountain Greenbul Arizelocichla nigriceps Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Tanzania 3)
Dave_Curtis - Kenya

Greenbul,_Shelley's Arizelocichla masukuensis Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Kenya

Greenbul,_Striped-cheeked Arizelocichla milanjensis Found: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Tom Callens - Kenya 3)
Peter_Steward 4)
Derek_Keats - Zimbabwe

Greenbul,_Western also
Western Mountain Greenbul Arizelocichla tephrolaema Found: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Jacob_Cooper - Equatorial Guinea 3)
Nigel_Voaden - Cameroon

Genus Atimastillas - 1 species
Greenbul,_Yellow-throated also
Yellow-throated Leaflove Atimastillas flavicollis Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Ian_White - Namibia 3)
Charles_J_Sharp - Uganda

Genus Baeopogon
Greenbul,_Sjostedt's Baeopogon clamans Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik Borrow - Caameroon

Greenbul,_Honeyguide Baeopogon indicator Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik_Borrow - Gabon

Genus Bleda
Found: Africa
Bristlebill,_Gray-headed Bleda canicapillus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Steve_Garvie - Gambia 3)

Bristlebill,_Green-tailed Bleda eximius Found: west Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)

Bristlebill,_Lesser also
Yellow-lored Bristlebill Bleda notatus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Julie Dewilde - Congo 3)
Jacob_Cooper - Cameroon

Bristlebill, Red-tailed also
Common Bristlebill Bleda syndactylus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2) Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 3)
Hans Olofsson - Uganda 4) Roger Peet.

Genus Calyptocichla - 1 species
Greenbul,_Golden Calyptocichla serinus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Mark_van_Boekel 3)

Genus Chlorocichla
Greenbul,_Joyful Chlorocichla laetissima Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Dave_Curtis - Kenya 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Kenya

Greenbul,_Prigogine's Chlorocichla prigoginei Found: DR Congo
Image by: 1)
Greenbul,_Simple Chlorocichla simplex Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco_Veronesi 3)
Nik_Borrow - Sierra Leone

Greenbul, Yellow-bellied Chlorocichla flaviventris Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2) Charlie Westerinen - Botswana 3)
Frans_Vandewalle - Namibia 4)
Derek Keats

Greenbul_Yellow-necked also
Falkenstein's Greenbul Chlorocichla falkensteini Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller62 2)
Nik_Borrow - Angola

Genus Criniger
Greenbul,_Eastern_Bearded Criniger chloronotus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik_Borrow - Cameroon

Bulbul,_Red-tailed Criniger calurus Found: west-central Africa
Image by 1)
Haller1962 2)
John Gerrard Keulemans 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ghana 4)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Greenbul,_Western_Bearded Criniger barbatus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nicolas_LeJeune 3)
Nik_Borrow - Liberia

Greenbul,_White-bearded Criniger ndussumensis Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Marc_Languy - Cameroon

Greenbul,_Yellow-bearded Criniger olivaceus Found: west Africa
Image by: 1) Haller1962 2)
John_Gerrard_Keulemans 3)
Nik_Borrow - Liberia
White-throated Greenbul above; Yellow-bearded Greenbul below

Genus Eurillas
Greenbul,_Ansorge's Eurillas ansorgei Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik_Borrow - Cameroon
2) Probable identification

Greenbul,_Gray also
Little-gray Greenbul Eurillas gracilis Found: west-central Afica
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2, 3) Francesco_Veronesi - Ghana

Greenbul,_Little Eurillas virens Found: central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Hectonichus 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Malawi

Greenbul,_Plain Eurillas curvirostris also
Andropadus curvirostris Found: central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Dave_Curtis - Kenya 3)
Helen_Hipperson - Uganda

Greenbul,_Yellow-whiskered Eurillas latirostris also
Andropadus latirostris Found:
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Kenya

Genus Hypsipetes
Asian Species
Bulbul,_Grand_Comoro also
Comoro Black Bulbul Hypsipetes parvirostris Found: Comoro and Mayotte - west of Madigascar
Image by: 1)
Bulbul, Madagascar Hypsipetes madagascariensis Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1)
Werner Witte 2)
Bernard Dupont 3, 4, 5) Dick Daniels

Bulbul,_Mauritius Hypsipetes olivaceus Found: Mauritius (east of Madagascar)
Image by:
1, 3) Jerry_Oldenettel 2)

Bulbul,_Moheli Hypsipetes moheliensis Found:
Mohéli Island (part of Comoro Islands)
Image by: 1)
Bulbul,_Reunion Hypsipetes borbonicus Found: Reunion Islands (east of Madagascar)
Image by: 1)
Bulbul,_Seychelles Hypsipetes crassirostris Found: Seychelles Islands - northeast of Madagascar
Image by: 1)
LonelyShrimp 2)
Marion_Schneider_n_Christoph_Aistleitner 3)

Genus Ixonotus - 1 species
Greenbul,_Spotted Ixonotus guttatus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Genus Neolestes - 1 species
Bulbul,_Black-collared Neolestes torquatus Found: Angola, Congo, Gabon, Rwanda, Zambia.
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik Borrow - Gabon 3)
Ron_Hoff - Gabon

Genus Phyllastrephus
Brownbul, Northern Phyllastrephus strepitans Found: eastern Africa
Haller1962 2)
Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 3)
Peter Steward - Kenya 4)
Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia

Brownbul, Terrestrial Phyllastrephus terrestris Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Alan Manson - South Africa 3)
Francesco_Veronesi - Malawi 4)
Johann_duPreez 5)
Dick - Birds of Eden

Greenbul,_Baumann's Phyllastrephus baumanni Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2) hbw.com

Greenbul,_Cabanis's Phyllastrephus cabanisi Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Tom_Callens - Kenya 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Malawi

Greenbul,_Cameroon_Olive Phyllastrephus poensis Found: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)

Greenbul,_Fischer's Phyllastrephus fischeri Found: Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, and Tanzania.
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
David_Bygott 3)

Greenbul,_Gray-headed Phyllastrephus poliocephalus Found: Cameroon, Nigeria
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)

Greenbul_Gray-olive Phyllastrephus cerviniventris Found: east-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
John_Sawyer - Zambia 3)
Nik_Borrow - Tanzania

Greenbul,_Icterine Phyllastrephus icterinus Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Michael_Andersen - Sierra Leone

Greenbul,_Liberian Phyllastrephus leucolepis Found: Liberia
Image by: 1)
Greenbul,_Pale-olive Phyllastrephus fulviventris Found: Angola, DR Congo, Gabon
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Tony Dowd - Angola

Leaflove,_Red-tailed Phyllastrephus scandens Found: central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)

Greenbul,_Sassi's Olive Phyllastrephus lorenzi Found: DR Congo, Uganda
Image by: 1)
Greenbul,_(Lowlaqnd) Tiny Phyllastrephus debilis Found: Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2) www.buulbuul.nl 3)
Oleg_Chernyshov - Kenya

Greenbul,_Toro_Olive Phyllastrephus hypochloris Found: central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Nik_Borrow - Uganda

Greenbul,_White-throated Phyllastrephus albigularis Found: west-central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
John_Gerrard_Keulemans 3)
Helen Hipperson - Uganda
White-throated Greenbul above; Yellow-bearded Greenbul below

Greenbul,_Xavier's Phyllastrephus xavieri Found: west and central Africa
Image by: 1) Haller1962 2)
ERIKA webdesign

Greenbul,_Yellow-streaked Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2, 3) Derek_Keats - South Africa
2) Note yellow streaking on wing.

Genus Pycnonotus
Asian Species
Bulbul, Black-fronted also
African Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus nigricans Found: Africa
Image by: 1
Hans Hillewaert - Namibia 2)
Cristiano Crolle - Swakopmund, Namibia 3)
Frank Vassen -
Namibia 4)
Derek_Keats - South Africa

Bulbul, Cape Pycnonotus capensis Found: Africa
Image by:
1, 4, 5) Dick Daniels - De Hoop, South Africa 2)
Sandy Cole -
Birds of Eden in South Africa 3)
Derek_Keats - South Africa 6)
Dick - Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Bulbul, Common also
Black-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatusFound:
Africa, Oman, Syria
Image by:
1) Dick Daniels - specimen in
Nairobi National Museum, Kenya 2)
Arno Meintjes 3, 4) Dick - Tanzania
5, 6, 7) Dick - South Africa 8)
Dick - Kenya

Genus Stelgidillas - 1 species
Greenbul,_Slender-billed Stelgidillas gracilirostris Found: central Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)

Genus Thescelocichla - 1 species
Greenbul,_Swamp_Palm Thescelocichla leucopleura Found: Africa
Image by: 1)
Haller1962 2)
Francesco_Veronesi - Ghana 3)
Paul_van_Giersbergen - Gabon