BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book


Order Passeriformes    Family Petroicidae

The bird family Petroicidae includes roughly 45 species in about 15 genera. All are endemic to Australasia: New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and numerous Pacific Islands as far east as Samoa. Within the family the species are known not only as robins but as scrub-robins and flycatchers. They are, however, only distantly related to the Old World family Muscicapidae .

Most species have a compact build with a large, rounded head, a short, straight bill, and rounded wingtips. They occupy a wide range of wooded habitats, from subalpine to tropical rainforest, and mangrove swamps to semi-arid scrubland. All are primarily insectivorous, although a few supplement their diet with seeds. Hunting is mostly by perch and pounce, a favoured tactic being to cling sideways onto a treetrunk and scan the ground below without moving.

Genus Amalocichla

Robin,_Greater_Ground-  Amalocichla sclateriana   Found: New Guinea
The Greater Ground-Robin has dark olive upperparts; pale buff eye-ring; pale gray throat; mottled gray breast; off-white belly; gray flanks.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Nigel Voaden

Robin,_Lesser_Ground-  Amalocichla incerta  Found: New Guinea
The Lesser Ground-Robin has deep brown upperparts; whtish throat; rustry-brown breast; white belly; black bill.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova

Genus Drymodes

Robin,_Northern_Scrub-  Drymodes superciliaris  Found: northern Australia
Image by: 1) Alwyn_Simple

Robin,_Southern_Scrub-  Drymodes brunneopygia  Found: Australia
The Southern Scrub-Robin has mainly gray plumage; ligher underparts; dullish red tail; patterned black-and-white wings; long legs.
Image by: 1) Sunphlo  2) Ron_Knight  3) Francesco_Veronesi

Genus Eopsaltria

Robin,_Eastern Yellow Eopsaltria australis  Found: Australia
The Eastern Yellow Robin has mainly gray upperparts; gray head; yellow underparts, rump.
Image by: 1) fir2000  2) David Cook -NSW, Australia   3) Charlie Westerinen - Brisbane  4) Dick Daniels  5) Joseph_Boone

Robin,_Mangrove  Eopsaltria pulverulenta  Found: Australia, New Guinea
The Mangrove Robin has grayish-brown upperparts; black tail, lores; white underparts.
Image by: 1) JJ_Harrison  2) Dave_Curtis  3) Summerdrought - Cairns

Robin,_Western_Yellow  Eopsaltria griseogularis  Found: Australia
The Western Yellow Robin has mainly gray upperparts, head; black lores; white throat; gray breast; yellow belly.
Image by: 1) jmc_gross  2) lostandcold - Western Australia   3) Brian_McCauley  4) Laurie_Boyle 

Robin,_White-breasted  Eopsaltria georgiana  Found: southwest of Western Australia
The White-breasted Robin has blue-gray upperparts; white underparts; gray tail tipped with white; black bill, feet.
Image by: 1) Brian_Ralphs  2) Laurie_Boyle  3) butupa 

Robin,_Yellow-bellied also Yellow-bellied Flyrobin  Eopsaltria flaviventris  Found: New Caldonia (northeast of Australia)
The Yellow-bellied Robin has dark olive-gray back, tail, wings; gray head; paler gray breast; yellow belly, rump.
Image by: 1) David_ringer

Genus Eugerygone - 1 species

Robin,_Garnet  Eugerygone rubra  Found: New Guinea
The male Garnet Robin has dark crimson upperparts; dark gray face, forehead; white broken eye-ring; black tail; light gray breast transistioning to white belly.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova

Genus Heteromyias

Robin,_Ashy  Heteromyias albispecularis  Found: New Guinea
The Ashy Robin has olive-brown upperparts; white throat; buff underparts.
Image by: 1) WikiWookie

Robin,_Gray-headed  Heteromyias cinereifrons  Found: Australia
The Gray-headed Robin has gray crown, lores; olive-brown upperparts, ear coverts; pale gray breast; white belly.
Image by:  1) JJ Harrison - Julatten, Queensland, Australia  2) David Cook  3) John_Manger  4) Graham_Winterflood

Genus Melanodryas

Robin,_Dusky  Melanodryas vittata  Found: Australia
The Dusky Robin has grayish or olive-brown upperparts; white wing patch; white throat; pale brown underparts.
Image by: 1, 2) JJ Harrison - Tasmania, Australia  3) Francesco_Veronesi

Robin,_Hooded  Melanodryas cucullata  Found: Australia
The male Hooded Robin has black hood; black wings with white bars; white underparts. The female has mainly grayish-brown upperparts; pale gray throat; paler underparts.
Image by: 1) David Cook - Wamboin, NSW, Australia   2) DavidFrancis34  3) Graham_Winterflood  4) Peter_Jacobs  5) birdsaspoetry
1) Juvenile   2) Female  3 - 5 Male

Genus Microeca
These "robins" are found mainly in the vicinity of New Guinea

Flyrobin,_Golden-bellied  Microeca hemixantha  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) James_Eaton

Flycatcher, Lemon-bellied  also Lemon-bellied Flyrobin  Microeca flavigaster  northern Australia, New Guinea
The Lemon-bellied Flyrobin has olive-brown upperparts; gray face; white throat; yellow underparts.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Jim_Bendon    3, 4) GDW45 - NT   5) Graham_Winterflood

Flycatcher,_Yellow-legged also Yellow-legged Flyrobin  Microeca griseoceps  Found: northern Australia, New Guinea
The Yellow-leged Flycatcher has olive-green upperparts; faint off-white eye-ring; dark brown tail; off-white chin, upper-breast; yellow remainder underparts.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2, 3) Marlene_Lyell

Flyrobin,_Canary also Papuan Flycatcher  Microeca papuana  Found: New Guinea
The Canary Flyrobin has yellowish olive=green upperparts, crown; olive-brown tail; yellow throat sides, underparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Katerina_Tvardikova

Flyrobin,_Olive  Microeca flavovirescens  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1, 2) Katerina_Tvardikova

Winter, Jacky  Microeca fascinans  Found: Australasia
The Jacky Winter has grayish brown upperparts; grayish upper-breast; white lower-breast, belly.
Image by: 1) birdsaspoetry  2) Lip_kee - NSW 3) Aviceda - S. Queensland   4) Oystercatcher    5) David Cook - South Australia
1) Fledgling

Genus Monachella

Flycatcher,_Torrent also Torrent Robin  Monachella muelleriana  Found: New Guinea, New Britain
The Torrent Flycatcher pale gray back; brownish-black crown; white throat, underparts; black bill.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Markaharper

Genus Pachycephalopsis

Robin,_Green-backed  Pachycephalopsis hattamensis  Found: New Guinea
The Torrent Flycatcher pale gray back; brownish-black crown; white throat, underparts; black bill.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Roland_Speck

Robin,_White-eyed  Pachycephalopsis poliosoma  Found: New Guinea
The White-eyed Robin has dark gray upperparts; mottle white chin, throat; side of throat whiter and unmarked; medium gray underparts.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Joseph_Smit

Genus Peneothello
These robins are found in New Guinea

Robin,_Blue-gray   Peneothello cyanus  Found: New Guinea
The Blue-gray Robin blue-gray plumage; slightly lighter underparts; gray-black tail, flight feathers; black bill, feet.
Image by: 1, 2) Katerina_Tvardikova

Robin,_Smoky   Peneothello cryptoleuca  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Lars_Petersson

Robin,_White-rumped   Peneothello bimaculata  Found: New Guinea
The White-rumped Robin has mainly black plumage; white rump. Female has brown tinges to the black feathers.
Image by: 1, 2) Katerina_Tvardikova
1) Female 2) Male

Robin,_White-winged   Peneothello sigillata  Found: New Guinea
The White-winged Robin has mainly glossy black plumage; white wings; black bill, feet.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova  4, 5) David Cook
2) Juvenile

Genus Petroica

Robin,_Black or Chahtam Island Robin_   Petroica traversi   Found: Chatham Islands off east coast New Zealand
The Black Robin has brownish-black plumage; black bill.
Image by: 1) frances_schmechel

Robin,_Flame   Petroica phoenicea  Found: southeastern Australia
The male Flame Robin iron-gray upperparts; white wing-bars; orange-red underparts. Female has gray-brown upperparts; white underparts.
Image by: 1) David Cook - NSW, Australia    2) JJ Harrison - Tasmania  3, 4) birdsaspoetry
1) Female 2) Juvenile male  3, 4) Male

Robin,_Mountain also Alpine Robin  Petroica bivittata   Found: New Guinea
The Mountain Robin has black upperparts, head, neck, tail; upper-breast; whitish lower-breast, belly; black bill, legs.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Geraldo_Barros

Robin,_New Zealand  Petroica australis  Found: New Zealand
Tne New Zealand Robin has dark gray upperparts, head, throat, upper-breast. South Island subspecies usually has more white on underparts than North Island subspecies.
Image by: 1) Glen Fergus - Kepler Track, New Zealand    2) David Cook - North Island, New Zealand  3) Mark_Jobling - Stewart Island  4) Bernard_Spragg - South Island

Robin,_Norfolk   Petroica multicolor   Found: Norfolk Island (Australian territory)
Image by: 1) Paul_Gear

Robin,_North Island Petroica longipes    Found in New Zealand, not Australia
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Tony Wills
1) Juvenile

Robin,_Pink  Petroica rodinogaster  Found: Australia
The male Pink Robin has dark blackish-gray upperparts, tail; pink breast, upper-belly; white lower-belly. Female has dark gray-brown upperparts; 2 buff colored wing-bars; pinkish underparts.
Image by: 1) birdsaspoetry  2) Nik_Talbot  3) JJ Harrison - Tasmania, Australia 43) Francesco_Veronesi

Robin,_Red-capped  Petroica goodenovii  Found: Australia
The male Red-capped Robin has black upperparts with white shoulder bars; black tail; scarlet cap, breast. Female has gray-brown upperparts; reddish tint to crown; dark brown wings; pale underparts with reddish tint to breast.
Image by:  1, 2, 6) Laurie_Boyle  3, 5) David Cook - Wyperfeld National Park, Victoria, Australia and Willandra National Park, NSW, Australia  4)  birdsaspoetry 
2, 3) Female   4-6) Male

Robin,_Rose  Petroica rosea  Found: Australia
The male Rose Robin has dark gray upperparts, throat, tail; pink breast. Female has pale gray-brown upperparts; gray-white underparts.
Image by: 1) Gnangarra 2, 5) Avicedea - Kobble Creek, SE Queensland, Australia  3) birdsaspoetry 4 ) David Cook - NSW
1, 2) Female  3) Male

Robin,_Scarlet  Petroica boodang  Found: Australasia
The male Scarlet Robin has black back, head; white forehead, wings, belly; red breast. Female is duller with black replaced by brown.
Image by:   1)  Arthur Chapman - Tasmania   2, 4, 5) David Cook  - Rocky Hall, NSW, Australia  3, 6) birdsaspoetry
1) Juvenile 2, 3) Female   4, 5) Male

Robin,_Snow_Mountain   Petroica archboldi   Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Papua_Expeditions

Tomtit   Petroica macrocephala  Found: New Zealand
The Tomtit has a large head; short bill. Male has black upperparts, head; black wings with white wing bar; whitish belly. Female is brown instead of black.
Image by: 1, 2) DigitalTrails 3) Mark_Jobling  4) Jon_Sullivan 
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Genus Poecilodryas
Found Australia and New Guinea

Robin,_Black-chinned   Poecilodryas brachyura  Found: New Guinea
The Black-chinned Robin has dark brown to black upperparts, head; wide white supercilium; black eye-stripe; small black chin patch below bill; white throat, underparts.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova 2) Joseph_Smit

Robin,_Black-sided   Poecilodryas hypoleuca  Found: New Guinea
The Black-sided Robin has dark brown to black upperparts, head; white wing patch; wide white supercilium;black eye-stripe; small black chin patch below bill; white throat, underparts; black bill; pink or gray legs.
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Katerina_Tvardikova

Robin,_Black-throated   Poecilodryas albonotata  Found: New Guinea
The Black-throated Robin has dark blue-gray upperparts, crown; black face, chin, throat, upper-breast; white patch side of neck; gray lower-breast, flanks; white belly.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikov  2) John_Gerrard_Keulemans  3) Charles_Davies

Robin,_Buff-sided   Poecilodryas cerviniventris  Found: northern Australia
The Buff-sided Robin has dark upperparts, crown, hind-neck; wide white supercilium; white throat; white wing patch; buff to orange patch on flank below wings;
Image by: 1, 2, 4, 5) Barden  3) Arthur Chapman

Robin,_Olive-yellow   Poecilodryas placens  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2)

Robin,_White-browed   Poecilodryas superciliosa  Found: northeast Australia
The White-browed Robin has olive-brown upperparts; white supercilium; white patch on wings; pale gray breast; white belly.
Image by: 1) Andrew_MacDonald  2) Dominic Sherony  3) Tom_Tarrant 

Genus Tregellasia

Robin,_Pale-yellow Tregellasia capito  Found: Australia
The Pale-yellow Robin has olive upperparts; gray head; white throat; yellow underparts.
Image by: 1) JJ Harrison - Julatten, Queensland, Australia  2) David Cook   3) Aviceda - Mt Glorious, SE Queensland, Australia

Robin,_White-faced  Tregellasia leucops  Found: northern Australia, New Guinea
The White-faced Robin has yellowish-olive upperparts; white face; sooty black crown;  black line from gape to crown; washed olive underparts.
Iage by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Jerry_Oldenettel  - New Guinea  3) Greg_Miles - Australia

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