The Artamidae family contains the Woodswalllows, They are found in Australasia and nearby locations. Woodswallows, as their name implies, feed mainly by catching insects on the wing. They are smooth, agile flyers with moderately large, semi-triangular wings. They can often be seen feeding just above the treetops. One sedentary species aside, they are nomads, following the best conditions for flying insects, and often roosting in large flocks.
Butcherbirds and Currawongs, both formerly of family Cracticidade, have been merged into Artamidae.
Genus Artamus
Woodswallow,_Ashy Artamus fuscus Found: Asia
Image by: 1)
Dave Curtis - India
2, 3) Shrikant_Rao.

Woodswallow,_Black-faced Artamus cinereus Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Steve_Elson 3)
Brian_McCauley 4)
Leo - New South Wales 5)

Woodswallow,_Dusky Artamus cyanopterus Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2)
David Cook - Wamboin, NSW, Australia.
3, 4)
JJ Harrison - Tasmania
5) Nik Borrow 6)
1) Juvenile and Adult 2) Juvenile

Woodswallow,_Fiji Artamus mentalis Found: Fiji
Image by:
Tom Tarrant - Fiji 2)

Woodswallow,_Great Artamus maximus Found; New Guinea
Image by:
Mark A Harper 2, 4) Jerry Oldenettel - New Guinea 3)

Woodswallow,_Ivory-backed Artamus monachus Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1)
Joseph Smit 2)
Pete_Morris - Sulawesi 3)

Woodswallow,_Little Artamus minor Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Tom Tarrant 2)
Laurie_Boyle 3)
Jim Bendon

Woodswallow,_Masked Arrtamus personatus Found: Australia
Image by:
1. 2. 3) Nik Borrow 4)
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Woodswallow,_White-backed also
Bismarck Woodswallow Artamus insignis Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Joseph Smit

Woodswallow,_White-breasted Artamus leucorynchus Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
David Cook 2, 6) Toby
Hudson -central coast of New South Wales, Australia
Kee Yap - Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia 4)
JJ Harrison - Wonga, Queensland, Australia 5)
Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo

Woodswallow,_White-browed Artamus superciliosus Endemic to Australia
Image by: 1) Nik_Borrow
2, 4) David Cook - Wamboin, NSW, Australia 3)
Aviceda - Samsonvale Cemetery, SE Queensland, Australia
1) Female 2, 3, 4) Male

Genus Cracticus
Butcherbirds are large songbirds, being between 30 and 40 centimetres (12 and 16 in) in length. Their color ranges from black-and-white to mostly black with added gray plumage, depending on the species. They have a large, straight bill with a distinctive hook at the end which is used to skewer prey. They have high-pitched complex songs, which are used to defend their essentially year-round group territories: unlike birds of extratropical Eurasia and the Americas, both sexes sing prolifically.Butcherbirds are insect eaters for the most part, but will also feed on small lizards and other vertebrates. They get their name from their habit of impaling captured prey on a thorn, tree fork, or crevice.
Butcherbird, Black Cracticus quoyi Found:
Image by:
1, 2, 3)
Magnus Kjaergaard 4)
David Cook
1) Juvenile

Butcherbird,_Black-backed Cracticus mentalis Found: northern Australia and southern New Guinea
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Brian_McCauley - Northern Australia 2)

Butcherbird,_Gray Cracticus torquatus Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) Steve_Boyles 3)
Mike Young 4)
Nik Borrow 5) Swee_Oon 6)
Tatiana_Gerus 7)
3) Juvenile

Butcherbird,_Hooded Cracticus cassicus Found: New Guinea
The Hooded Butcherbird has black head, nape, throat; white underparts, rump, back; black-and-white mantle; black tail with broad white tip; bluish-gray bill with black tip.
Image by: 1)
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
Jerry Oldenettel 3)
Lip Kee

Butcherbird,_Pied Cracticus nigrogularis Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 3) David Cook 2)
Tony_Castro 4)
Tom Tarrant 5)
Vicki_Nunn 6)
patrick kavanagh
1, 2) Juvenile

Butcherbird, Silver-backed Cracticus argenteus Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) Sunphilo

Magpie,_Australian Cracticus tibicen Found:
Image by: 1) KeresH
2) Charlie Westinen 3, 4) Dick Daniels 5)
Arthur Chapman near Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia 6)
1) Male left; female right
2) Female

Genus Peltops
The Mountain Peltops is the larger species They both have hooked bills.
Peltops,_Lowland Peltops blainvillii Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Katerina_Tvardikova 2)
John Gould 2)
Greg Miles

Peltops,_Mountain Peltops montanus Found: New Guinea
Image by:
Tvardikova 2)
Nik_Borrow 3)

Genus Strepera
Currawongs are similar to Australian crows, magpies, and raves. They are easily distinguished by their yellow eyes, in contrast to the red eyes of a magpie and white eyes of Australian crows and ravens.
Currawong,_Black Strepera fuliginosa Found: Tasmania, Australia
Image by: 1)
Nik_Borrow 2, 3) JJ Harrison - Tasmania, Australia 4)

Currawong,_Gray Strepera versicolor Found: Australasia
Image by: 1)
Dick Daniels - Sidney, Australia 2)
Nightboss54 - Canberra 3)
David Cook - NSW 4)

Currawong,_Pied Strepera graculina Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Alois Staudache 2, 3) Oystercatcher - New South Wales 4)
Gordon Robertson - New South Wales
) Charlie Westerinen - Forester. Australia

Scrubbirds are shy, secretive, ground-dwelling birds of the family
Atrichornithidae. There are just two species. The scrubbird family is ancient and is understood to be most closely related to the
lyrebirds, and probably also the
bowerbirds and
treecreepers. All four families originated with the great corvid radiation of the Australia-New Guinea region.
Genus Atrichornis
Birds of both species are about the same size as a Common Starling (roughly 20 cm long) and cryptically coloured in drab browns and blacks. They occupy dense undergrowth—the Rufous Scrubbird in temperate rain forests near the Queensland-New South Wales border, the Noisy Scrubbird in heaths and scrubby gullies in coastal Western Australia—and are adept at scuttling mouse-like under cover to avoid notice. They run fast, but their flight is feeble.
Scrub-bird, Noisy Atrichornis clamosus Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Neville Cayley 2)
Alan Danks

Scrub-bird, Rufous Atrichornis rufescens Found: Australia
Image by:
Unknown 2)
E McNamara

Lyrebird family
Menuridae contains just one genus. They are so named because the male, similar to the mockingbirds of family
Mimidae, will mimic noises during mating season (hence the name "liar"). Male lyrebirds have beautiful tails when they are fanned out.
Genus Menura
Lyrebird,_Albert's Menura alberti Found: Australia
Image by: 1)
Lyrebird, Superb Menura novaehollandiae Found: Australia
Image by:
1, 2) David Cook Fir002