BIRDS of THE WORLD - An Online Bird Book

Estrildid FINCHes

Order Passeriformes   Family Estrildidae

The finches of family Estrildidae are small birds of the Old World tropics and Australasia. They are closely related to the true sparrows of family Passeridae. The estrilidid finches are gregarious and often seed-eaters with short, thick, but pointed bills. They vary from 8-17 cm. These finches are all similar in structure and habits, but vary widely in plumage colors and pattern. All the estrildids build large domed nests and lay 5–10 white eggs. Most are sensitive to cold and require a warm, usually tropical, habitat, although a few have adapted to the cooler climates of southern Australia. They are not closely related to the Fringillid Finches

African Finches          Other Estrildidae Finches

Genus Amandava

Avadavat,_Green  also Green Munia  Amandava formosa  also Sporaeginthus formosa  Found: Indian subcontinent
The Green Avadavat has green upperparts; black and white barred flanks; red bill; yellow under-tail coverts.
Image by: 1, 2) Pkspks - India  3) The_Photomation

Avadavat,_Red  also  Red Munia  Amandava amandava   Found: Asia
The breeding male Red Avadavat has red upperparst, breas, billt; black eye-line; lower belly, wings; white spotting. Nonbreeding male duller but maintains red rump. Female duller with less white spotting.
Image by: 1) Savisingh  2) Chinmay  3) Vijay Cavale  4) LonelyShrimp  5) Agustin_Povedano

Waxbill, Orange-breasted  also  Zebra Waxbill  Amandava subflava also Sporaeginthus subflavusFound: Africa
The Zebra Waxbill has dark olive-green upperparts; orange breast; red bill. Male has red supercilium; female has duller plumage.
Image by : Johan Spaedike 2) Alan Manson - South Africa  3) Dick Daniels - Sylvan Heights  4, 5) Derek_Keats - South Africa

Genus Emblema - 1 species

Finch,_Painted also Painted Firetail Emblema pictum Found: Australia
The male Painted Finch has red face, chin, mid-belly, rump; brown crown, back; black underparts - except for midsection - painted with white spots; bluish bill with red tip. Female duller; larger white spots.
Image by:  1, 2) Brian_McCauley   3) William Kreijkes  4) Jim Bendon  5) Jim_Bendon
1) Third from left probably female

Genus Erythrura
The parritfinches usally have mainly green plumage. Most species have blue or red markings on the head and a red rump and tail. The tail is pointed and often fairly long.

Finch,_Gouldian Erythrura gouldiae   Endemic to Australia
The Gouldian Finch has green back; blue to purple breast; yellow belly; black tail; usually black chin; blue rump; yellow, red, or black head; ivory bill with red tip.
Image by: 1, 5) Trisha Shears at the Cincinnati Zoo   2,  3,  4, 8) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World, Florida   6) Dick - National Aviary  7) Sandy Cole - National Aviary 
1) Juvenile

ParrotFinch,_Blue-faced  Erythrura trichroa  Found: Asia, Australia
The Blue-faced Parrotfinch has blue face, throat; green back; black bill.
Image by: 1) Brian_McCauley - Australia  2) Dick Daniels - Bronx Zoo  3) Nrg800

Parrotfinch,_Fiji  Erythrura pealii  Found: Fiji
The Fiji Parrotfinch has mainly green plumage; red head, tail; stubby dark-gray bill.
Image by: 1, 2) Tom Tarrant  3) Arthur_Chapman

Parrotfinch,_Green-faced  Erythrura viridifacies  Found: Philippines
The Green-faced Parrotfinch has mainly green plumage; red upper-tail coverts; long pointed tail; dark bill. Female shorter and shows buff on lower belly..
Image by: 1) Neon Rosell  2) stamp_of_the_Philippines

Parrotfinch,_Papuan  Erythrura papuana  Found: New Guinea
The Papuan Parrotfinch has green upperparts; mainly blue crown; blue face; red tail.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2)

Parrotfinch,_Pink-billed  Erythrura kleinschmidti  Found: Fiji
Image by: 1) Joseph Smit  2) William_Beckon

Parrotfinch,_Pin-tailed  Erythrura prasina  Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia
Image by: 1, 2) Jason Thompson  3) Chaval BR  4) Naturelly

Parrotfinch,_Red-eared  Erythrura coloria  Found: Mindanao (Philippines)
Image by: 1) Nigel Voaden 2) esbelme

Parrotfinch,_Red-headed  Erythrura cyaneovirens  Found: Samoan Islands
Image by: 1, 2) Naturgucker

Parrotfinch,_Red-throated  Erythrura psittacea  Found: New Caldonia (east of Australia)
Image by: 1) LT Shears  2) Wiliam Kreijkes  3) David_Ringer

Parrotfinch,_Royal  Erythrura regia  Found: Vauala (south Pacific Ocean)
The male Royal Parrotfinch has turquoise-green upperparts; red head, tail; blue-breast. Females are greener in color.
Image by: 1) Joseph Smit
1) Male - bottom; female - top

  Erythrura hyperythra  Found: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1) Shah Jahan - Java (Indonesia)  2) Johnm Mittermeir - Java

Parrotfinch,_Tricolored  also  Forbes Parrot Finch  Erythrura tricolor   Found: Indonesia
The Tircolored Parrotfinch has green back and wings; blue underparts; red tail; black bill.
Image by:  1, 3, 4, 5) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World - Florida  2) Sandy Cole - Butterfly World in Florida 

Genus Euodice
The African Silverbill and Indian Silverbill are closely related. Some put them in their own genus, Eurodice while others include them in the Lonchura genus.

Silverbill,_African  Euodice cantans  Found: Africa
The African Silverbill has finel vermiculated light-brown upperparts; whitish underparts; silver-blue bill;  black wings, rump.
Image by: 1) Becco d'Argento  2) Francesco_Veronesi - Kenya.   3) Edward Cwik  4) Frans_Vandewalle - Garbon  5) Nik_Borrow - Ethiopia

Silverbill, Indian   Euodice malabarica  also  Lonchura malabarica   Found: Asia
Also known as White-throated Munia  also  White-rumped Silverbill.
The Indian Silverbill has buff-brown upperparts; silver-gray bill; white underparts; dark wings; black tail.
Some individuals have a pronounced white rump while others have little or no white showing on the rump.
Image by: 1) J. M. Garg - Haryana, India  2, 3) DIck Daniels - Hawaii  4, 5, 6, 7) Dick- Butterfly World, Florida 

Genus Heteromunia - 1 species

Mannikin,_Pictorella also Pictorella Munia  Heteromunia pectoralis  Found: Australia
Image by: 1, 2) Brian_McCauley

Genus Lepidopygia - 1 species

Mannikin,_Madagascar  also  Madagascar Munia  Lepidopygia nana  Found: Madagascar
Image by: 1) Dick Daniels - Morondava, Madagascar  2) Amy McAndrews  3) Francesco_Veronesi

Genus Lonchura
They are small gregarious birds which feed mainly on seeds, usually in relatively open habitats, preferring to feed on the ground or on reeds of grasses. They have stubby bills, stocky bodies and long tails. Most are 10–12 cm in length. Plumage is usually a combination of browns, black and white, with the sexes similar, but duller and less contrasted for immature birds.

Finch,_Java also Java Sparrow  Lonchura oryzivora also Padda oryzivora   Found: North America (escapees), Asia, Australia (introduced),
The Java Sparrow has gray upperparts, breast;  pink belly;  white-cheeked black head; red eye-ring; thick red bill; pink feet.
Similar to: Timor Sparow. Java Sparrow has gray upperparts; Timor Sparow has brown upperparts.
Image by: 1, 2, 3, 4)  DIck Daniels - Hawaii

Mannikin,_Black also Black Munia  Lonchura stygia  Found; New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina Tvardikova  2, 3) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Black-and-white also Black-and-white Munia Lonchura bicolor  also Spermestes bicolor  Found: Africa
Image by: 1, 2) Dick Daniels  - Butterfly World, Florida  3, 4) Alan Manson

Mannikin,_Black-breasted  Black-breasted Munia  Lonchura teerinki  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1, 2, 3) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Bronze  also Bronze Munia  Lonchura cucullata  also Spermestes cucullata Found: Africa, Caribbean (introduced)
The Bronze Mannikin has brown upperparts; iridescent green shoulder patch; dark purple head; white underparts with dark flank markings; gray bill.
Image by: 1, 5, 6) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World, Florida  2 ) New Jersy Birds  3) Charlie Westerinen   4) Dick - St. John, Virgin Islands  7) Dick - Nairobi
1) Juvenile

Mannikin,_Buff-bellied  also Bismark Munia  Lonchura melaena  Found: Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1) Nik_Borrow  2, 3) Katherine Faust Stryjewsk
2) L. m. melaena   3) L. m. bukaensis

Mannikin,_Chestnut  also Chestnut Munia also Black-headed Munia Lonchura atricapilla Found: Asia, Philippines, Hawaii  
The Chestnut Mannikin has chestnut brown plumage, wings, tail; black head; gray bill,
Image by: 1) DIck Daniels - Kauai, Hawaii  2) Neko Katya  3) Johnny_Wee  4) Aurelien_Lequoy

Mannikin,_Chestnut-breasted  also  Chestnut-breasted Munia  Lonchura castaneothorax Found: Australia
The Chestnut-breasted Munia has a brown back; black face; grayish crown, nape; broad ferruginous breast bar whie belly; black and white streaked flanks.
Image by: 1) Nrg800   2) Aviceda  3) fir0002 - Victoria, AU  4) Jim_Bendon  5) Ian_Sutton  6) Brian_McCauley

Mannikin,_Forbe's also New Ireland Munia   Lonchura forbesi  Found: Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Gray-crowned also Gray-crowned Munia  Lonchura nevermanni  Found: New Guinea
Image by; 1) Katerina_Tvardikova   2) Johannes Pfleiderer  3) P Camero

Mannikin,_Great-billed  Lonchura grandis  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2, 3, 4) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Hooded  Lonchura spectabilis  Found: New Guinea
The Hooded Mannikin has brown upperparts; golden rump; white underparts; black hood..
Image by: 1) Katerina Tvardikova 2) David Cook

Mannikin,_Hunstein's also Mottled Munia  Lonchura hunsteini  Found: Papua New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina Tvardikova 2) John Gerrard Keulemans 3) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Magpie  also Magpie Munia  Lonchura fringilloides also Spermestes fringilloides  Found: Africa
The Magpie Mannikin has a brown back, wings, tail; black head; white underparts; black upper mandible, gray lower mandible; black legs.
Image by:  1) Gallo71  2, 3) Dick Daniels - San Diego Zoo 

Mannikin,_New Hanover  also New Hanover Munia  Lonchura nigerrima  Found: Papua New Guinea
The New Hanover Mannikin is also considered a subspecies of the Hunstein's Mannikin.
Image by: 1) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_Nutmeg also Scaly-breasted Munia also Spice Finch Lonchura punctulata 
    Found: North America (escapees), Asia, Australia (introduced), Hawaii
The Nutmeg Mannikan has brown upperparts; scale-like markings on the underparts; dark bill.
Similar to: Tricolored Munia. The juvenile Nutmeg Mannikan and juvenile Tricolored Munia are similar.
Image by:  1, 2, 6) Dick Daniels - Kauai, Hawaii  3) Antony Gros - India  4) Bill Lynch - California  5) Shrikant_Rao - India
2) Juvenile

Mannikin,_Western Alpine also  Snow Mountain Munia  Lonchura montana  Found: New Guinea
The Western Alpine Mannikin has dark brown upperparts; black face; buff breast; whitish belly with faint black bars.
Image by: 1) Aurelien Lequoy

Mannikin,_White-rumped also  White-rumped Munia   Lonchura striata  Found: Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia
The White-rumped Mannikin has brown upperparts, upper breast; whitish lower-breast, belly; white rump.
Image by: 1) Vengolis  2) JM Garg - India  3) Charles Lam  4) Thomas_Brown

Mannikin,_Yellow-rumped  also Yellow-rumped Munia  Lonchura flaviprymna  Found: Northwest Territory, Australia
Image by: 1) Henrik Gronvold  2) Katie and Tommy  3) Gayle and Colin Langford

Munia,_Black-faced  Lonchura molucca  Found: Indonesia
The Black-faced Munia has rufous brown upperparts; black head, upper-throat; pale underparts; blusih-gray bill.
Image by: 1) Gollo71  2) John_Tasirin

  Lonchura kelaarti  Found: India, Sri Lanka
The Black-throated Munia dark brown upperparts; blackish head, breast, wings; gray bill. Kelaarti  subspecies whitish underparts, rump. Jerdoni subspecies has barred black and white bill, rump.
Image by: 1) John Gerrard Keulemans  2) Raveen and Varuni
1) L. k. kelaarti  2) L. k. jerdoni

Munia,_Dusky  Lonchura fuscans  Found: Borneo (Indonesia, Malaysia)
Image by: 1, 2) Wibowo Djatmiko  3) LonelyShrimp

Munia,_Five-colored  Lonchura quinticolor  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) Ron Knight  2) Peter_Ericsson

Munia,_Gray-banded also Gray-banded Mannikin  Lonchura vana Found: New Guinea
The Gray-baned Munia has dark brown upperparts; pale gray head with white forehead; brownish-gray breast; gray lower breast-band; rufous-brown belly.
Image by: 1)  2) Pinned

Munia,_Gray-headed  also Gray-headed Mannikin  Lonchura caniceps Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2) Francesco_Veronesi

Munia,_Javan  Lonchura leucogastroides  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) Lip Kee  2) Melvin Yap

Munia,_White-headed  Lonchura maja  Found: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Portugal (introduced)
The White-headed Munia has mainly brown plumage; white head, throat.
Image by: 1) LonelyShrimp - Malaysia   2) Bob_PS - Malaysia  3) Aurelien_Lequoy

Munia,_Streak-headed also Streak-headed Mannikin Lonchura tristissima Found: New Guinea
The Streak-headed Munia has mainly dark brown plumage; light streaking on head; yellowish-rump.
Image by: 1, 2) Katerina_Tvardikova

  Lonchura pallida  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1, 2) Aurelin Lequoy  3) Francesco_Veronesi - Sulawesi

Munia,_Tricolored  Lonchura malacca  Found: South America (introduced), Asia
The Tricolored Munia has a chestnut back; black head, neck, belly; white belly.
Similar to: Nutmeg Mannikin. The juvenile Nutmeg Mannikan and juvenile Tricolored Munia are similar.
Image by:  1) Krayker - India  2) Barloventomagico - Venezuela  3) Davidvraju  4) Imran_Shah - Pakistan

Munia,_White-bellied  Lonchura leucogastra  Found: southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
Image by: 1) Grandpa_at_50  2) Aaron_Maizlish

Munia,_White-capped  Lonchura ferruginosa  Found: Indonesia
Image by: 1) Aurelien Lequoy

Sparrow, Timor  Lonchura fuscata  Found: Indonesia
The Timor Sparrow brown upperparts. breast; white cheek; black crown, throat; silvery-blue bil; creamy-white belly.
Similar to: Java Sparow. Java Sparrow has gray upperparts; Timor Sparow has brown upperparts.
Image by: 1, 2) Peter Stubbs

Genus Neochmia

Finch,_Crimson  Neochmia phaeton  Found: Australia, New Guinea
The Crimson Finch has a white bellied race and a black bellied race.
Image by: 1) Katerina_Tvardikova  2, 4) Geoff Whalen  3) Ian_Sutton 
2, 3) Female   4) Male

Finch,_Plum-headed  Neochmia modesta  Found: Australia
The Plum-headed Finch has olive-brown upperparts; olive-brown wings with white spots; deep purple forehead, chin; white cheeks, rump; black lores, tail; white underparts with brown bars. Female has white chin.
Image by:  1, 4) David Cook    2) Tom Tarrant - Gatton, Queensland  3) First_Krad
1, 2) Female  3, 4) Male

Finch,_Star  Neochmia ruficauda  Found: Australia
The Star Finch has dark olive upperparts; red face, chin; white spotted chest, flanks, tail; yellow-olive lower-breast, belly.
Image by:  1) JJ Harrison  2) André Karwath  3, 4) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World  

Firetail,_Red-browed  also Red-browed Finch  Neochmia temporalis  Found: east coast Australia
The Red-browed Firetail has bright red stripe above eye; olive wings; gray underparts.
Image by: 1, 3) Tatters:) - Queensland  2) James_Niland - Queensland  4) Kazredracer
1) Juvenile

Genus Oreostruthus - 1 Genus

Firetail,_Mountain  Oreostruthus fuliginosus  Found: New Guinea
Image by: 1) Nigel Voaden  2) Mark Sharper 3) David Cook
1) Male - left; Female - right 2, 3) Female

Genus Poephila
These species prefer dry grassland. They have buff or brown upperparts; pinkish upperparts; black tail.

Finch,_Black-throated  Poephila cincta  Found: northeast Australia
The Black-throated Finch has black throat, bill, lores; pale gray head; pale pinkish-brown wings, underparts; black or white rump.
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2, 3) Brian_McCauley 4) Dominic Sherony 

Finch,_Long-tailed also Shaft-tailed Finch  Poephila acuticauda  Found: Australia
The Long-tailed Finch has yellowish-brown upperparts; blue-gray head; black lores, bib, tail; pale underparts with black mark on lower belly; white rump; orange legs.
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2, 3, 4, 7, 6, 9) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World   5) Dick - National Aviary 6) Sandy Cole - National Aviary
6, 7, 8) Fawn morph

Finch,_Masked  Poephila personata  Found: Australia
The Masked Finch has cinnamon-brown upperparts; paler underparts with white rump; black face mask; black patch on rear flanks.
Image by: 1) Nrg800  2, 4) Geoff Whalan  4) Brian_McCauley  5) Summerdrought

Genus Stagonopleura
These firetails have brown upperparts; red rump, bill.

Firetail,_Beautiful  Stagonopleura bella  Found: Australia
The Beautiful Firetail has mainly olive-brown plumage; white underparts with fine pattern of black lines; black mask; pale blue eye-rings; red bill, rump; pink legs.
Image by: 1, 4) JJ_Harrison - Tasmania  2, 3) David Cook 
1, 2) Female  3, 4) Male

Firetail,_Diamond  Stagonopleura guttata  Found: Australia
The Diamond Firetail has gray upperparts; white underparts; black breast bar; black flanks with white spots; crimson rump; red bill; black lores. Female has brown lores.
Image by:   1) JJ Harrison - Victoria, Australia  2, 3) David Cook -  Wamboin, NSW, Australia  4) birdsaspoetry

Firetail,_Red-eared  Stagonopleura oculata  Found: southwestern Australia
Image by: 1) Laurie_Boyle 2) Jack_Snipe  3) Jean_Hort

Genus Taeniopygia
These finches are found in Australia

Finch,_Double-barred  also  Owl Finch  Taeniopygia bichenovii  Found: Australia
The Double-barred Finch has brownish-gray upperparts; black wings with white dots; black tail; black rump (T, b, annulosa) or white rump (T. b. b.); white face bordered with black; white underparts with black breast bar; blue-gray legs. These gregarious seed-eating birds build their nests in grass, a bush or low tree, and lay four eggs.
Image by: 1) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World in Florida  2) Brian_McCauley  3) Paul_Balfe  4, 5) David Cook - ACT, Australia  6) Charlie Westerinen

Finch,_Zebra   Taeniopygia guttata Found: Australia
The Zebra Finch has brownish-gray upperparts; orange or black cheeks; white (male) or buff (female) belly; black breast bar; chestnut flanks with white spots; black-and-white barred tail; orange to red bill
Image by: 1, 4) David Cook - Western Australia  2, 3) Peripitus    3) Dick Daniels - Butterfly World - Florida  4) Sandy Cole - Butterfly World 
1) Juvenile 2) Female  3- 6) Male

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